"What are you talking about?"

Gu jiuci's face turned white with fright. This is the second person to expose her!

She immediately stood up in a panic and was about to run outside, but her body was heavy and could not move a step. Only the illusory voice of the witch could be heard behind her.

"What you hold firmly in your hand is illusory. If you are still stubborn, you will lose the most important person in your life..."

"what do you mean by this sentence?"

The witch's ethereal voice fell, and Gu jiuci found that she could play. She immediately ran out of the room. One of them didn't pay attention and just ran into the big devil's arms.

"What's the matter?"

Huo Mingche immediately supported her waist to stabilize her. Seeing the girl's pale face, his eyes suddenly cooled down and looked at a bodyguard around him.


The two bodyguards rushed in immediately, and then rushed out quickly.

"Master, there is no one in it!"


Gu jiuci was shocked. Subconsciously, he looked up at Huo Mingche, and then they rushed into the tent at the same time. At this time, there was no one in the tent except an empty table.

"You and I saw her clearly. How could you disappear in the blink of an eye?"

"Maybe it's a magician. There are a lot of tricks to make people alive."

A bodyguard answered.

"What just happened?"

Huo Mingche droops the eye to the point to ask a way.

"It's nothing. She spooked me."

Gu jiuci's consciousness is still a little confused. He answers half truely, but his eyes fall on a tarot card on the table.

Or that reversed crescent card, the witch just said the last word, suddenly echoed in her mind.

"What you hold firmly in your hands is illusory. If you still cling to the illusion, you will lose the most important person in your life..."

the most important person...

Gu jiuci subconsciously raised his head and stared at the big devil.

Is he unreal in front of him?

Is it illusory for her to live a whole life again and become happy today?

"Little nine son, don't be afraid."

Huo Mingche looked down at the girl's appearance of being frightened, and felt extremely distressed immediately. He held her in his arms and patted her back for comfort.

I remember the parenting book he read a few days ago. It seems that children are so comforted.

"I'm all right. The Water Lantern Festival will start soon. Let's go quickly."

Gu jiuci didn't want to make the big devil worry too much, so he changed the topic.

After the local people's bonfire party, many couples will put sky lanterns on the beach to write down their good wishes for the future. Later, more and more people put on the lanterns, which gradually became a custom.

Moreover, at this time of year, the sea breeze is not so wet and the air is dry enough for sky lantern flight. Hundreds of sky lanterns slowly rise to illuminate the starry sky. The scene is particularly beautiful.

So Gu jiuci didn't want to miss such a beautiful picture.

"Brother Che, you have a good position here. I'll buy a lamp."

When he arrived at the beach, Gu jiuci forced the big demon on his chair and went to the stall not far away to buy a lamp. In fact, her thoughts are very chaotic, and she is afraid to show her horse's feet, so she finds an excuse to be alone.

Her face sank as she walked with her back to the small stall of the great demon kingdom.

At the thought of what the Witch and master Yideng had said, she was very worried.

Who would like to believe that the beauty in front of her is illusory, and the miserable life in the previous life is the reality that she can't escape?

At this time, the stall was very busy. Many couples bought sky lanterns, but a couple of grandparents and grandchildren attracted Gu jiuci's attention www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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