After getting off the plane, Gu jiuci felt the craziness and enthusiasm of fans and media.

Fortunately, when she was walking through the VIP channel, Tang Yu called her to remind her that she was wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask, and covered herself tightly, so that the media could not capture any pictures.

However, there are still a variety of media, holding the microphone to meet Gu jiuci.

"Miss Gu, I heard that you didn't get any awards in this overseas competition. Don't you explain it?"

"In the face of so many fans' expectation, but return empty handed, how do you mean?"

"There are reports on the Internet that you cheated in the top music competition, but why?"

These reporters were obviously sent by Huayu to ask questions that infuriated her.

Gu jiuci glanced at them, secretly recorded the appearance of these reporters, and then walked out without saying a word. However, the fans who came to pick up the plane were infuriated by these unscrupulous media.

"What are you bullshit talking about? Obviously, it is the opponent who cheated that the competition was cancelled! "

"That's right, we a CI won the champion of E-sports world competition. Why don't you report it?"

However, in the face of the fan's rebuttal, the reporters seemed to have been prepared, and each aimed at the fans.

"Come on, Gu jiuci's brain powder insults the reporter!"

Gu jiuci turned his eyes and splashed dirty water. Before these people were bored, she was already tired of it.

The fans were scared and were at a loss what to do.

In this era, anything about public figures will be magnified infinitely, so will the fans of stars, and the bad influence will be more profound.


Gu jiuci gave a cold smile, thinking that she would suffer this loss? Think beautiful!

She immediately took out her mobile phone and aimed the camera at those sinister paparazzi who had no time for expression management.

"I'm sorry, I'm also a person with a social account. In this era, you don't have to go through these unscrupulous journalists to get news. You can look at my account directly."

Those paparazzi's faces suddenly changed, because with the broadcast of "Langya Zhuan", Gu jiuci has become a hot first-line female star, with millions of fans on her social account and even more influential than some marketing numbers.

"We are just interviewing. As for...

these paparazzi put on their masks in a panic, and they have no time to target Gu jiuci and her fans.

"Adieu! You are so handsome

"We'll fight back like this next time!"

"We are protected by idols!"

Fans at the scene said happily, but Gu jiuci looked at the leading girl seriously.

"Thank you for your support. However, this kind of behavior will not necessarily enhance our feelings, but it will certainly affect the passengers at the airport. It will also give some people with ulterior motives the opportunity to take advantage of. In the future, we will not come to the airport.

Thank you for liking me, but I'd like you to have a good life in your little world, OK? "

"I see!"

The fans answered with one voice and felt that Gu jiuci Sanguan was right.

At this time, Tang Yu takes a quiet to pick up Gu jiuci. After politely saying goodbye to fans, Gu jiuci gets on the car.

Although I don't know how many fans can listen to her words, I hope it works.

"Here's a gift for both of you to see if you like it or not."

After the car started, Gu jiuci quickly took out the gift and gave it to ah'ai and Tang Yu.

"A CI, I'm sorry, I have a temporary business and didn't protect you. If I were there, I would have killed those people!"

ah Jing held the gift and said apologetically. She was still worried about Xiangshan that night.

"It doesn't matter. It's not your problem. Xu yun'er has a premeditation. We can't prevent it. Besides, how long has it been since Xu yun'er was brought to justice. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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