"It's almost ready. The first issue will be recorded about this week. I've compiled a report and put it in your office."

Tang Yu said methodically, Gu jiuci nodded with satisfaction.

It is because of Tang Yu in the company's daily she does not have to worry so much.

"By the way, it's not enough to train the artists who have terminated their contracts from the stars. If you want to make a debut in the c-position program, you have to find some new talents with characteristics."

make complaints about the nine words. When she thought of the 101 models of talent show, she couldn't help thinking of Tucao, singing and dancing, but also beautiful enough to make audiences memorable.

"I was just about to tell you about it."

Speaking of this, Tang Yu immediately opened the conversation box.

"In recent days when you went abroad, we just found a very suitable rookie. Obviously, he didn't make a debut, but his stage experience and performance experience are very old-fashioned, and they are particularly beautiful. They are almost perfect proportion. Of course, they are not as good-looking as you are, but among these new talent shows, they are quite able to play!"

Gu jiuci didn't care too much at the beginning, but found that Tang Yuyue said the more powerful he was, he looked up at Tang Yu seriously.

"Brother Tang, it seems that you are very optimistic about this new man, which makes me a little curious."

"If you have time, you can call her over and have a look. She's a Mihua! By the way, she has the same surname as you, Gu Ruiwen. "

"Gu Ruiwen?"

Gu jiuci repeated the name. How could it sound so awkward www.uutxt.co ]It's not like the way Chinese people name themselves?

"Anyway, you can see her then. If she works hard and doesn't have any moths, I'm confident that she will be the Mian of Aidou world!"

Speaking of Mian, Gu jiuci smiles.

"Mian is now finally out of the way. She is a well deserved female owner of the entire youth idol drama market."

Since Mian has starred in two short and sharp campus idol dramas in succession, when it comes to campus youth, people first think of him and praise him for his first love face.

These two idol dramas have also brought a lot of income to jiuche entertainment, and they have also occupied a market. Now jiuche entertainment this quarter's financial statements, that is quite good-looking.

However, it is not easy to return home. Gu jiuci's first stop is not the company, but Gu Zhai.

She had just arrived at the door when her second brother was riding a motorcycle and stopped in front of her.

"Second brother, you obviously leave the airport earlier than me. How can you get home with me at the same time?"

Gu jiuci, with his hands around his chest, looked at him with profound meaning and asked.

"I went back to the club and brought everything back."

Gu jiuci found out at this time that there was a trunk in the back seat of the second brother, and several medals were still hung on his body. Since the second elder brother refused to enter Gu's management through e-sports, there have been some contradictions between him and Gu.

Most of the time, the relationship between the two people is very rigid, like a stranger that kind of polite way to get along with, because the second brother does not want to listen to Gu's nagging, simply moved to the dormitory, not often go home.

Thinking of this, Gu jiuci frowned slightly. Maybe it's time to understand this knot.

"Second brother, I'll help you with your luggage!"

"How can I let ah Chi carry his luggage? My second brother will come by himself."

Brother and sister are talking and laughing toward the living room, did not expect to happen to be Gu from the second floor down.

"Dad! You are at home

With a smile, Gu jiuci immediately finds out the present and goes towards Lao Gu.

"This is the tie I bought for you abroad. Your favorite brand is limited edition. Try it?"

"Good, good, try."

Xu is old. Maybe he has experienced Su Furong's incident. Lao Gu is more and more kind now, and his smile is much more than before.

Gu jiuci's heart warmed, and he felt that such an old Gu was more like his father.

She quickly and skillfully tied a tie to Lao Gu, and then looked at Gu Qijue, who was somewhat awkward.

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