"Of course I'll do what I say!"

Gu Qijue said unconvinced.

"Well, your team, I'll invest you five million."

Gu Qian came over with a smile and said softly.

"Then I'll invest five million!"

Gu jiuci immediately raised his hand and said with a smile.

"I also want to be the boss of the club. In the future, you can call me the boss ~"

Gu Qijue jumps up to Gu jiuci and pinches her sister's nose.

"You little villain, do you want to take advantage of your second brother?"

Looking at the happy appearance of his three children, Gu was very pleased. All of a sudden, his eyes fell on the single sofa in the living room. He seemed to see the cloud Dynasty when he was young, and looked at the children gently, smiling very warmly.

He was about to call out his name, and when he looked again, he found it was his own illusion.

Yunchao, I have brought up the children and have not let you down.

Lao Gu quietly red eyes, and then moved his eyes to Aunt Fu.

"Auntie Fu, it's rare for all three of them to come back tonight and make something they like. By the way, take out the Lafite from 1982 and let's have a drink!"


Aunt Fu promised to go to the kitchen happily. During this period, Gu always went to the study to practice calligraphy. The three brothers and sisters played chess in the game room as they were children.

"Big brother, I think you just look bad. Is something wrong?"

Gu jiuci asked at this time. The elder brother didn't say it at that time. I guess he didn't want to let Lao Gu know.

"Well, the news of Xu yun'er just came from the United States."

"What's up? People found it? "

Mentioning Xu yun'er, Gu jiuci's heart is also mentioned. This woman is like a snake and scorpion. If she can't completely control it, she will hide in the dark and make big moves.

"Yes, but the US police said Xu yun'er was dead."

"Dead? That's a relief! Such people say they deserve it! Even if you get out of prison, God can't watch it! "

The second elder brother Gu Qijue heard Xu yun'er hang up and clapped his hands happily.

Gu jiuci looks at his elder brother's dignified expression and suspects that things are not so simple.

"Did you see Xu Yuner's body? Have you checked the DNA? "

According to the hundreds of online novels she has read, the more annoying villains are, the less likely they are to die. Is Wan Yi yun'er pretending to die?

"It is said that Xu yun'er died in a fire, the body is completely changed, and the forensic examination is in progress."

"What? That corpse is beyond recognition. How can we prove that Xu yun'er is dead? Can there be fraud? "

At this time, the second elder brother also responded and quickly analyzed the way.

"I'm afraid of cheating, so Mingche and I are still trying to find a way to investigate. If it's really a fraud, Xu Yuner can't do it in a foreign country alone."

Gu Qian frowned.

"Big brother's meaning, there are other forces behind Xu yun'er. Once she hides, the next harm will be even more terrible than we imagine!"

Gu jiuci's expression coagulates heavy road.

"So all of us should be careful before we confirm that the body is Xu Yuner. Don't let dad know about this for the time being. Let him relax and relax

"Well, we know."

It is estimated that Cui and his second brother nodded in unison.

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