Two women sent as like as two peas.

"Ji Weiran: This is a lonely chat room in the middle of the night."

"sichen: This lonely young woman, please open your heart. "

Gu jiuci"...

she would like to have her hands chopped off!

However, five minutes later, she was still in the two girlfriends under the soft and hard, said what happened today.

"Ji Weiran: my God, are you two abnormal? Has the Great Harmony of mankind not been completed yet? "

" sichen: if it wasn't for Mr. Huo who really dotes on you, I doubt whether you will break up soon. "

looking at the chat record, Gu jiuci sighed. Yes, when can I get this gorgeous man to his mouth ~

she is depressed and lying on her pillow, holding her mobile phone and typing.

"Gu jiuci: the great demon king said that I was not in good health and could not exercise violently. "

soon, Ji Weiran immediately replied.

"Then, you can take the physical examination report on his forehead, and then you can do whatever you want! "

later, Ji Weiran also sent a dirty expression bag.

Gu jiuci quit wechat directly. What's not reliable? Last time, she was forced to bow. Not only did she fail to do what she wanted, but also drunk herself. She felt sad to think about it.

"Well, his health doesn't seem to be very well these days."

Gu jiuci's mind suddenly appeared the scene of the big devil coughing in the study, and could not help but frown fiercely.

I'm afraid she'll have to find a time to take the devil to have a physical examination, so as to master his physical condition.

At this time, Tang Yu called.

"ADI, recently, many film companies have heard that you have come back and sent the script specially to invite you to cooperate. I will send you the script now. You can have a look."

"Well, you can send it all to me. I have time."

Gu jiuci entered the working state in a second and answered earnestly.

"By the way, these two days are the ending of" Langya biography ". Don't forget to update the microblog. By the way, there is no need to update today. I have already forwarded my blessing to Jiang Yuan for you."

Hearing Tang Yu's words, Gu jiuci picks eyebrows slightly.

"Why, is Jiang Yuan getting married today?"

"Why, don't you know?"

Gu jiuci's face is muddled. She has so many things. Why should she care about whether Jiang Yuan gets married or not? But it's really strange. Why does Jiang Yuan have to choose at this time?

"You don't know, Jiang Yuan's marriage has raised the ratings of Qingyun. Netizens said to look at the last single Jiang Yuan."

Tang Yu said jokingly.

"Well, I won't tweet today."

In fact, Gu jiuci knew that there was no way for Jiang Yuan to survive by marrying the Yang family. The great demon will not allow her to do anything wrong.

A five-star hotel, the bride's dressing room.

"Elder sister, I found out the whereabouts of Huo Mingche tonight, he will not come, you die of this heart."

Jiang Min sighed and looked at Jiang Yuan.

"No, he will come, even if he doesn't love me, but we are childhood sweethearts after all. He should come to my wedding anyway, right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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