"Beep, beep, beep

All of a sudden, she heard a sharp alarm. Just as she tried to open her eyes, she heard Zhan Ying's panic.

"What's the matter? How can Gu jiuci's heart rate be so fast? doctor! Give her a sleeping pill! [biqu Pavilion 520 www.biquge520.vip ]"

then she seemed to be thrown away and fell into a vast expanse of white. The voices of Zhan Ying and ye Kan went away, and finally nothing was heard!

No! She has to save Huo Mingche!

"No way!"

Gu jiuci suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. Her pupils were slowly fixed in focus. Familiar scenery told her that this was her bedroom in Gu's house. It was just a dream.

"Really... Is it just a dream?"

She murmured with fear, and suddenly the mobile phone alarm on the bedside table suddenly rang.

"Today Yideng master open class, never be late!"

The mechanical female voice reminds Gu jiuci of the to-do list, and finally pulls Gu jiuci away from her dream. She quickly washes and goes straight to C University, the open class of Yideng master. She has a lot of things to ask for!

In the public classroom of C University,

when Gu jiuci rushed into the classroom in a hurry, Yideng master's course just started. Today's topic is just what she is most interested in hypnosis and dream making.

On the platform, master Yideng glanced at her faintly, then opened her mouth slowly.

"Although hypnosis and dream making is a very cold knowledge, it is also very difficult to realize in reality, but we come to the old monk's class to open the door to the new world?"

Master Yideng's humorous and witty tone immediately caused the students to laugh, and even Gu jiuci's mood improved a lot.

"Let's formally enter the subject. In the whole process of hypnosis, the rhythm is always in the hands of the dreamer. That is to say, he has always known that this is a dream and dominates the dream. Only in this way can we guide the patient to have a sense of survival and stimulate the patient's desire for survival..."

hearing this sentence, Gu jiuci's pupils widened in an instant ...

if this rebirth is just a dream, then from the beginning to the end, there will be no distinction between the great devil of the past and that of this life. From the beginning to the end, there will be only one Huo Mingche?!

He constructs a dream of rebirth and revenge for himself. He cooperates with his performance to make himself more and more want to live. However, Gu jiuci's mind constantly appears the scene of Huo Mingche coughing, and his heart is constantly sinking.

Thinking of this, she immediately raised her hand.

"Teacher! I have a problem! If the patient already knows that this is a dream and she wants to wake up, what should she do? "

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