Her voice dropped, and all the students present subconsciously looked at her. Although she was wearing a big mask, most of the students of this age group were chasing Langya Chuan and pick101, and some fans had recognized her.

Whispers have been heard off the field, and even some students secretly took out their mobile phones to take photos. If it was not for the class, some fans would even rush to sign their names.

But Gu jiuci can't manage too much. At this moment, she is eager to get the answer.

Yideng master, a heavy cough, the students were scared immediately quiet down.

"It's hard for me to answer this question. After all, there are only single digit cases. According to the description of the patients later, they wake up naturally and realize that they are dreaming after waking up."

Hearing master Yideng's answer, Gu jiuci's face turned pale and her sense of loss came from all directions. Did she really have no way to...

"however, your question reminds me of a little research that has nothing to do with dream hypnosis. Most of us often feel like we are stepping into the air in our dreams, or we are going to fall from a height in the next second. At this time, our body rate will probably be higher A violent convulsion, and then wake up from sleep.

Although this research has not yet produced any specific results, and we do not know what the professors are doing ~ "

after finishing the course, Yideng master shrugged his shoulders. Students are all playing Yideng master, which is funny and the topic shifts unconsciously.

But Gu jiuci frowned slightly, as if thinking.

One foot in the air? Fall from a height?

Before the bell rings, in order to avoid being blocked by students to sign, Gu jiuci leaves ahead of time and walks on the campus steps. Gu jiuci remembers the words of Yideng master.

Why don't you try one? Just can also verify whether she is dreaming or not!

Standing on the steps, Gu jiuci closed her eyes, and then stretched out a foot straight forward. For a moment, she lost her balance. Her strong desire for survival made her whole body tense. At this moment, the intense sense of separation swept over her body, as if she was going to pull her out...

"Xiao jiu'er!"

Suddenly, a powerful hand held her in his arms. As soon as Gu jiuci opened his eyes, he looked at the amazing face and deep eyes of the great demon.

"What are you doing?"

There was a trace of doubt in the man's deep voice.

"Er... Recently, I received an ancient costume script, and I'm going to find out what I feel..."

Gu jiuci scratched his head awkwardly and made a lot of excuses.

"No next time."

Huo Mingche looked at her seriously.

"Well, next time I promise not to be stupid."

Gu jiuci embarrassed answer, began to doubt whether his brain just into the water.

"By the way, brother Che, why are you here? Isn't the company busy? "

"No, I'm here to pick you up."

The man hugged her down from the steps with one hand, then naturally clasped his fingers and took her forward.

"I've designed the wedding dress. I'll show you."

"The wedding dress you designed yourself?"

Gu jiuci is slightly stunned. My God, is there anything in the world that the great devil can't do? She wants to know!

Half an hour later, a high-end custom-made wedding dress shop,

female employees took Gu jiuci to see the wedding dress. Unexpectedly, the demon king designed ten wedding dresses at one go.

Every piece is exquisite, but this design style is very familiar to Gu jiuci. Before she looked at international fashion magazines, there was a legendary master h in wedding dress design. It is said that the wedding dress designed by him is so beautiful that the princess of the fog Kingdom wants it. He once offered a high price of 10 million yuan, but he refused the princess because he only designed wedding dresses for his fiancee.

"Worthy of my brother Che, the design style is not inferior to master H!"

Gu jiuci amazing praise, did not expect the next staff but said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is joking. Mr. Huo is the master h in your mouth. Haven't you seen the latest issue of fashion new marriage? Huo is always master h, and the news of his marriage is still on the front page

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