Her morning is still so proud and charming, Gu jiuci heart smile.

"It's just to fulfill the promise to Huo Mingche. If he finds out that you have become thinner that day, he will come to me to explain what to do. I will not starve you to death. "

Si Chen looks flustered and says a lot.

Gu jiuci was afraid to tease her again, and she would blow up her hair. So she sat down to have breakfast and pretended that nothing had happened just now.

On the contrary, she is a little trance in the face of such a quiet and clever Gu jiuci, and she is also a little uncomfortable.

After all, Gu jiuci has been a joke in the upper class of the imperial capital since she was a senior high school student. She usually wears a murderer's modeling and smoking makeup, and makes a sensation every day. Wherever she goes, she is covered with chicken feathers.

And now like a lady, quiet breakfast, polite talk... She has not seen for a long time.

"Eat slowly."

Sichen holding a cup of tea, looking at Gu jiuci, see she was hot to shrimp dumplings, or did not have the heart to remind.

In fact, living to this age, but also experienced so many things, young gas and stubborn have long been indifferent to a lot. Gu jiuci was very ignorant at that time. In fact, she did not leave room for Gu jiuci to apologize.

Later, after going through Yu Gu's incident, she even understood Gu jiuci. A green tea whore like Xu Yuner could not be dealt with by Gu jiuci at that time. Even though she thought she was calm, she still indulged in Gu's lies, and could not see through it.

Although the hatred of Gu jiuci in my heart has been weakened a lot, but as a person who loves face, Si Chen still can't be so calm, so happy to forgive Gu jiuci.

"It's OK. I'll eat this while it's hot."

Gu jiuci put it into his mouth and took time to answer. In the hospital these days, Dr. Yideng strictly controlled her diet. She was radish and cabbage every day.

"Eat less. After eating, I'll take you to check [biqu Pavilion] www.biquger.vip ]The body. "

Sichen some of the mouth, and Gu jiuci suddenly stopped chopsticks, eyes seriously staring at sichen.

"In the morning, there's a place where you can take me right away, rather than a physical examination?"

Si Chen on this pair of and young age when the same eyes, unexpectedly made a devious nod.

Three hours later, sichen drove her to the west mountain on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

"This is it. You can park."

Gu jiuci looks at the familiar path outside and quickly stops Si Chen.

"Although the dream created by Huo Mingche is very real, it is not restored one by one? I'm crazy to accompany you to such a place? Where is there any plant...

before sichen could finish his words, there was a huge gate built of green plants not far away, on which the botanical garden was decorated with wind chimera of Xishan Mountain.

as like as two peas, she could not answer the question of her. Her eyes were soon moving towards the botanical garden. The nine flowers in the dream were almost the same as the Western Hills.

"It's true! It's true! "

In reality, Huo Mingche really wrapped up a whole place, just to keep her lucky flowers.

"Little girl, have a look, but don't touch it! This is a private botanical garden. The boss loves these flowers! Especially the wind chime grass in the west mountain! "

A familiar voice rings behind Gu jiuci. She turns around slowly and turns to be the gardener grandmother in the dream! It turns out that there is such a grandmother in reality!

At this moment, her heart beat straight and asked with a choking voice.

"Granny, does the boss like Campanula very much?"

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