"He doesn't like flowers. It's his first love in childhood. But I heard that the person he hates most in childhood is him! He planted so many of her favorite flowers, but he came alone every year, never waiting for his childhood sweetheart.

Oh, little girl, why are you crying? You young people are so moved by other people's stories that you are so tearful. "

Gu jiuci was choked and speechless. Sichen, who came after her, couldn't bear to ask for her.

"Granny, do you know the name of the boss?"

"Of course I know. He comes back every year. He is very handsome. Anyone who sees him will remember him! His name is Huo, his name is Huo Mingche! "

Hearing this answer, Gu jiuci's tears are more turbulent.

The dream given by the great devil is never a void, but what she missed and didn't want to see, about his real world!

"Well, I didn't expect that he was so handsome, but his personal feelings were so bitter. I don't know if he can wait until his childhood sweetheart this year."

The gardener's grandmother saw Gu jiuci cry into tears, and her heart was also a little sad, can not help feeling.

"He will wait for it this year! Granny, before long, her childhood sweetheart will accompany him! Certainly

Hearing the grandmother's words, Gu jiuci immediately forced to hold back tears and said seriously.

On the other hand, sichen looks at Gu jiuci with shock on his face. The woman who once wished Huo Mingche had died has turned into such a woman?!!

Is Huo Mingche's sincerity, finally moved the heaven, Gu jiuci such no heart person, also can wave NV back?

Just then, a few men with hard hats and tools came in. The leading man, with a document in his arm, walked in with a cold face.

"Let's go, let's go. This is going to be demolished soon!"


When Gu jiuci heard these two words, he immediately felt nervous and rushed forward to stop them in front of them.

"This is a private contracted botanical garden. Who are you who broke into the demolition? I'll call the police now, believe it or not! "

"Alarm? Miss, are you mistaken? "

The leading man looked at Gu jiuci with a look at strange flowers.

"It turned out to be a private botanical garden. That's right. But this year, the general manager who contracted the botanical garden sold this garden to our boss. Why don't you know?"

The great devil sold the botanical garden?

This sentence, let Gu jiuci in the mind of a buzz, followed by a blank.

"Are you mistaken? Huo Mingche can't sell this botanical garden in any case

Si Chen can't see down, rushed to fight with the man.

"I don't know if it's what general manager Huo meant, but it was approved by Huo's vice president personally. The document is here. If you like plants, please plant them yourself. Now don't embarrass us. Can you? Let's go

It's really the ghost of Lin Shujing!

"Wait! I'll double the price and ask your boss to talk to me! "

Gu jiuci still blocks in front of the man, eyes cold mouth way.

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