Gu jiuci's heart suddenly became tense, and he quickly established his own defense with his fingers flying!

She had no way to defend the other side's attack, even the other side's attack was even more fierce, her means in front of the other side looked obsolete, and her computer was like a small sailing boat in the sea, hit by one after another of the huge waves, was about to break up!

This is the second time that Gu jiuci felt so powerless in his hacking career. The last time he felt so powerless, he was still facing master king, the world's first hacker.

Now she is like a weak chicken who has no strength to fight back. She allows the other party to hack her computer. The only thing that makes her feel lucky is that this brand-new computer has nothing to reveal her information.

However, just as she had this idea in her mind, a line of words suddenly appeared on the black screen.

"Adieu, you have stepped back too much!"

Gu jiuci was stunned for a moment, then reflected who the other side was.


Gu jiuci tries to contact each other with a special code between them, and soon there is a mechanical sound coming from the opposite side.

"There are so many loopholes in the process of attack. Even the basic defense is still using the technology of seven years ago. I will clean up the portal today. There is no apprentice like you!"

Hearing the other party's angry voice, Gu jiuci felt guilty and embarrassed.

The hacker community knows that king, the world's first hacker, has only one apprentice, that is nine, who ranks second. However, nine disappeared seven years ago, and even King couldn't find her trace. Everyone thought she was dead.

But in fact, she took the initiative to withdraw from the river and lake. In the past seven years, her technology has been retrogressive, which makes her feel ashamed.

"Your current level, let alone small K, even Tom can put you on the ground friction, is really let me down!"

"I'm sorry, master. I must train hard recently

Gu jiuci apologizes seriously, but the tone of his master is more dignified.

"If you don't return to the second place this year, you don't have to take on the task again, otherwise, I'll let you completely cut off the network, believe it or not!"

"Believe, believe, master is sure to do what he says, but I am not taking the task this time, but for myself. Time is tight, so I have to do it..."

"fortunately, they found me to take the business. I checked it before taking the order."

"My God!"

Gu jiuci's heart is filled with happiness. Although she is king's apprentice, once King receives the order, he will not recognize him. Even if he finds out that it is her, he will tell the employer truthfully.

fortunately, the master investigated ahead of time, otherwise she was the ace of hackers, and exposed directly in front of Lin Shujing.

"Thank you so much, master. Next time I see you, I'll treat you to a big meal for a month!"

"Hum! What face did you have to see me before I left school? I have to wipe your ass this time

Gu jiuci just finished, the other party immediately angrily scolded Gu jiuci, and then the black screen returned to normal.

Master has already left. In the hacker world, the first king in legend is like this. She has never seen this master, even her apprentice.

At the beginning, it was a very accidental chance. King failed to bet with her. She played a chicken thief before she succeeded.

K after a few seconds, Gu jiuci suddenly found that his desktop has an open source code base.

This code base is not a general source code base, but only king can open the database, and of course, she. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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