This is the master urging her to study hard!

Gu jiuci quickly cracked the code base password, used the latest program to build a defense system for the computer, and then searched for information about Hawkes.

Two of the messages caught her eye.

One is on his official recruitment website, which shows that he is looking for a life assistant to the president.

"Zhan Ying's work is not well done. How can brother Che dismiss him?"

Gu jiuci frowned slightly and felt that it was in the clouds.

Since waking up, although Ye Kan is still obnoxious, Zhan Ying seems to have changed a little. Although he is still calm and rational, he unconditionally protects the great demon king.

However, in the face of the great demon king, it seems to have a lot of gentleness towards her.

Another message is that on the largest financial website, Huo and Jiangnan Li have close contact recently, and both sides may jointly develop the Internet of things system.

But at present, the project is still under negotiation. She hacked the internal communication system of Huo and found out that Huo Mingche is going on a business trip recently, and there seems to be no Zhan Ying among the people accompanying her.

Gu jiuci superimposes the two information in his mind, and suddenly he has a plan in his mind...

in the light of the day, sichen comes to pick her up to the prison. On the way to the prison, he hesitates and says.

"You've been in prison yourself. When you see your brother later, you'd better have a mental preparation. During this period, I heard that Jiang Yutang often said hello to the people in the prison...

Gu jiuci immediately remembered all kinds of things he suffered in prison. She was a scum, and she deserved to be bullied. However, the eldest brother was the favored son of heaven. He should have become the focus of attention and have the best future, but now... All these are Because of her!

Sichen looked at Gu jiuci. She was worried about whether Gu jiuci would be as unreasonable as before, but after several days of observation, she had no need to worry.

The car drove all the way from the prosperous city to the remote suburbs. Then there were high walls with high-voltage wires and wires on them. No one could cross them. The narrow and oppressive atmosphere immediately made Gu jiuci sit uneasy.

Prison, let her conditioned fear.

"If you don't get used to it, we won't go in until you are ready next time?"

Si Chen immediately saw that she was not right and comforted.

"No, I shouldn't have kept my brother waiting."

Gu jiuci clenched his fist and said firmly.

Compared with the bitter experience of elder brother, how much is it for her to overcome the shadow in her heart?

"Then get out of the car. The visit time is very short, only 15 minutes. We don't have to wait for it."

Gu jiuci smell speech, immediately follow Si Chen to get off the car, the speed on the foot can not help but speed up.

Two police officers led the way. Gu jiuci passed through the sealed and windowless passageway. After seven turns and eight turns, he came to the door of a small narrow room.

"Go in. You only have 15 minutes. There are all-round surveillance. Don't try to challenge the law and the prison. Do you understand?"


The prison guard sternly said, Gu jiuci's conditional response.

The iron door opened with a creak, and Gu jiuci looked into it subconsciously , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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