"The condition is that after you graduate from high school, you must live with me in my house which is in the center of City A for one year. After that, I will grant your request". Julian replied while looking at Qiara seriously. 

Qiara was speechless when Julian mentioned the conditions. 

"Are there no other conditions?". Asked Qiara who felt that Julian's conditions were very heavy. 

"There is no".

Hearing Julian's answer, Qiara's face suddenly turned strange and then looked down in silence. 

"The decision is in your hands". Said Julian.

"Okay, I agree with the conditions and there should be no physical contact and our rooms must be different, how?". Qiara replied with a sly smile.

"Agree!". Julian replied, nodding her head. 

"But I can't believe you, how about we make a promise on paper and use a stamp?". Said Qiara while narrowing her eyes.

"All right! I'll make the agreement letter and we will sign it after you move to my house".

Qiara immediately nodded with a smile and said. "Agree".

After that, Julian left Qiara's house without caring about Qiara anymore. Meanwhile Qiara jogged when she entered her room happily because soon, she would be free from Julian. 

In the car. 

Julian stared straight ahead after he had left Qiara's house far away.

However, his mind wandered far into the past. 

"Vania .... What kind of marriage have you arranged for me? I really don't understand how to deal with your sister, should I let her go for her happiness? But I only want to get married once in my life". Julian thought while hitting the steering wheel of his car several times because he felt annoyed with the situation he was going through. 

The guilt is too deep in his heart because that day he was the one who brought the car so they crash and kill Vania. 

Several days passed. 

In the classroom. 

The time for exam preparation had arrived, Julian purposely didn't bother Qiara during that time, so Qiara started to ignore Julian's existence.

"I don't believe that soon we will finish school. Yeee ...". Valen said while jumping with joy. 

After that, Valen warmly embraced Qiara. However, Qiara only smiled sweetly in response to Valen's words while glancing at Demian's seat, who is now in the Netherlands as a school representative for the exchange. 

"Oh yeah, after high school where do you want to go to college?". Valen's question startled Qiara from her reverie. 

"I don't know yet, but after high school I'll live in town A". Qiara replied with a sad expression because it was hard for her to leave city B, even though it was not as large as city A. 

City A was the capital of country F which had a luxurious and prestigious life. Starting from the facilities and the way people dress, City A is much different and more modern than other cities in Country F. 

"Why do you want to move?". Valen asked sadly. 

"I have a reason I can't tell you why I moved to city A". It was Qiara who couldn't possibly lie to Valen. 

"Then, we can't play together anymore, especially because my parents just want me to continue my studies in town B". Valen said sadly. 

"The distance between cities A and B is not that far, so you can meet me if you want. Or I will come home occasionally. Right". Qiara said with a smile. 

Qiara is right, the distance between cities A and B is close because there is no need to use an airplane or ship. Only by train or car we have arrived. 

"Well, we have to promise that wherever we are, we will still be friends. If there is a chance we can get together again". Hearing Valen's words, Jesica and Qiara nodded while hugging. 

It's hard to imagine a breakup when we've been together so many times. What's more, Qiara and her two best friends have been friends since they were still in elementary school. 

"Oh yes, next week Demian comes home from Holland, do you want to meet him to explain why you didn't come that day?". Jesica asked when she remembered a few weeks ago when Qiara didn't come because she left for Japan. 

"I dare not meet Demian, because he is likely very disappointed in me". Said Qiara while taking a deep breath. 

"Of course, he was disappointed. Because at that time he wanted to confess his feelings to you but you did not come. That's my guess". Valen replied because she also came that day.

"Hahaha ... That's impossible. Demian can't possibly like me because he and I are like heaven and earth". Qiara said sadly even though she hoped that what Valen said was true. Because she also felt like Demian. 

"We'll see. Maybe or not depending on your courage to meet him". Jesica said with a smile.

"What the heck, you guys like to guess impossible things. Well, let's just go home because school is almost deserted". Qiara said with a chuckle and then invited her two friends to go home together. 

"OK". Valen and Jesica replied simultaneously while holding Qiara's hand out of the classroom. 

In front of the school gate.

"Why did you stop?". Jesica and Qiara asked when they saw Valen stop when they arrived in front of the school gate. 

"Sorry! It seems I cannot go home with you, because my boyfriend will pick me up". Valen replied sadly.

"It's okay! We are very understanding friends. Then, we will accompany you waiting for him". Qiara said while standing with Valen waiting for her boyfriend who came from a different school. 

Valen is happy because she has a friend who is always there for her. They are a tremendous gift from God to Valen. 

Not long after, Valen's girlfriend came, they all went straight home.

On the way home, Qiara's cell phone sounded, out of curiosity, he immediately stopped her bicycle by the side of the road and then immediately checked the message.

her face immediately brightened when she saw the name of the person who sent the message. 

"Message from Demian". Inner Qiara smiled sweetly then immediately read it. 

Qiara is really happy because there's a message from Demian for the first time since he was in the Netherlands. Because Demian left on the day Qiara returned from Japan without Qiara's knowledge. 

"Send a Message" 

"How are you with the school?". Demian's message sounded which made Qiara frown. 

"Well".. Qiara replied lazily to Demian's message, because she hoped that Demian would ask how she was, but what was asked first was the school's news.

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