Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

Chapter 531 - All Because Of You!

Qiara turned to the person who was already standing in front of her with a terrible expression.

"Mama?". Qiara said with trembling lips when she saw the face of her mother-in-law who she had not seen in a long time. 

"That slap was nothing compared to what you did to your child and husband. It wasn't enough you made them suffer for five years and now you're back? Are you crazy? Look what you've done to my grandson!". Sarah shouted.

Julian and Qiara were surprised to see Sarah screaming because they knew Sarah was a gentle person and never got angry even when she found out her husband was cheating on her she preferred to hold back her anger than anger.

"Mama...". Qiara's mouth trembles when she calls the woman who used to love her so much.

"I'm not your Mama anymore! So stop calling me Mama! Now, get out of here! Don't ever show your face to my grandson because you can only hurt him". Sarah shouted again with bloodshot eyes holding back tears. 

Sarah came to Julian's house to see Zio because she had not seen her grandson for a long time. In addition, she also wants to discuss her husband who has not yet given her news. However, Liu told everything including Qiara so Sarah was very angry and then followed to the hospital by asking Andi for help who happened to also come to Julian's house to deliver the report that Julian had left in his room. 

"Mama, don't scold my wife! After all, she is still Zio's mother. Besides, our family did wrong to her and her sister first". said Julian firmly.

"Julian... What do you mean?". Sarah asked who was not willing to see Julian defend Qiara by putting the blame first on his family.

Just then, the doctor who examined Zio came out of the room. They all stopped the chatter and immediately went to see the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my grandson doing?". Sarah asked worriedly.

Qiara and Julian also waited anxiously for an answer from the doctor.

"I've bandaged his wound, and he had a tantrum earlier, but we immediately gave him a sedative injection so he could rest. Besides that, he is dehydrated because it looks like he hasn't eaten and drank all day so his body is weak. We will transfer him to the inpatient room. But, he needs a psychologist to recover quickly". The doctor gave a fairly complete explanation without leaving a single explanation of the results of his examination.

Sarah's legs went limp, she felt her eyes begin to blur. Luckily Julian caught his mother's body quickly so she didn't fall onto the cold hospital floor.

"Mama, calm down! Zio will be fine!". Said Julian trying hard to calm his mother's heart.

"Julian... How can Mama be strong watching my adorable and smart grandson go to the hospital again and again? Every time he is like this, he must be accompanied by a psychologist. Just now he is trying to live his normal life with regular school, now he has to go back to school, his lowest position. I feel sorry for him. If only I could replace him so he could live his childhood life normally". Sarah said as she hugged Julian and sobbed.

"Mama, don't cry anymore! We'd better go in to see how he's doing!". Said Julian as he wiped away his mother's tears. 

Qiara could not stand to see the people she cares about crying and hurt, therefore she immediately left that place without Julian knowing. 

Only Andi saw Qiara, and Andi took the initiative to follow Qiara because he was afraid that Qiara would do something bad. He did all this for the sake of his Boss because he already considered his Boss' family as his own family. 

Julian brought his mother into the room before Zio was transferred because they couldn't wait to see how she was.

Panicked to see his mother sad and impatient to see his child, Julian didn't pay any attention to Qiara so he didn't know that Qiara was gone. 

"Doctor, can my grandson be cured of this PTSD disease?". Sarah asked after she saw her grandson lying on the patient's bed like a sleeping person. 

The doctor who had been following Julian back into the room was surprised at her question.

He had suspected that the child he had just examined had PTSD but he didn't dare to conclude until he had investigated further so he didn't share his suspicions with Julian and Sarah other than suggesting that a psychologist who specializes in children should be brought in.

"In some cases of PTSD, symptoms of this disorder may improve within a few weeks even without special treatment. However, PTSD symptoms can get worse due to several things, including memories of past traumatic events. These symptoms can cause people with PTSD do not have the desire to carry out daily activities, are not enthusiastic, or even cause certain health problems in the long term". The doctor answered. 

Julian was just silent while watching his son who had not yet opened his eyes. He let his mother talk to the doctor even though he also knew about PTSD from the doctor and psychologist who used to treat Zio. 

"My grandson has suffered from this disease since he was very young, he was once declared cured but now the disease has come again and seems to be more severe. Therefore please tell us what we have to do so that he can recover quickly!". Sarah pleaded tearfully to the doctor because she didn't want her grandson to suffer any longer than before.

"He can recover by undergoing psychotherapy, if the symptoms experienced by the patient are severe, the doctor will usually combine psychotherapy with drugs. Several types of psychotherapy are usually used to treat PTSD, namely cognitive-behavioral therapy, to recognize and change the patient's mindset from negative to positive. Both exposure therapy, help the patient deal effectively with the circumstances and memories that triggered the trauma and Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), which is a combination of exposure therapy and eye movement techniques to alter the patient's response to the traumatic event. to my knowledge!".. The doctor said.

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