Mrs. Sarah cried hearing the doctor's explanation, she could not imagine how her grandson would undergo therapy. 

"Thank you for your explanation, doctor!". Said Mrs. Sarah.

"Then I'll excuse myself, the nurses will take your grandson to his room." After saying that, the doctor immediately came out.

Not long after, Zio was transferred to the most luxurious infirmary in the hospital. 

At the same time, Nathan had an appointment with Alena in an old building on the edge of town.

"Where's my stuff?". Asked Nathan.

Alena immediately gave the gun that she had shown to Maxwell earlier.

Nathan took the gun with a smile, "Okay. Thank you! I've transferred your money to your account, now I'm leaving!".

Alena was silent while staring intently at Nathan, she regretted the handsome face that Nathan had because his heart was not as handsome as his face. 

"I didn't expect that an innocent face like Mr. Nathan had a heart like a devil." Alena thought.

After that, she made a call to Maxwell. 

"Hello?". Maxwell's voice was heard on the other end of the line.

"He's got his gun, and it looks like tonight he's going to hit the target."

"Follow him! And report all his movements, if necessary record all of them." Maxwell said.


After that, the call ends. 

Maxwell hung up the phone with a smile so Kevin who was in front of him looked confused and started to suspect when he saw Maxwell smiling

"What is wrong?". Kevin asked after sipping his drink.

"Your child's father is trying to play with fire, I'm afraid he will get burned," Maxwell replied.

Kevin frowned because he didn't understand.

"Who do you mean?".

"Nathan...". Maxwell glared at Kevin when he said the name of the child of the person he hated so much.

His expression changed, he didn't like to hear Maxwell refer to Nathan as Gavin's father.

"What's with that expression of yours?" Maxwell asked as he leaned back in his chair.

Kevin put down his teacup after that he gave a cynical look at? Maxwell.

"Six years ago, ever since you brought Gavin to London, didn't you beg me to take care of him? After I fell in love with the child and put him on my family card as the legal child, why are you now calling him someone else's child? Are you crazy?". Kevin said angrily.

Maxwell smiled, he knew that Kevin loved Gavin so much that he was very afraid that Gavin's identity would be known by others.

"You will still be Gavin's father and that will never change. It's just that it's about time I borrowed Gavin from you to grow Nathan's hatred for that heartless old man." 

Kevin is getting annoyed by Maxwell's plans, he just wants Gavin to live quietly without knowing his real identity. 

"I beg of you so you don't interfere with Gavin's life, he is happy with his birth mother in London. Besides, Natalie is dead and now there are Gavin and Agata in the world that I have." Kevin said firmly. 

Maxwell seemed to take a deep breath, he began to suspect that Kevin had special feelings for the woman who is now named Agata.

"Are you in love with Agata?". Maxwell asked. 

According to Kevin's request, Maxwell never again mentions Agata's name with her old name so that the name will only be a memory and Agata can live a new life with her new name. 

Kevin became embarrassed to hear Maxwell's question, he did not think to love the mother of his adopted child for several reasons.

"Why are you just keeping quiet? If you can't be honest, then I will continue with my plan." Maxwell asked.

"I know you hold a grudge against JJ's family. But you have to know what you should and shouldn't bother with. I'll give you some advice! If you still want to use Gavin for revenge, then tell Nathan the truth. He has a child without having to say who and where the child is. Isn't that more painful!".

Maxwell was silent hearing Kevin's suggestion, he knew that his best friend was very smart, but he did not expect that Kevin could have such a cunning idea.

"You are indeed worthy of being the leader of the Luan Group, I like your idea!" Maxwell smiled widely because he was so happy to come up with such a brilliant idea. 

Just then, Rafael came and stood beside him. 

"What is wrong?". Maxwell asked after turning to Rafael.

"I've found where the child born to Mr. Joseph's mistress is. Do I have to bring her before you?".

Maxwell was very happy because he got another ace that could destroy Mr. Joseph's life.

"I thought it was just a rumor, who is she and where is she now?".

"She is Miss Reina, a famous painter whose work has been recognized by world artists. Now she is in Jeju." Rafael answered in detail without leaving any information.

Maxwell and Kevin are surprised because they know who Reina is. 

"Isn't she the woman who made Virsen go crazy? The woman he loves so much. This will become even more interesting, then get her no matter what! Because she has to cooperate with me!". Maxwell said.

"Okay boss! Tonight I will also contact the most famous Gangster in Jeju. I happen to have their leader's number. I will ask them to arrest Reina and bring her back here". Raphael said firmly.

"Should you use violence? She's a woman so she should be treated well, don't you think?".

"That's right boss! However, Miss Reina is not a woman to talk to well. That's why I decided to use a little violence. I guarantee that she will be caught under fine circumstances." Rafael dared to guarantee that the person he was going to order to capture Reina would not hurt her. 

"Alright, I'll let you do it!".

"Then I will do it now!". After saying that, Rafael immediately left Maxwell and Kevin.

"I don't want to interfere with your business. But, if you need advice then I will give it. Now I'm going to rest! So, you better go home!". After saying that Kevin stood up and left Maxwell alone in his living room. 

Maxwell just smiled at Kevin's behavior, he knew very well how his best friend's character was. 

After finishing his drink, Maxwell left Kevin's house.

Meanwhile, in Jeju, Reina and Gabriel are in a taxi. They planned to go to a karaoke place because Reina wanted to vent her frustration that Demian didn't care about her. 

"Jeju is very quiet at night!". Gabriel said while looking out the window. 

Reina started to get suspicious because the street was really quiet.

After that she immediately checked the Google Map on her cellphone, instantly Reina was surprised.

"What is wrong?". Gabriel asked in surprise after seeing Reina's expression.

"Looks like we're being framed because this isn't the way to karaoke," Reina whispered while glancing at the taxi driver behind the driver.

Gabriel was surprised, it was the first time she was in Jeju, but she even felt cheated.

Just then, the car stopped. Gabriel and Reina were immediately alert.

"Why stop here? Isn't this a karaoke place?". Reina asked.

"Sorry miss, but you have to move to the car in front of us. They won't hurt you if you obey!". The taxi driver replied.

"What do you mean?". Gabriel began to get angry at the words of the Taxi driver.

Just then there was a knock on the glass, instantly Reina and Gabriel were shocked. 

"Who are they?". Reina asked frantically.

"You better get out if you don't want to get hurt!". The taxi driver again gave a stern warning. 

Reina and Gabriel looked at each other, after getting a wink from Gabriel, Reina opened the door slowly. 

Gabriel followed Reina out of the same door to make sure her boss was okay.

Instantly Reina and Gabriel were surprised again to see three big men with one man who was thin and looked a little older.

She was wearing high heels and a dress especially since she didn't have any weapons and martial arts skills, so how could she fight back. 

"Who are you? And what do you want?" Reina asked boldly. 

"Please come with us while we are still being nice because our Boss wants to meet Miss Reina". One of the men answered. 

"Who's your boss?" Reina asked curtly.

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