"You will know who he is if you want to come with me!".

Reina took a few steps back then hid behind Gabriel. At that moment Gabriel understood that Reina was asking her to fight.

"You can take her if you can beat me!". Gabriel said while clenching her fists.

Unbeknownst to Gabriel, one of the men pulled out his gun.

Bang, bang, bang… 

The sound of the gunshot surprised Reina so she covered her ears without knowing where the shot was going.

Not long after, Reina was surprised again when she saw Gabriel's body slumped.

"Gabriel...". Reina shouted while holding Gabriel's body who was already kneeling on the ground.

"Blood?". Reina was even more shocked when she saw her hands covered in blood. 

"Now bring the girl because Boss Virsen can't wait to see her!"

Reina was surprised to hear the words of one of the men, she did not expect that Virsen had ordered the thugs to kidnap her.

"How could Virsen be here? How could he find me? Demian... Where are you! Help me!". Reina thought while trembling.

Reina hoped that Demian would help her even though she didn't know how to contact Demian.

"Miss, activate your GPS!". Gabriel whispered while enduring the pain. 

Reina immediately nodded as she opened her cellphone, trembling before she was caught.


"Good, then hide your cell phone where it can't be seen!". Gabriel said again with difficulty.

Reina immediately hid the phone in her shirt.

"Miss, please come with us while we are still being nice!". The man said after he stood in front of Reina.

Gabriel, who didn't want her boss to get hurt immediately blinked her eyes to let her know that she was fine.

Reluctantly, Reina left Gabriel alone. Even though her heart ached and her tears kept flowing, she had to be strong and believe in Gabriel.

Not long after, Reina was taken away by a group of Virsen's men. 

Meanwhile, Gabriel, who was hit by a single shot in her left waist was struggling to stand up. 

"I have to seek help! My boss must be safe!". Gabriel thought as she walked slowly towards the quite busy street.

With a limp, Gabriel walked through the night and the dark road while holding her wound that kept bleeding.

"Aaah...". Gabriel was shocked when she saw the car that was about to hit her.

However, the car stopped immediately before touching her body.

The owner of the car immediately got out when he saw the person who was almost hit looking pale and weak.

"Are you okay?" Asked the owner of the car who turned out to be Demian.

"Help me!". Gabriel said while holding out her phone towards Demian with trembling hands.

Demian frowned as he took the phone.

"Please save my boss! You can find out where she is via the GPS on my cell phone". Gabriel said again with difficulty.

"But you must be treated immediately! So, I will take you to the hospital first!". Demian said when he saw the blood continuously pouring out of her injured body.

"No… My boss Reina must be rescued quickly!".

Demian was stunned when he heard Reina's name. 

"Reina?" Ask Damian.

Gabriel immediately announced the identity of her boss, at that moment Demian's eyes widened. 

"Who kidnapped her?". Demian asked frantically.

"If I'm not mistaken I heard Virsen's name ...". Gabriel replied.

Demian clenched his fists because he knew who Virsen was, Reina had already told him how afraid she was of the man named Virsen.

"I will take you to the hospital first because there is a hospital not far from here. After that I will make sure to finish Reina!". After saying that, Demian immediately helped Gabriel to get into his car. 

After making sure Gabriel was treated, Demian immediately searched for Reina's whereabouts via GPS on Gabriel's cellphone.

"Reina... Hold on! I'll help you right away!". Inner Demian.

Not long after that, Demian found the place the GPS indicated.

Demian's gaze was so sharp when he saw the quite luxurious house. He had already guessed that Virsen brought Reina here. 

While inside the house, Reina was sitting on the cold living room floor. She waited for Virsen to appear like an idiot.

Not long after, Reina looked up to see Virsen walking down the stairs which was quite beautiful. 

Reina was disgusted to see Virsen's smile which always reminded her of the events of that time.

"Virsen... Let me go!". Reina shouted while glaring at Virsen as if she was ready to eat the man in front of her.

Virsen continued to walk downstairs ignoring Reina's screams. 

Not long after that, Virsen stood before Reina. He then sat down, clutching Reina's face. 

"Honey... I've been missing you for a long time!". Said Virsen.

Out of anger, Reina spits out her spit on Virsen's face.

Instantly all his men in the living room were disgusted to see the thick spit sticking to Virsen's face.

Meanwhile, Virsen was still smiling as he brushed the spit off his face. After that, he licked it until Reina felt sick seeing Virsen do it. 

"Disgusting!". Reina thought.

After that Virsen again gripped her face so hard that Reina felt pain.

"I have been patient with you, I have also tried using gentleness, but you instead make me do rude things. Therefore I will force you like before". After saying that, Virsen stood up and clapped his hands.

Not long after that, a few maids came out with makeup and wedding dresses.

Reina's eyes bulged, who had been choosing silence for a long time began to open her mouth trembling. "Why did they bring a wedding dress?".

Virsen smiled. "Because tonight we are getting married!"

Reina was shocked and her heart was beating faster than usual because she was so scared.

"He's crazy." Reina thought.

"Honey... You must neither be afraid nor refuse, because I promise to make you happy!". Virsen said again.

"I'm not willing to marry a crazy person like you!". Reina shouted while shedding tears. 

One slap landed on Reina's cheek so hard that Reina immediately fell on the floor.

"Ahhh...". Reina groaned in pain as she touched her lips which were bleeding from the intense slap.

After that, Virsen grabbed Reina's hair roughly.

"Ahhh… Virsen, let me go!". Reina held Virsen's hand to let her hair loose. However, Virsen was too strong for her to defeat. 

"I've allowed you to be obedient. But, why do you still reject me? Even though it's only you and me, no one will be able to help you even if you scream!". Virsen said again while gritting his teeth.

Reina cries hearing Virsen's words. She really couldn't scream for help because there was no one here she knew other than Demian who was a newcomer as well. 

"Oh my God... This is the end of my happy life? Can't get the man I love, and now I'm going to be a prisoner of this crazy man? Help me!". Reina thought while crying.

"You better get those hands out of your hair!"

Hearing the voice, Virsen and his men immediately turned towards the source of the sound. 

Reina who felt that she recognized the voice also turned her head, at that moment she smiled because she had hope. 

"Demian..." Reina thought.

"Who are you? How dare you come to my place? Aren't you afraid of my men?". Virsen asked after letting go of Reina's hair.

"You don't need to know who I am! What is clear, you can't be rude to women. Especially to a spoiled woman like her!". Said Demian with a sly smile.

Virsen clenched his fists because he was very angry, he didn't like it when what he was doing was disturbed by other people.

"Young man, you better get out of here before I ask my men to kill you! After all, you have nothing to do with me or with my woman," said Virsen who still wanted to try to speak nicely.

Reina glared at Demian, she hoped that Demian would not be affected by Virsen's words. Even though she was afraid that Virsen would kill Demian.

Demian also understood the meaning of Reina's gaze, therefore he smiled at Reina to give her reassurance.

"Help me!". Reina shouted who was getting more and more worried about Demian who gave up just because she was afraid of Virsen's threat. 

"You are such a troublesome girl!" Said Damian.

After that, Demian stepped forward towards Virsen and Reina.. Virsen's men immediately blocked his way.

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