Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

Chapter 546 - Kevin's Past.

Just then, he heard a commotion from his parents' room. Out of curiosity, Kevin walked sneakily while hearing the quarrel.

"It's been 10 years since you lied to me! Don't you feel guilty?". Kevin's mother shouted with tears in her eyes.

Kevin was startled by the sound of his mother screaming. However, Kevin did not dare to enter so he chose to stand in front of the door.

Meanwhile, his brother was not at home so Kevin felt alone and scared.

Kevin's father is heard trying to calm his wife down.

"Honey... Please forgive me! I didn't mean to lie to you, I was forced to marry her!".

Kevin's mother's gaze grew darker hearing her husband's innocent confession. 

"What did you say? You had to? Even if you already have a child who is almost the same age as ours. But, you still say it was forced?". Kevin's mother shouted again.

His father was at a loss for words so he chose to lower his head.

"I'm going back to my father's house! I will tell him everything so that you are fired as deputy director". After that his mother took her suitcase and put all her clothes in it.

"If you dare to leave this house, then you will never be able to see our two children!" Feeling lost, his father tried to threaten his mother who loved his two children very much.

His mother smiled bitterly. "You can't use them to stop me, don't worry I'll send you divorce papers right away!"

Hearing his mother's words, Kevin suddenly came into the room and looked at his parents with tears in his eyes. 

"Mama, don't go! Don't leave me and brother!". Kevin said while sobbing.

"Honey, I'm sorry! You won't be able to understand, I promise to come back to pick you up and your brother!".

After saying that, his mother pulled her suitcase. However, Kevin's whimper stopped her until he reached the front door.

"Honey... Please think of our children! How would they be without you?".

His mother smirked disgustedly at his father, after which he looked down at his son.

"Don't worry dear, I will take care of you with your two children!". His father's second wife suddenly came with her son and with a big smile she looked at Kevin's mother.

Kevin and his mother immediately turned to the woman sarcastically.

"You are indeed a snake! What kind of friend secretly corners her best friend for 10 years, you are an asshole!". His mother lost her temper, she tried to attack her husband's second wife but her husband grabbed her hand and pushed her down. 

Kevin was furious to see what his father did to his mother.

"Mama ...". Kevin shouted. "Is Mama okay?" Kevin asked after holding his mother's hand.

His mother looked at him with a sad expression, but before he could say anything, her husband grabbed Kevin's arm and dragged him into his room.

"I want to come with Mama...". Kevin tried to break free but he wasn't strong enough to fight his father.

After that, his father pushed him into his room and locked it. 

"Papa, open! I want to come with Mama!". Kevin screamed as loud as he could while banging on his bedroom door.

"Kevin, shut up! Papa did this for you, trust me your Mama will be back soon!". His father said.

After that, his father's voice disappeared from behind the door. 

Kevin slumped to the floor crying because he couldn't do anything.

A few days passed, and his stepbrother stayed at home with him. While his brother was successfully taken away by his mother. 

His stepmother also moved and took control of the house.

"Why are you in my room?" Kevin's expression darkened when he came home from school he found his stepbrother sleeping in his room and all his belongings were already in the room. 

His stepbrother was surprised to see Kevin, he immediately got up and said, "This is my room now!".

"Who said that?" Kevin was getting angry. 

"Your papa ordered it." Suddenly his stepmother appeared from behind.

Kevin turned and looked at his stepmother in annoyance. "I don't allow it, this is my room since I was little, now get out of my room!".

"Kevin... Why are you yelling at your mother?". His father appeared and defended his new wife.

His stepmother tried to win her husband's sympathy by saying, "Honey, don't be mad at Kevin, it's only natural that he's upset because his stepbrother doesn't deserve to occupy this big room."

"He's also my son! So he deserves what Kevin gets". His father glanced at Kevin and then said. "Kevin... Please love your brother and respect your mother!".

Kevin became even more annoyed at his father's words. "She is not my mother! and the child is not my brother either".


A slap landed on his cheek, instantly Kevin fell to the floor holding his cheek.

"Kevin, I'm sorry... Come on papa help!". His Papa tried to help him.

However, Kevin immediately slapped his father's hand away with a horrifying look.

"Starting today I don't have a father anymore! I hate all of you!". Kevin got up and challenged his Papa's gaze, after which he ran out of the house crying and holding his cheek. 

After that, Kevin managed to return to his grandfather's house. However, he had to accept the fact that his mother died from an overdose of sleeping pills. 

Since then, Kevin hated his father so much and cut off all ties. 


Remembering that incident, Kevin felt a pain in the pit of his heart.

Several years ago, his father was declared bankrupt. Therefore, his father called him for help. However, the Luan Group belonged to his grandfather so Kevin used that excuse to refuse his father's request. In addition, he also does not want to help people who have hurt him and his mother to death.

Just then, Maxwell finally entered after a long thought.

"Hi... Can I come in?". Maxwell smiled sweetly when he was in front of Kevin.

Kevin frowned while giving Maxwell a cynical look, instantly Maxwell shuddered in horror.

Maxwell had already entered Kevin's room, but he was still asking so Kevin felt even more annoyed with him.

"What else do you see me? It's not enough what you've done to me? It's someone else's fault, but why am I getting hit by the sap?". Kevin asked in a rising voice.

"I'm sorry! So don't be angry anymore! You'll look old." Maxwell said as he prepared to take a seat in front of Kevin's desk.

"Stop ...". Kevin shouted while pointing at the chair.

Maxwell was so surprised that he refused to sit down.

"Why? Can't I sit down?" Maxwell asked with a frown.

"You better get out of here because seeing your face makes me want to hit people". Kevin said after taking a deep breath.

"Okay, I'll go out. But, I brought a cooler for you so that the heat in your heart dissipates immediately". Maxwell smiled with a wink and then ran out of Kevin's room.

Kevin couldn't guess the way his best friend was thinking. Instantly he felt it was getting weirder because he had a strange friend.

"This time, what does he want to do? Don't tell me he brought my grandfather here". Kevin thought as he closed his eyes.

Kevin didn't ask Maxwell anything and just let him out.

Not long after, Kevin heard the sound of the door opening. 


The adorable and soft voice sounded in Kevin's ears, immediately Kevin opened his eyes and found the sweet and handsome figure standing on the chair in front of his desk. 

"Gavin". Kevin smiled seeing his son appear in front of him when his heart was not good.

"Uncle Max said Papa was sad. That's why I came to cheer you up". Gavin said while playing with his cute mouth and thin lips that made anyone want to kiss and hug him. 

Gavin is more gentle and cheerful than Zio, therefore Kevin loves Gavin very much.

"Uncle Max likes to joke, Papa is fine. Where is Uncle Max now?". Kevin asked after Gavin was in his arms. 

"Uncle Max said he wanted to go to war first so I was escorted by Uncle Rafael". Gavin replied.

Kevin was silent thinking about Gavin's words, Maxwell was strange and liked to make him angry. But, Kevin will always be beside Maxwell in all circumstances.

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