After that, Kevin asked Gavin to sit on the chair in front of Kevin's desk.

"Papa is going to work for a while, do you want to wait while playing a game?"  Kevin asked in a soft voice.

Gavin nodded with a smile.

After that Kevin continued his work seriously after wearing minus glasses.

A few moments later.

"Papa..." Gavin was getting bored because Kevin hadn't finished with his work yet.

"What is it?"  Kevin asked without looking at Gavin.

"Mama ... "

Kevin stopped his work when he heard Gavin mention the word Mama.  For the first time, Kevin heard the word from Gavin's adorable little mouth.

"Mama?"  Kevin asked while looking at Gavin in surprise.

Gavin nodded.

"What do you mean?"  Kevin was still confused because he couldn't guess what Gavin was thinking.

"I miss Mama! So, Papa call Mama now!"  Gavin explained to Kevin what he meant without mentioning who he called Mama.

Kevin took a deep breath.  After that he put down his glasses and looked at Gavin seriously.

"Mama? Who are you calling Mama?"  Ask Kevin.

"Mama Agatha ..." Gavin replied with a smile.

Kevin fell silent.

'How could Gavin call Agatha mother?  Don't they know each other's identities yet?  Could it be all because of a bond?'

Kevin kept thinking because he couldn't understand how Gavin could call Agatha Mama.

"Papa... Why are you silent? I miss Mama. Can Papa call her?"  Gavin was getting annoyed that Kevin didn't respond.

"Okay wait a minute!"  Then Kevin took a deep breath.  He then scrolled through his inbox and called Agatha's number in London.

"Hello?"  Agatha's soft voice came from the other side of the phone.

Instantly Kevin's heart beat faster so he felt a little nervous.

"Are you busy?"  Ask Kevin.

"I work at night and rest during the day. That means, I'm not busy in the morning. What's wrong, Mr. Kevin?"  Agatha replied.

"I'll make a Video call."  After that, Kevin changed his call to Vidio's call.

Kevin was stunned to see Agatha's face which was thinner than before.  Her cheeks are no longer chubby so her sharp nose is starting to look very beautiful and pretty.

"Mama..." Gavin screamed when he saw Agatha's face on the phone screen.

For the umpteenth time, Kevin was stunned to hear Gavin calling Agatha Mama.

'Blood relations can't be faked.  ' Kevin thought.

After that, Kevin went back to work and let Gavin and Agatha talk alone.

In the same time.

Julian and Qiara finally reached the hospital.

"Is Zio awake?"  Julian asked Andi who had just come out of Zio's room.

"Yes. But, the little master refused to talk to me. He also chased away the doctor who wanted to check on him. So I went out to call the boss. Luckily the boss came before I called."  Andi replied.

"Thank you for taking care of Zio. Then you can go home!"

"Okay boss!"  After that Andi showed his respect and left in front of Julian and Qiara.

"Come in!"

Qiara looked down in silence.  He is still afraid to meet Zio because he can't imagine Zio's rejection.

"Why, dear?"  Julian held both of Qiara's hands while looking at him gently.

Kira looked up.  He looked at Julian worriedly.

"You go in! Because I'm afraid it will make Zio's condition worse."  Kira replied.

"We won't know if we don't try. After all, Zio is a stronger kid than you think. So, let's go in together!"

"Okay!"  Kira took a deep breath.  After that he followed Julian into Zio's room.

Zio's Hospital.

Julian and Qiara walked slowly towards the bed where the small body lay.

Zio lay to the left so he didn't see Qiara and Julian coming.


Hearing his Papa's voice, Zio immediately turned around.  However, his gaze fell instead on Qiara who was standing anxiously beside Julian.

Noticing his son's sharp gaze, Julian glanced at Qiara and held onto her hand tightly.

"Relax and rest assured that Zio will accept you!"  Julian whispered.

"Yes." Qiara replied while swallowing deeply because he was very nervous to see Zio's gaze.


"I want to go home..." Zio interrupted Julian's unfinished speech in a firmer and higher voice.

As a mother, Qiara's heart ached to see her son ignoring her after giving her a stern look.

'Zio... How long are you going to ignore Mama?  Is your hatred deep for Mam?'  Qiara thought as he held back his tears as hard as he could.

"But ... "

"Anyway, I want to go home... Otherwise, I'll run away!"  Zio shouted while covering his ears.

Julian and Qiara were shocked.

Without saying anything, Qiara ventured closer.  Her maternal instincts made her hug the little body that was being hit by anger and fear.

Julian was taken aback by Qiara's act of suddenly hugging Zio without much thought.

'God... Please unite my wife and children.  Let them live in love without hatred and fear.'  Julian thought as he watched Qiara and Zio.

"Honey... Calm down! Mama's here!"  Qiara said while stroking Zio's hair gently.

Tears fell down Qiara's cheeks uncontrollably when she realized her son's plight.

Qiara had been patient for a long time.  She is willing to be a nanny and is called Aunt by her own child.  He really wanted to be called Mama.

Zio stopped struggling and screaming when he got Qiara's tenderness and warmth.

Julian smiled and hoped that this would be a good start for Qiara and Zio's relationship.

"Zio... Don't be afraid and sad. You now have Papa and Mama who will always look after and accompany you."  Julian said after hugging Zio and Qiara at the same time.

The little family hugged each other to release the heavy burden during this time.  Even though Zio hasn't raised his voice yet or called Qiara as Mama.

Not long after, they let go of their embrace.

"Honey... Do you want to go home?"  Qiara asked while stroking Zio's soft cheek.

Zio blinked his eyes.  After that he turned to his Papa and took his Papa's cellphone without answering Qiara's question first.

"Do you want us to take a picture of the three of us?"  Julian asked happily when he saw Zio take out his cell phone.

Zio looked down while writing something on Julian's smartphone.

Qiara and Julian looked at each other with confused expressions.

A moment later, Zio returned the phone and asked Julian to read what he had just written.

Julian immediately read it with a little confusion.

"Let us go home!"

After reading those two words on his cellphone, Julian glanced at Qiara again.  Julian could sense that Zio hadn't accepted Qiara but he didn't deny her existence either.

"What is it?"  Qiara asked in a whisper.

"He wants to go home."  Julian replied while taking a deep breath.

Actually Julian wanted Zio to continue the investigation further.  Especially now that Zio doesn't want to talk anymore.  Possibly, Zio's condition is getting worse.  However, Julian couldn't possibly refuse Zio's request because if he refused, Zio would definitely go berserk and run away.

"Okay, we'll go home. Then, Mama will take care of the administration and tell the doctor that Zio is going home." After that Qiara stood up and looked at Zio with a big smile.

Qiara chose to relent because he understood that Zio wasn't comfortable around him.  However, Qiara was quite happy that Zio did not refuse his presence.

Julian nodded without saying anything because he understood why Qiara was behaving like this.

After Qiara left Zio's room.  Julian immediately packed Zio's things and helped Zio to change his clothes.

"Zio...Are you sure you want to go home quickly? The doctor hasn't checked him and given you permission. Papa is worried that you're not okay" asked Julian after he finished changing Zio's clothes.

Zio nodded expressionlessly.  This made Julian even more worried.

"Febrizio… Are you really refusing to talk? What's wrong with you?" asked Julian who couldn't accept Zio's change.

Zio nodded his little head three times.

"You don't want to talk anymore because you're angry?" asked Julian again.

Zio shook his head twice because he wasn't really angry.

"Okay, Papa let you not talk today. But, if you don't want to talk tomorrow, Papa will be very angry with you!"  said Julian firmly.

Zio looked down sadly at his father's threat.  He didn't want to talk about that.  Should his dad be angry?  Zio thought.

Julian took a deep breath seeing Zio's attitude which was more strange than before.


"Febrizio… Are you really refusing to talk? What's wrong with you?" asked Julian who couldn't accept Zio's change.

Zio nodded his little head three times.

"You don't want to talk anymore because you're angry?" asked Julian again.

Zio shook his head twice because he wasn't really angry.

"Okay, Papa let you not talk today. But, if you don't want to talk tomorrow, Papa will be very angry with you!"  said Julian firmly.

Zio looked down sadly at his father's threat.  He didn't want to talk about that.  Should his dad be angry?  Zio thought.

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