My father is an honest and responsible person, but his appearance is a little ugly, and my mother is very good-looking. The neighbors all say that my father got such a beautiful daughter-in-law because of the virtue accumulated in his previous life. However, my birth completely changed my father's fate.

My mother is a mystery to me. I haven't seen her since I can remember. My father said that she was picked up by her parents, and he didn't know where she went.

I am a premature baby, born less than three jin, listen to my father said, I completely inherited my mother's gene, mother's health is not good, because of this, I was born from weak and sick.

In order to give the sick me better living conditions, my father worked day and night, struggling to make money.

When I was eight years old, I had a serious illness. During the day, like normal children, I had a high fever at night. That night, I was sent to the local small hospital. The conditions of the hospital were limited, and I couldn't find out what caused me. Even at night, I was sent to the city hospital. Fortunately, it was delivered in time, and my life was barely saved. Therefore, my father spent all his time Some savings, but since then, I have had a serious sequelae. Every rainy day, I have a headache. The doctor is helpless.

On the night when I came to the city hospital, my father sat by my side and looked at me dying on the bed. He stroked my face with his rough hands full of calluses. My father usually spoke little. He drank wine tonight and was drunk. His voice was a little hoarse. He kept saying to me: "son, it's dad who is sorry for you. He knows that your mother's health is not good, and she forced her to live Under you, lead to your malnutrition, come to this world to suffer, but you can rest assured, dad will work hard to make money, you good raise up

But before his wish was fulfilled, something happened. The year he committed the crime, I was only 10 years old. I don't know what crime he committed. I only remember that day, when the weather was gloomy, the police came to my house and tried to take my father away by force. I grabbed my father by the corner of his clothes and refused to let him go.

My father looked at me with red eyes and said nothing. He only asked the police to let him make a phone call before leaving. In the phone, he only said one sentence: "Lao Yang, take good care of Suluo for me, please!"

On the same day, I was taken home by Uncle Yang. Uncle Yang is a good friend who played with my father since childhood. His family has a sister named Yang Simiao who is the same age as me. When I first met Yang Simiao, he introduced me to him: "Miaomiao, this is your brother. You should get along well in the future."

As a result, Yang Simiao glanced at me in disgust and said with disdain: "I don't want this widowed star to be my brother." Then he turned around and left.

Yang Simiao hated me. She hated me from the beginning. But I, just arrived in this strange family, in my heart some are only afraid, also has to my father's thought, I am all day long depressed, has never laughed, so that Yang Simiao even more disgusts me, said looked at me this bitter gourd face to be annoyed.

Later, under the careful care of Uncle Yang, I slowly adapted to this new home, but I was still cautious. I was afraid of Yang Simiao, afraid that she was not happy, there were delicious food, I did not dare to eat more, there was fun, I did not dare to play, I just hope that this sister can not be tired of me.

However, no matter what I do, Miaomiao doesn't like me. On the contrary, she is more and more disgusted with me. She even doesn't want to eat at the same table with me. Every time we eat, Miaomiao only eats at the table after we finish eating. Uncle Yang scolds him, and she yells rudely: "a loser, I hate him now, and I won't like him in the future."

My heart is very aggrieved, very uncomfortable, but I dare not cry, many times, I am a person hiding in the toilet secretly shed tears.

Because of me, uncle Yang scolded Miaomiao. Once, uncle Lin even beat her fiercely. I watched beside her. I was very scared and worried. As soon as I was worried, I suddenly called out: "don't hit my sister!" This is my first time to speak since I came to Uncle Yang's house, and I still yelled out loud.

However, instead of thanking me for asking for help, Miaomiao rejected me even more. She not only ran against me at home, but also told me at school that my father was a criminal and a villain, and that I was a mangy dog stuck in her house.

since then, I have been looked down upon and despised by people everywhere in school. During the whole primary school period, I lived in inferiority complex, My heart, covered with a thick shadow, if not uncle Yang solemnly told me that my father is a good man, I would really think that my father is a bad guy.

In middle school, Yang Simiao and I were still in the same school. Yang Simiao followed the trend of the times and dressed up very fashionable every day. Compared with her, I was obviously ill and my appearance was not outstanding. Yang Simiao has always hated me and would not go to school with me. Yang Simiao is a famous school flower. She is always surrounded by many cool men and beautiful women. Yang Simiao's adolescent personality is publicity and rebellious. Uncle Yang can't manage it.

And I, in the school is always alone, always can only hide in nobody's corner, a person quietly doing their own things, even so, I still can't avoid everyone's sarcasm, but also can't avoid the eyes of classmates, my fragile heart, become more and more sensitive.After reading senior three, I was still in school, and Miaomiao didn't know why she dropped out of school and entered the society ahead of time. After she dropped out of school, she seldom went home. Every time she went home, she was still aiming at me everywhere. I could only bear it silently and never dare to contradict her.

On the eighth day of the first month, Yang Shu did not go on a business trip at home. I hid in my room to prepare for the college entrance examination. I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already 9:30 p.m. I stretched out and was ready to go out to wash my face. Then I had a rest. When I went out of the room, there was a knock on the door outside. I opened the door and found that it was very busy Miaomiao, who hasn't come back for a long time.

There is a girl with Miaomiao. She should be a friend who plays with her. Miaomiao has been drinking too much at this time. Miaomiao, who is not conscious, said to me immediately: "you mangy dog, how can you still stay at my home? Do you want to send my father to the public security Bureau to make you feel at ease! Don't think that my father likes you and doesn't like me, you can do whatever you want. I tell you, this is my family, always my family, not your family. You have a little bit of backbone, and you will not scold me for staying in my house. Sulo, if you want to have the seed, you want to be a man, just get out of my house before my father comes back, and never come back, lest I look sick

Miaomiao held her girl by her side. She was also a white eyed girl to me. She said, "the dove occupies the magpie's nest. Do you really want to turn someone else's home into your own? Don't be shameless!"

I didn't take Miaomiao and her friend's words to heart. I tried to help the drunken Miaomiao to the room to have a rest. As a result, as soon as I helped her, Miaomiao pushed her to sit on the floor. At the same time, she said to me with only her nose: "don't touch me, you mangy dog, tell you to go away. Why don't you go away quickly? Are you willing to let me throw you out?"

For so many years, I have always endured the humiliation and scolding of Miaomiao. For so many years, I have been lonely and lonely, living in the shadow of inferiority. For so many years, I have never really laughed, carefully step by step, just to live. I'm like a balloon, blowing bigger and thinner. Today, Miaomiao poked me and burst suddenly. My balloon can't bear any more pressure, and finally burst.

That night, I picked up a few clothes, took my pocket money which I had saved for many years, carried my bag and left.

Outside the wind is very big, the air is cold and piercing, but I did not feel cold, it seems that at this moment, I found myself, sad, but happy. Facing the wind, I walk quickly, I want to get rid of the accumulated depression, want to get rid of all the humiliation that these years have suffered. I don't know how people can be so indifferent. For more than ten years, even if you have a dog, you will have feelings, but Miaomiao always hates me. For so many years, I have avoided her, let her, bear with her, and be careful, but I can't change her to me A little bit better.

I hate her, hate her ruthlessness, hate her persecution for so many years, I can't breathe, I hate her aloof, I hate her humiliation to me, hate her contempt for me, I'm fed up, I don't want to go back to the home that didn't belong to me, I don't want to see Miaomiao's proud face any more.

My pace in the faster and faster, and finally ran straight up, my heart held back for many years of cowardice, slowly, slowly, in the release, until the early morning, I was tired, can not run, now my head abnormal pain, my figure on the street constantly shaking, my body lost balance, plopped down on the street, gradually closed Eyes, completely unconscious.

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