When I had consciousness, a pungent smell of disinfectant came into my every nerve. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was lying in the hospital bed with a hanging bottle on my hand. There was no one around me. I vaguely remember that day. I fell on the ground when I was walking. Who sent me to the hospital? My mind is full of questions.

After a while, the door of the ward opened and a man came in. I looked up and saw that it was Uncle Yang

Isn't he supposed to be on a business trip? How could it be in the hospital. Uncle Yang came in and found that I was awake and said to me, "Xiao Luo, if nothing happens, we'll go home in a moment."

Lying in bed, I heard the two words home, do not know how to answer, I bowed my head and chose to keep silent.

Later, I learned that I had been in a coma for three days in the hospital. After I fell down, a kind-hearted taxi driver sent me to the hospital. The good driver found uncle Yang's mobile phone number in my backpack. He sent me to the hospital to pay for my medical expenses. After hearing the news, uncle Yang pushed off all the work and rushed back. The kind-hearted driver left after meeting uncle Yang Yes. In the afternoon, uncle Yang handled the discharge procedures for me, and he and I set foot on the way home.

After about an hour or so, uncle Yang and I came back. Now, at the door of Uncle Yang's house, I laughed at myself, and finally I came back in vain.

After uncle Yang opened the door for me, I took the lead to walk in. Miaomiao was watching TV in the living room and found me back again. He opened his mouth and said, "you mangy dog, didn't you roll? How come you're back. "

Just half of what he said, uncle Yang then came in and inserted a very angry sentence: "who do you think is a mangy dog? I'll have a look again."

Uncle Yang seems to be really angry. Miaomiao is silent at this time. He goes to his bedroom with a cold face. Uncle Yang scolds her back: "little rabbit, if I find you driving Suluo away, I'll see how I deal with you."

In the following days, Miaomiao often goes out early and comes back late. No one knows what she is doing every day. Uncle Yang calls him and says a few words and then hangs up. Sometimes he even can't get through. In the following days, Miao Miao goes home less and less.

The night is deep, I lie in the room, tossing and turning, how can't sleep, heart repeatedly tangled, perhaps Miaomiao said right, uncle yang to me again and again, this is not my home, I can't because of their own reason, alienated the feelings between uncle Yang and his daughter.

The life of high school is over soon, and there are ten days to the day of college entrance examination. Today is the last day of my senior three life. During the three years of high school, I didn't make a friend. People who know me hide from me like the God of pestilence. I'm used to their sarcasm and will leave soon, but I'm still reluctant to part with them,

after school in the evening At that time, the monitor organized the whole class to have a dinner. When they had time, they had to wait for the end of the college entrance examination to travel, and those who worked in the summer vacation also went to work. The time was set at 6:00 p.m. when the school gate gathered, everyone went home to prepare to go.

I walk alone on the way home, the class dinner and I have nothing to do with, they and I do not get along at all, go to it will be very embarrassing, it is better to go home and have a good review!

When I got home, uncle Yang had just finished his meal, put down his schoolbag, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and then began to eat. Uncle Yang and I were on the dining table. He talked to me, and I just gave a simple reply. At this time, my mind was in a mess, and I didn't know what to think about.

After dinner, I went straight back to my room with the door locked. In order not to be disturbed, I told uncle Yang that there was nothing to call me.

In order to be able to test out better results, I reviewed the key content of the division of senior one to senior three teachers again. In the sea of books, I unconsciously forgot the time. I applied for a lazy back and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already 5:30 in the morning. I said in my heart, it seems that this time is really serious. Fortunately, these two days off, you can have a good rest.

This sleep is very good, I was woken up by a noisy beating and swearing. At the moment when I was about to open the door, I seemed to hear a word. The voice sounded like Miaomiao. She said, "Dad, you haven't hit me for so many years, but today you beat me for that bereaved star!" It seems that uncle yang beat Miaomiao because of me

I pushed open the door and went out. When I saw me out, Miaomiao looked at me with a vicious eye. Ignoring uncle Yang's presence, he pointed to my nose and said, "don't think my father treats you well, you can do whatever you want. I will pay for your years in my family!"

Miaomiao just finished, uncle Yang slapped her again in the face, and quickly apologized to Xiao Luo.

Over the years, I'm used to Miaomiao's attitude towards me, but Uncle Yang's slap makes me stay in the same place. Because I always make uncle Yang angry, but I just scold him every time. I never do anything. But this time, uncle Yang did it. It seems that uncle Yang is really angry.

My sleepiness completely dissipated, which made me feel more sorry for Miaomiao. I kept praying uncle Yang not to beat her. After all, she was a girl, but Uncle Yang didn't mean to stop.Miaomiao, who was in the period of uprightness and rebellion, was very unconvinced in the face of Uncle Yang's beating and scolding. When he heard me beg for her forgiveness, he said to me indifferently: "don't pretend to be where you are. You make me even more disgusted."

At this time, uncle Yang, like a tiger and wolf, was even more angry when he saw that Miaomiao still had the same attitude towards me. He took off the belt from his trousers and gave Miaomiao a severe whip on his back. While beating, he called out: "please don't talk about Suluo again. Remember!"

Miaomiao stubbornly endure this whip. She doesn't pay attention to Uncle Yang at all. She just stares at me fiercely and slowly walks towards me.

She looks like a madman. I'm nervous and scared.

Miaomiao came to me and directly gritted his teeth at me and growled: "Suluo, remember that I won't let you go, I will make you regret it!"

With that, she quickly passed me and went straight to the door.

Just walked to the door, uncle Yang's thunder and roar filled the whole hall: "Yang Simiao, if you dare to go out of this house today, you will not be my daughter, and never come back!"

Miaomiao now stays at the door for a few seconds, then resolutely runs out, never looking back!

Looking at Miaomiao's disappearing back, my soul seems to have been taken away. All kinds of emotions are entangled in my heart. I even lost the courage to call on her. The whole person seems to be in chaos, and I don't even know what happened. Until Miaomiao disappears completely in front of me, I suddenly realize that everything is all It's because of me.

At this time, uncle Yang also slowly walked to my side, looking at the empty door, heavily sighed.

And I, even if I really want to know what happened to him and Miaomiao, I don't dare to ask more. I just stare at the place where Miaomiao disappears and feel sad. However, Miaomiao really never came back. All she left us was the stubborn and cold figure. In this way, she walked out of our world.

At the beginning, uncle Yang didn't calm down, so he didn't go to Miaomiao. Later, he felt something was wrong. He immediately went all over the world to look for him. However, he couldn't find him. It was like the world had evaporated and never appeared again.

This family, lost Miaomiao, suddenly became withered. Uncle Yang seems to be a lot older all of a sudden. His original courage has disappeared. Although he is still good to me, he is obviously absent-minded.

However, time can't go back, and there is no regret medicine to take. The only thing that sticks in my heart is guilt and self blame. Seeing that uncle Yang, who raised me like a son to me, is becoming more and more haggard day by day, I'm really sad, but I'm not his own son after all, and I can't make up for the lack in his heart.

Time is passing quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, the exam is about to take place. In the two days of the college entrance examination, the sun is baking the earth. I walk in the sun with mixed feelings. I only take a body to the examination room. The original confidence test is also given up. I am full of self blame for Miaomiao's leaving, and I have no intention to answer the exam paper. I draw two pawns on the paper casually Finish the task.

As soon as the task was over, I immediately went to Uncle Yang and went straight to the theme: "Uncle Yang, I graduated from high school and don't want to go to college again. I want to go out and look for a job!"

Uncle Yang's turbid eyes stared at me for a while, then sighed deeply and said, "are you going to go out and look for it?"

Uncle Yang's words, a stab in my heart, my heart, can't help a tremor, throat seems to be blocked by something, temporarily speechless.

Uncle Yang patted me on the shoulder and said helplessly, "don't look. I've looked for all the places I should look for. I've asked people around to help me inquire. As soon as there's any news about Miaomiao, they'll tell me immediately. Xiao Luo, I know what you are thinking. Listen to my uncle. Everything has nothing to do with you. It's my responsibility to be a father. Don't worry about it. For the sake of the future, you should finish college well, OK? "

I bit my lips with tears, and my throat was blocked even more. I couldn't open my mouth.

Uncle Yang took a deep look at me, then slowly took out a cigarette and smoked it fiercely. His face was full of fatigue and pain, and his forehead was covered with wrinkles.

I clenched my fist tightly, and finally made a hoarse voice and said, "uncle, I know!"

Uncle, full of too much, too many words!

Hearing this, uncle Yang immediately put out the cigarette end, changed the topic, showed a very kind smile, and asked me: "how is the college entrance examination?"

In the twinkling of an eye, he seems to put aside the previous depression, only the most sincere concern for me in his eyes.

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