I want to find her revenge, but because I have been adhering to a concept, do not beat women, can turn to think, to her such a bitch what I should pity, since the determination has been made, then I will not tangle, let her come directly, and too early to expect something with me, has hinted at me several times. Today, I saw that I took the initiative to open my mouth. Without hesitation, he readily agreed to me and said, "honey, wait for me, I will go right away!"

Hang up the phone, I pinch the phone, continue to look out of the window at the vast starry sky, a dignified face.

About an hour or so, little sister arrived. The moment I opened the door to see her, I was stunned by her dress. As a student in school, she dressed herself up with charm. She is slender, wrapped up in a pair of very sexy black stockings, stockings on top of a black skirt, wearing a black system, inside a white shirt, to me, is simply a uniform temptation ah. This kind of dress can not help but remind me of Miss Cang in the island action movie. No wonder Chen Haoran, a tough man, will fall in love with her. In this regard, she really has a unique view.

The moment I opened the door, I was completely lost in my mind. After a moment, the little sister in front of me put on a very coquettish posture and said: "what's the matter, my dear, have you been defeated by my charm?"

Her voice pulled me back to reality. I looked at her and replied with a smile, "yes, I didn't expect you to look more beautiful!"

"Little sister said triumphantly:" it still needs to say, after all, this is our first night, I must give you a deep memory! "

I can't help but swallow the saliva, then gently said: "don't stand, come in!"

As soon as she entered the room, she was attracted by the scene in front of her. She kept looking at the suite, while watching and flirting with me, she said to me, "xiaoxuanxuan, I can't see it. Do you still have a sentiment?"

I laughed and didn't speak. When my little sister found that the bed was full of sex goods, her eyes suddenly changed. Then she looked at me with a hook eye and said, "honey, is your taste quite unique?"

I smile gently, return a way: "I like this kind of stimulation!"

Look at me seriously, little sister did not doubt anything, but more excited. I can see that the fox spirit didn't dislike these things. On the contrary, she also liked it and wanted to seek stimulation. Therefore, she said with a tone of hook: "xiaoxuanxuan, what do you want to play, I will accompany you!"

To tell you the truth, I am also a normal man. If she had not humiliated me deeply, I would have conquered this fox spirit. I have to say that in seducing people, she is really professional. Few men can control it in front of her. This is definitely an old driver worthy of the name. In terms of hooking people, if she said second, no one Dare to say first.

However, when I think of all kinds of insults she once gave me, and the humiliation that she took me for a walk as a dog, my lust dissipated in an instant. I must hold myself and not let this dirty person lose his mind. I looked at her and said with a wicked smile, "cancan, have you taken a bath? If not, go to wash it. I have already I can't help it! "

Hearing my words, the little sister giggled twice. She reached out and grabbed under my crotch. Then she said shyly, "before you come again, people have made sufficient preparations. Now you can only be lucky for me!"

I am not vague, mouth a grin, directly pushed the purple haired girl on the bed, little sister's reaction is very strong, also want to change passive into active, but I have great strength, once pressed her, will her firm uniform, evil smile said: "I still like to slowly come!"

Hear me say this, little sister just stop, light um, then they will be obedient lie down, let me play with, I'm not polite, immediately start, slowly take off the clothes of little sister, look at the simple action, but this moment is too difficult for me, let me help this fox spirit undress, it is a kind of torture, even if she is my big enemy, i It's hard to avoid blood rolling, pure desire to move, more importantly is the little sister this uniform temptation charm, and the figure is good, slightly touched her body, my body is like an electric shock, I try to calm down, the brain constantly think of what little sister did to me, then gradually calm down.

It took me a few minutes to get rid of my little sister's clothes. But for me, it was like years after I saw her naked. The perfect figure was exposed in front of me. I couldn't help but have a reaction again. At this time, the little sister provoked me to come again and said shyly, "honey, come on, people can't wait! ”

just a little bit, I couldn't hold it. Fortunately, the seeds of hatred had sprouted in my heart, which calmed down my body's lust. I said to her wickedly, "wait a minute, don't worry!"

With that, I started again, took the rope that had been prepared on the bed, tied her hand to the head of the bed, and tied her feet to the end of the bed. But little sister didn't struggle at all. On the contrary, she cooperated with me very much.When I finished binding, the little sister was lying on the bed in a big font. This posture, this picture, was more attractive. What's more, she was all tied up and was still scratching her head and saying to me: "honey, hurry up, I can't stand it any more!"

I couldn't help laughing. Then, I took the blindfold again and covered her eyes. Then I whispered to her, "baby, don't worry. Wait for me to take a shower. It's ready for you to enjoy yourself."

After that, I quickly ran to the bathroom and turned on the tap. When the water splashed, I walked out of the room and knocked on the next room.

Immediately, a man in rags opened the door for me. At this time, he still held a chicken leg in his hand. His mouth was greasy. As soon as he saw me, he grinned and said, "brother, why are you here? Thank you so much. Let me have a good meal!"

I went into his room and saw that it was all messed up by him. The garbage was all over the floor. I bought him a lot of food, which was almost eaten by him. I thought this guy could eat. I looked at him and said speechlessly, "didn't I ask you to take a bath? Why didn't you wash it? "

This guy, a smile directly, showed his big yellow teeth and said, "I'm so sorry, brother. I'm really hungry. I've been patronizing and eating. I forget it!"

I frowned and looked at him carefully. The smell on his body made me feel sick. I couldn't bear to look directly at him. This man was a beggar I pulled from the street. He looked very smart. He didn't lack arms and legs. I didn't know why to beg, but I was obedient He was brought to the hotel, ready to let him enjoy some time, let him pick up a bargain!

My purpose is to humiliate the little sister, expose her in the public eye, let her also taste the life after being insulted, treat such a ruckus, find a normal person, is absolutely can't hurt her, on the contrary, she is still willing, after all, a man to her, just a plaything, she doesn't care what, so, want to let her suffer from the heart To strike, we must find an unusual person. After thinking about it, I still think that beggars are more suitable, so I found this guy.

Just, this boy also don't know how, is really a little too indifferent to the image, sloppy and, I'm afraid that little sister can smell his breath and find something. When I hesitated, the beggar said to me: "brother, why do you treat me so well? When I fight with the dog for food, no one gives it to me. You buy me so much food, drink and let me stay in such a high-class hotel. I don't know how to thank you! "

At this time, I suddenly felt that, no matter how messy the beggar man is, he still has a bit of manliness, and his voice is very righteous. He should have nothing to do with the little sister, and now there is no time for him to take a bath. Therefore, I directly said to him seriously: "don't thank me, brother. I'm glad to meet me today. It's your blessing to meet me, Come on, there's a beautiful lady waiting for you. I'm almost out of shape. I can't do it any more. I'm going to let you have a taste of it. Can't you go?

as soon as I say it, the beggar's eyes are bright. I can see the brilliance of excitement from his dirty face. He swished his food in his hands On the other side, he nodded to me and said, "brother, what you said is true! Didn't you lie to me? "

This guy doesn't know where he's from. He always speaks with a strong local flavor. If I didn't have a strong understanding ability, I couldn't understand what he said. I nodded to him and said, "don't worry. What elder brother said is true, but I have a request. Just go ahead and don't speak. I can't let her know about the change of people, Or she won't do my business next time, understand? "

The beggar didn't hesitate at all. He nodded to me directly. His eyes were full of gratitude. Looking at him like this, I couldn't help but tell him: "remember, don't say a word, just do it! If it goes against my will, I'll make you miserable! "

Hearing my threat, the beggar looked at me from excitement to fear, and said weakly, "I, I understand, big brother!"

Looking at him showing such an expression, I was relieved, so I didn't say anything more. I took him directly and walked to the little sister's room

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