I quietly returned to the room with the beggar. Once I came back, I quickly shut the water in the bathroom, and then I took the beggar to the bed. Seeing the little sister in bed, the beggar's eyes were immediately released. The little sister, still scratching her head in the bed, simply made the beggar subvert his outlook on life and kept swallowing his mouth by the bedside.

I didn't delay, and I directly showed him with my hand. The beggar immediately ran out of his dirty clothes and rushed to her body. I didn't care if she would find any difference. I just switched her mobile phone to video, put it in the best position on the table, and then I looked at the little girl in bed Taimei and the beggar lying on her, quickly went to the bathroom.

Closed the door of the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, and found that I was so strange to myself now, and I was tangled up in my heart. Although all the plans have been successful, my heart has no feeling of revenge. I can't stop imagining what the beggar did to her.

In a reasonable way, I should enjoy the pleasure of revenge on the little sister. I should have released all the humiliations I had had at this moment. Didn't I always want revenge, and I always wanted her to taste the insult? I also want to see the consequences of being exposed, the people abandoned. I found beggars to defile her, and accepted wonderful videos of her and beggars' happy. But all the plans have been successfully implemented. Why can't I be happy?

A deep sense of guilt in my heart suddenly born, the more I think more not taste, feel good chaos, good chaos, I don't know, it is still right or wrong to do this, if, as far as I revenge her, I am not wrong, because the little sister to my injury into the marrow, she in the school of people stripped me, let me suffer from non-human insults, let me in all people I lost the dignity of being a human being completely. Even if I changed my appearance now, the humiliation I had suffered would never be destroyed.

But, she is so to me, I want to do this to her? So what is the difference between me and her in the end? Can she die of conscience to me, but can I turn it on her? Have I passed my conscience? When I do this, I have violated the law. But even if I threaten my little sister not to report to me, will my conscience be condemned if I do so?

The more she wanted to get tangled, at this time, the pain voice of little sister ah reached my ear, breaking me in the tangle. She seemed to have found something wrong. Her mouth just called out, but the voice was lost in a moment. Only the voice of sobbing was heard. This kind of voice could not be heard, but the very sad voice could be held out from the throat. It was really uncomfortable and heard Come on, she is very reluctant, she may have smelled the stench on the beggar, from her voice can hear, the little sister is so painful, she seems to be seeking help, every time she makes a sound, my heart will click, I frown tightly, a sense of justice inherent in constantly hitting my brain.

I have to admit that I sulo, although I changed my appearance, changed my name and my life, I could never change the conscience in my heart. Otherwise, if my little sister came up with something about it, my conscience would have been over and guilty for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, I immediately woke up to come, turned to open the door and rushed out of the bathroom. As soon as I came out, I saw that the little sister tied to bed was struggling to die, shaking her head and twisting her body. However, the more she struggled, the beggar liked the wild desire. He was not pitiful and spared. She kissed her breast rudely. He saw that the guy was obviously interested in the chest, and there was no action in other parts. I was very interested in the chest He was also helpless for a while.

I walked over without expression, put up my cell phone, and patted the beggar on the shoulder, indicating that he stopped his movements. However, this guy obviously too devoted, completely ignored me, see this state, I also lazy in hiding, directly pulled his arm, roared: "stop!"

The beggar was pulled to one side by me at once. He was interrupted by me in excitement. He was not happy immediately. He said to me: "get away, don't disturb me!"

Seeing him like this, I was angry in a moment, and said coldly, "are you telling me to get away?"

At this time, the beggar only came back to God, and found that it was me, and the desire on him dissipated instantly. So he apologized to me and said, "brother, I am wrong, I don't know it's you, but don't you mean I can play casually?"

I snapped, "now, I changed my mind. Go out. I'll find a better one for you. She can't!"

The beggar still has a little discontent about my words, and he mutters in a small voice. Moreover, his eyes at the little sister reveal the hot light. Obviously, the little sister's temptation to him is too big, but I can't think about his ideas now. I see that he doesn't move. So I yell at him again: "wear your clothes quickly and disappear in front of me! ”I was completely angry when I was met. The beggar dared not to do anything with me. He put on his clothes reluctantly and walked out reluctantly. He said to me before leaving the door: "elder brother, you must remember that you promised me something, and I must find better next time!"I didn't answer his words, just stare at him, he just hurried out of the room. After the beggar left, I immediately closed the door, and then helped little sister untie the rope on her hands and feet.

At the moment, little sister, make-up to cry flowers, originally amazing face, now become quite miserable, she used her eyes full of resentment at me, obviously, she has understood everything, I no matter how much she hates me, just sit by the bed, slowly draw out a cigarette from the mouth bag, put it on the mouth, and smoke leisurely.

When she saw me like this, she was even more angry. She rushed to my side, slapped me in the face, and scolded: "Ye Zixuan, you are a beast, no, you are not as good as an animal!"

As soon as I raised my hand, I caught her fan hand directly. Then, my other hand talked about the ash in my hand. Then I looked at her indifferently and said impolitely, "anyone can beat me, but you can't, because you, no, deserve it!"

After that, I held her hand and threw her away. I hid my hatred for her for such a long time. Today, it is my greatest kindness to let her go. Therefore, I have no guilt for her. But little sister didn't know my identity. She would not understand it. She was so heartbroken by me at the moment. Tears kept flowing from her face. She looked pitiful. I'm afraid it was the first time that she was so sad in so many years. She stared at me with venomous eyes and sobbed: "tell me, who was the person lying on me just now? ”

I didn't hide it and said casually from my mouth: "I really don't know the name. He is just a beggar I found in the street at random!"

Hearing this, little sister's moment exploded. She rushed to my side again, trying to bite me. I didn't feel pity for her. Seeing this, I slapped her directly and knocked her unconscious. After a short time, she woke up. Maybe she knew that she couldn't beat me, and didn't attack again. She said: "Ye Zixuan, I did wrong in the end What's wrong? You have to treat me like this. Do you have conscience in your heart? "

Little sister's voice is particularly bleak, but I have no trace of pity for her. When I heard the word conscience, I laughed and laughed from the bottom of my heart. I said casually, "conscience, of course I have, but it's all for others. Can you, I've thought enough. Besides, who plays is not playing? What's wrong with beggars? He's not a human being I think it's enough to satisfy you! "

My words let little sister more collapse, she simply can't understand, stare at me and yell: "Ye Zixuan, do you do with me, are all just perfunctory me, you did not look at me, did not like me, you and I together is to play me again, right?"

I firmly said to her: "yes, you are right, I have never liked you, just want to tease you!"

This time, little sister already began to get mad and yelled at me: "why do you do this? Why? Why? "

Little sister thought she really fell in love, but in the end she found that all this was just my game. It was normal for her to have such a reaction now. Of course, what made her more miserable was that she had not understood why I would treat her like this. After all, she also knew that she had never done anything to apologize to me ye Zixuan.

However, she didn't know that the person who mocked her was not ye Zixuan now, but Suluo, who was insulted by her at the beginning. When she thought of the humiliation she had suffered and looked at the innocent face of little sister in front of her, I felt even more upset. I looked at her and said in a sharp voice: "why do you say that you have done so many immoral things, and now you have suffered from it After retribution, do you still need to ask why? You should be glad I stopped the beggars from invading you. I advise you not to ask again, or I will repent and call the beggar again. It will be too late for you to regret it! "

Obviously, my threat did not frighten the out of control little sister, but it seemed to wake her up. She suddenly calmed down and stopped crying. She kept staring at me with her blood red eyes, as if to see through me.

After a long time, she stood up from the ground and walked towards me step by step. When she came to me, she opened her mouth and uttered an extremely indifferent voice and asked me, "who are you?"

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