Who am I? To be honest, at this moment, I really want to tell him that I was the one who was forced to leave Suluo by her at the beginning, but in the end, I still put up with it, because I am very close to my plan. I want to step on their heads and tell them loudly that today's school bully is the waste that they forced away, solo.

I want them to know how to respect a person, even if it is a very sad person, the future can not be underestimated, this is my ultimate goal. I can't disturb my plan because she is alone, so I won't tell her the truth for the time being.

So, I still casually replied: "it doesn't matter who I am, but it's important that you know how many heartless things you've done yourself. Today, I just gave you a little lesson. You should thank me for my compassion. I hope you don't do anything against your conscience in the future, or I will clean you up! "

When the little sister heard this, she burst out laughing. She was so miserable that she yelled at me wildly: "don't give me a big reason, don't you want to revenge me? I'll go on. You can call people. Anyone can do it. Come on, I'll tell you. I've never been afraid. "

With that, she also backed out of the bed and posed. I didn't expect to see this scene. Little sister chiguoguo showed up in front of me. It is estimated that this kind of thing, for anyone, can't help rushing up, but I don't have any sexual interest at this time. On the contrary, she moves, which makes me more tired.

I thought it would be over to frighten her, but I didn't expect that she was not timid, but she was also crazy. I really had nothing to do with such a crazy woman. Anyway, I had taught her enough lessons, and I didn't want to pester her. I said directly, "make trouble without reason!"

Then I turned and left.

Before I got to the door, little sister's harsh voice came from behind me: "Ye Zixuan, you give me a memory, today's things, I will never forget, I will certainly not let you go, I will let you pay for everything today!"

Her voice is full of resentment, which makes people feel creepy unconsciously. However, now I, the most afraid is the threat, so, for her threat, I only gently look back, disdain to look at her, gently reply: "I am waiting for the arrival of that day!"

Finish saying, I also lazy go to take care of her again, turn head to leave!

After tonight, little sister has never appeared in school again. As for where she went, no one knows. Although I know in my heart that the means I used to deal with her is really cruel to a girl, but I have no regrets at all because she has caused indelible harm to me. I have been very compassionate to her.

In this way, my two big enemies in the school were easily solved by me. Now there are only two things left to do. I have to clean up all the enemies in the Suluo period, and then dominate the campus.

Cleaning up those enemies is a small matter for me now, but it is really a thorny thing to dominate the campus. Although I am now in high fashion in the school, freshmen have been steadily taken over by me, and many sophomores are quietly flattering me, trying to sneak along with me. As for the former Chen Haoran and Jiang wutrace's old headquarters in junior, they will be taken over It's not a difficult thing. It can be said that it's not too difficult for me to dominate the school. If this school didn't have Bai Qiuyan, maybe I would have already dominated the campus.

Although Bai Qiuyan has not asked about the campus for a long time, it is not a simple thing to replace him. After all, his strength is placed there. His reputation and status in the school are unmatched. His prestige is too high. If he waves his hand, at least half of the whole school will stand on his side. But if I really want to fight against him, it is my own choice for me now Doom, I want to get past him to the top. It's hard, it's really hard.

But no matter how difficult the front is, I have to challenge, because the main purpose of my return is to dominate this university. I want to change the current situation of the University and let it have a new order. In order to believe in this in my heart, I have been working hard.

Of course, if I want to compete with Bai Qiuyan, the most important thing is not the problem of strength, but the starting point. I can't provoke him for no reason and take the initiative to start a war. In this way, I will learn from the unknown, and others will have no reason to help me.

At the same time, when I and I entered the next day, I and I would like to join in the war After dinner, I left some tedious things to reason. I found a place to relax. After returning to school for such a long time, I haven't really had a good time. Walking alone in the campus, however, there are also things that annoy me. When people become famous, they will be recognized everywhere, and there will always be girls showing their admiration for me, From time to time, there are boys who smile and say hello to me, which is obviously opposite to the original Suluo.

Today's me, has undergone essential changes, from the original was despised, to be supported now, all these changes for me like a dream, sometimes I will unconsciously pinch myself to see if they are really happened in the dream, but the result is all true.Unconsciously, I walked to the school library, this year, the school has undergone earth shaking changes, but this library is still the same as it was, antique, contains a strong smell of books, I can't help but think of what happened here, and the man I buried in my heart, Lin Shihan.

This woman that I love and hate, it can be said that her appearance again and again changed me, let me completely fall into this bottomless abyss. Today, I come here again, and I can't help but feel sad. Can't you say that my heart still can't let her go? Now I, and can you recapture that does not belong to my heart.

I slowly walked in, casually took a Book of unknown name on the bookshelf, holding a lucky heart to go to the position she often did, went to the corner on the second floor, my heart suddenly beat up, all this is fate or creation to make people, in the position where she often read books, I really saw the beauty of the past again Lin Shihan.

As a junior, she still wears the same clothes as before. The only change is that Lin Shihan is more beautiful than before. I stopped and looked at her lovely appearance of serious reading. I thought that I suddenly thought of her, so I had an illusion. It's just the right time for me to appear. At this moment, sitting in front of me is not an illusion, but a living, flesh and blood person.

I don't know how. After seeing her, I even had the idea of chatting up in the past. I suddenly had an idea in my heart. I would go after her to provoke the war between Han Boyang and me and repay my hatred. This idea gradually germinated in my heart, and my mouth showed a vicious smile.

When I got to her side, I pointed to the position opposite her and said softly, "beauty, can I do it here"

hearing my voice, Lin Shihan gradually raised his head, looked at me in bewilderment, and said in a soft voice, "yes!"

Now that she agreed, I could talk to her further, and I said again, "beauty, are you alone?"

I have no ink words, go straight to the theme, I want to know what relationship she and Han Baiyang are now, if they are still lovers, then I will do anything to be a third party, if they break up, what should I do, suddenly I entangled myself.

Just listen to Lin Shihan said: "temporarily is a person, but later my boyfriend comes to pick me up."

Hearing this, my heart is still a little lost, but this is just my short-term mood, needless to say, her boyfriend is definitely Han Boyang, which is in line with my purpose. Now, no matter how deep his city is, I will step on him and kneel down to sing for me to conquer.

Smart Lin Shihan should have seen my chat up, so she moved out and she had a boyfriend, but that didn't stop me chatting up with her. I still said softly: "a beautiful woman like you, your boyfriend must be very handsome!"

Lin Shihan smiles and says, "it's OK."

I wanted to go on, but Lin Shihan didn't give me this chance at all. She said again, "classmate, this is the library. Can you read quietly?"

In a word, I just want to say the words to hold back, let me eat a closed door, after I am also embarrassed to say anything more, also quietly read a book in front of her, my appearance is very serious, but this is only the appearance that I make on the surface, my heart is constantly thinking about how to let Han Boyang take the initiative to provoke me, I rashly directly to him It's a mindless thing.

There are few people on the second floor of the library. We sit here quietly for about half an hour. After about half an hour, Lin Shihan's phone on the desk remembered the sound of shaking. I peeked at it. It was Han Boyang calling. Lin Shihan picked up and listened to her conversation. It seemed that Han Boyang was waiting for her downstairs. After hanging up the phone, Lin Shihan would leave with his book in his pocket I followed suit.

Seeing my incessant entanglement, Lin Shihan said impatiently, "classmate, I hope you stay away from me, or my boyfriend will see you, and your consequences will be very tragic!"

What happened to me, the consequences will be very tragic. After two years, Lin Shihan has changed. If I listen to you, I can retire from the world. I don't care: "beauty, what's wrong with me? Your boyfriend is going to clean me up?"

Lin Shihan said coldly, "he doesn't like others to be too close to me!"

After listening to it, I suddenly realized and said seriously, "beauty, I just like you. No matter how your boyfriend is, I will catch you up with you!"

With that, we had already reached the door of the library. At the moment of opening the door, I saw the old friend, Han Boyang, who had not been seen for a long time. At this time, he was looking at me fiercely.

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