I remember all the humiliations I have suffered. Once those powerless, I also deeply imprinted in my mind, now, even if Han Boyang is still so arrogant, so arrogant, I am not afraid of him at all. At least, I had the courage to face him.

This is the first time I have seen Han Boyang since I went back to school. He is still so handsome. However, standing in front of him now, I have no sense of inferiority at the beginning. On the contrary, I am more confident. When I see Lin Shihan and I come out together, he asks me in doubt: "Ye Zixuan, what do you want to do when you approach Shihan?"

After I heard what he said, I pretended not to know him and casually replied, "who are you? Why should I tell you?"

At this time, Lin Shihan put in a sentence and said, "classmate, he is my boyfriend!"

I looked him up and down performatively, and then, I said, "what kind of person do I still have? It's just so!"

Han Boyang on one side was not happy immediately after listening to my evaluation of him. He was a little angry on his handsome face, and said arrogantly: "Ye Zixuan, I don't care what your purpose is to approach Shihan, but I sincerely advise you to stop your idea, or you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The threat of red fruits is like a joke to me. If I were Su Luo, I would admit it. But now it's different. I'm Ye Zixuan, a freshman who beat Jiang Wuji and Chen Haoran away. Will I be afraid of such a threat? My main purpose of approaching Lin Shihan is to retaliate against Han Boyang from the side He paid for what he had done to me.

I look at Han Boyang, ha ha smile, disdain said: "don't threaten me, I don't eat this set. Since you are the boyfriend of this beautiful woman, I will tell you again here. My purpose is very simple. I like her. I just want to chase her. Can you manage it? "

After listening to what I said, Han Boyang's face changed very ugly. He didn't expect that I would not give him face so much, and still beat his face in front of his favorite person. How can he not be angry? I secretly laughed, and my goal has been achieved.

Han Boyang gnawed his teeth and said angrily, "Ye Zixuan, I know all about you. The second generation of rich people is the leader of the freshman. But these are nothing in my eyes. It is a matter of minutes for me to destroy you. Please don't touch my bottom line."

It seems that I'm still famous. This famous young master Han is very concerned about me. He even investigates me, but I'm a strange person. The more people threaten me, the more I fight against the wind. I admire this spirit.

At this time, Lin Shihan, who had been silent for a long time, said: "classmate, you should go quickly. I can think that nothing has happened, otherwise Baiyang will get angry and it will be terrible!"

I am very clear in my heart, with my understanding of Han Boyang, he will retaliate against me after a while after separation. Such a person will only do some things like cock crowing and dog stealing, an absolute villain. Since he has offended him, he will simply offend me to the end.

The more so, the more excited I became. I laughed and said, "my God, isn't it illegal for him to kill people?"

Han Boyang said, "if you don't believe it, you can try it! What's more, ye Zixuan, our Liangzi is finished. Wait for me! "

He wanted to say something more, he was interrupted by Lin Shihan and said, "Boyang, don't talk nonsense with such people, let's go quickly!"

With that, Lin Shihan forcibly pulled Han Boyang away. For Lin Shihan's words, Han Boyang was quite obedient, and left without saying anything. I was left on the scene, standing at the door of the library with a smile on my face. Suddenly, I said to Han Boyang's back: "Hey, if you have any tricks, you can use them to your heart's content, and I'll go on! ”

I don't have a deeper mind for people who can play tricks, but I have more superior force than him. Violence can often solve any problem, so I decided to use static braking to preempt others. Han Boyang, your good days are coming to an end, I muttered to myself.

I called Li Li directly and told him to let his brother investigate Han Boyang's itinerary. Then he told me that he hung up the phone. I had nothing to do, so I went back to my bedroom.

The next afternoon, I was sleeping in my bedroom. Suddenly. "You wake up, brother Xuan

In my sleep, I heard his call, and suddenly sat up, rubbed my hazy eyes and asked, "what's the matter?"

Reasonable and aggrieved said: "brother Xuan, that junior Han Boyang came to give you a letter of war, roll call to let you kneel down to apologize to him, after that, his people also beat me, Xuan brother, how did you provoke him?"

When I heard this, I immediately got up and said, "what! I don't want to look for him, but he comes to the door

At this time, I noticed that the rational face had been beaten into a pig's head, which looked ridiculous, but at the moment I didn't smile at all. I looked at the reason and said, "I'll take revenge on you later."After that, I got out of bed, dressed up and looked at the time. It was ten o'clock. It was 20 minutes from the end of class. Then I took out a cigarette and smoked it. Then I left the bedroom with the lecture.

I went back to the class and called some reliable brothers and started to go to Han Boyang class, senior high school. I waited in the corridor for a few minutes. The bell rang after class. The teacher just left the front foot. I rushed into the class with people behind me. At this time, hanboyang was looking down at the telephone, and didn't notice me. While others saw me rushing in, they all rushed in Look at me with incredible eyes.

I step by step to my front, knocked down his desk, and said in a cold voice, "hanboyang, I heard you asked me to kneel down and apologize to you?"

Hearing my voice, hanboyang slowly raised his head and said to me disdainfully, "what about me!"

The tone was extremely arrogant. I looked at him and said calmly, "it depends on whether you have this ability!"

The voice is not big, but it has extraordinary deterrent power. Maybe, this is the bottom gas from inside and outside. When I say this, the first player around hanboyang, Anan, immediately stands up from his seat and walks behind Han Boyang.

Han Baiyang looked at me with a calm face and said, "it will be known after you have tried it!"

His attitude and tone is still very arrogant. Obviously, he has arrogant capital. Even if he knows my strength, he doesn't seem to care much. He still disdains me. I smile and stare at him and say softly, "let's not say that first. What do you mean by the person you hit me today?"

Han Baiyang listened to it and said sarcastically, "Oh, sorry, I forgot, I want to see the owner when beating a dog!"

His voice just fell, the class students laughed, hanboyang is a shrewd person, never reckless, he has been talking to me now, obviously in provocation, I did not pay attention to him, to me behind the reason asked: "see if there is a beat you in this class?"

"Xuan elder brother, just him alone!" said the weak man

Said, the reason refers to Han Boyang behind the Anan, said this, immediately caused the whole class of dissatisfaction, especially after hanbaiyang, is extremely angry, directly jumped out to me and shouted: "Ye Zixuan, you don't be too arrogant! Others fear you, not that we are afraid of you, you are not even a dog in front of Yang brother! "

I have not been so insulted since I came back to school for so long. Today is the first time. I put up my smile and then I stare at Anan coldly and say, "you can tell me again!"

How many times, I was so humble in front of these people, so the oppression, my tragic fate is from this person named hanboyang, I was in front of them scared legs trembling, like dogs for mercy, and today, this once bullied me in my eyes, is not afraid, because now the yezixuan is invincible existence.

To be honest, I can bear to the limit of these crazy people who have given me so many injuries and humiliations. Obviously, my anger has been rising slowly, and I can detonate by just one guide. And the furious temper Anan again challenges my limit. He roars to me: "I said, how can you TM still be able to So, you really take yourself as a character! "

Obviously, Anan has a strong appeal in this class, and he has a strong momentum in speaking. He is so irritable that many people immediately follow me to beat me, and even those who have great problems say they want to break me.

Han Boyang also stood on the sidelines, and did not stop the behavior of Anan. This treacherous little man must want Anan to come out to fight and test my strength.

Standing in the place, I turned suddenly, and squeezed my fist and hit Anan. This guy, like he was ready for it, saw me to hand, and he immediately attacked me, and our fist immediately collided with each other.

Anan is very confident in his fist. So, he is very polite and almost makes every effort. I, of course, will not be polite to him. When two fists collide, I can hear the squeaking of bones. But then, it is the scream of Anan tearing his heart and lungs.

When he threw his hands back, I quickly pursued, and then I flew up and kicked him in the stomach, and I was very strong. Suddenly, the big Anan covered his stomach and bowed and cried and screamed. I stopped and beat him with victory. A rocket came to him, and then jumped up, and pressed his head with two hands. In a moment, I hit his head and hit my knee. Some of the actions were in one breath, without any drag. Anan was like this. In everyone's eyes Staring at the sky, he fell soft on the ground

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