Hearing her say this, I have a new look at this beautiful school flower. However, I really don't feel the joy of taking advantage of her at the moment. What lingers in my heart is the feeling of loss that can't be calmed down for a long time. Now I just want to escape here and find a place where there is no one to calm down.

I said to her casually, "thank you."

My voice just fell, was about to say goodbye, Luo Ziyi suddenly said: "but, if you take advantage of me for no reason, I will certainly not want to, but, I am very curious about you. You are the most popular person in the school now, and the girl's Suluo, I just heard about it, and I really can't connect you two together !”

Luo Ziyi's words once again broke my view on her. Unexpectedly, even she, a goddess who does not eat fireworks among people, also has a heart of gossip. I was a little speechless when I asked her. I replied directly: "of course, we are not the same person. Besides, the sulona in her mouth is as handsome as I am. Besides, you can also hear that she recognizes the wrong person!"

My explanation obviously did not hide Luo Ziyi. She seemed to find something strange. She looked at me seriously and said seriously: "but I look at your appearance, it seems that it is not as simple as recognizing the wrong person."

I have no conscience to say: "I think you really misunderstood, I just look at her very poor!"

At this time, there are more and more people around us. Although they can't hear us clearly, they can't help pointing at us when they see me and the school flowers together. Luo Ziyi also found this, but she didn't feel shy. She just looked at me and whispered, "you'd better hurry up, or you'll be in trouble for a while."

I know, Luo Ziyi means to remind me on the side that if Bai Qiuyan knew that we were together, I would like to leave as soon as possible, but now I hear Luo Ziyi say this, I don't want to leave immediately, and casually say: "it's OK, I don't care!"

Hearing this, Luo Ziyi immediately showed a surprised look and said, "are you not afraid of white autumn Yan?"

I replied, "why should I be afraid of him? To tell the truth, the people I fear have not appeared yet!"

I didn't exaggerate in the girl's performance, I said this is a fact, I have a unified school, sooner or later will be against Bai Qiuyan, how could I be afraid of him.

Luo Ziyi listened to my words and looked at me with different eyes. She looked at me up and down and said with a smile: "OK, I was defeated by you. Let's go together for the innocence of you."

I did not wriggle, directly agreed to her, and then, I left with her in the eyes of countless surprised, melodious walk in the campus, a moment ago, I still want to leave here quickly, but because of Luo Ziyi's words, stubborn I seriously, I will not let her feel the relationship between Bai Qiuyan, I will be afraid.

Walking on the path of the campus, Luo Ziyi walked, and said softly: "do you know why I cooperate with you?"

When she said this, Luo Ziyi's expression was very serious, and her eyes were mixed with a little sadness. This sadness, coupled with her beautiful face, was really beautiful in the moonlight. But I didn't appreciate her beauty. Instead, I answered her question seriously and said, "it can be because of curiosity."

And listen to Luo Ziyi leisurely said: "that's only a small part, the bigger reason is that I was surprised by your action. Do you know, I have no male friends since I was a child. No matter in school or life, there will be a bully who will look at me, and then other boys will not dare to come near me. It's the same in college, because Bai Qiuyan doesn't dare to be close to me. So, you are the first boy who dares to approach me, or the first one to touch my hand. This is the main reason. "

After listening to Luo Ziyi's words, I suddenly realized that it was so. No wonder that when someone was watching, she advised me to leave. She may be used to this scene. Knowing which boy is close to her will not end well. After all, if someone colludes with her, Bai Qiuyan, as a flower protector, will make that person pay the price.

In the past, I would have thought that this civilian school flower was not close to the boys because of her high position. Originally, she just lost the qualification to make male friends, and Bai Qiuyan was the barrier in the middle. This seemingly favored guardian is actually a confined cage.

At this time, I realized that Luo Ziyi was an approachable person. She also longed to make friends and live an ordinary life just like ordinary people. Therefore, she only wanted to know more about me and make friends with her.

The more I chat later, the more I appreciate Luo Ziyi, who never pretends to be. In my heart, this kind of girl is the most perfect existence, with beautiful appearance, but approachable. Even though her family is poor, she doesn't want to degenerate because of this. She makes me deeply understand that white swan is not so far away. I can't help but regard her as a friend, A friend worth making.

But I just wanted to tell her this idea personally, suddenly, Luo Ziyi's mobile phone ring broke our atmosphere, and what made me more surprised was that after she connected the phone, her face changed greatly, her hands trembled, and tears flashed in her clear eyes. She hesitated to answer a few words at the end of the phone, and then hung up the phone hastily. Then, she was flustered "Ye Zixuan," he said to me, "I'm sorry. I have something to do. I have to go first."Finish saying, also did not wait for me to respond, left in a hurry.

Just for a moment, this self-restraint Luo Ziyi was like crazy and ran in a hurry. I immediately understood that something must have happened to her. Otherwise, she would not be so flustered. Maybe she helped me just now. Maybe it was out of a good deed that I couldn't help following up.

When I saw that Luo Ziyi was running to the outside of the school, I was more worried. A girl's family was very dangerous outside at night. So I accelerated my pace. As soon as she left the school gate, she immediately took a taxi at the gate, and then the car sped away. Without hesitation, I took another taxi and asked the driver to keep up with the car in front of me.

An hour later, the car was parked in the city hospital. At this time, I knew that it seemed that some of her relatives were in the hospital. Look at her dejected appearance, she should be a close relative. Quietly followed her, came to the door of the emergency room, I saw Luo Ziyi talking to the doctor. It was too far away. I couldn't hear clearly. Vaguely, it seemed that she was going to have an operation and let her pay the medical expenses. But the key problem was that Luo Ziyi seemed to have no money and begged the doctor to save people there.

However, never so kind-hearted doctor, he may be used to this situation, the expression is particularly indifferent, Luo Ziyi's plea obviously has no effect, her anxious tears flow out, took out her mobile phone and hesitated, because she did not know who to call, that sad face, really pity.

Feeling the urgency of things, I can't look down any more. I ran directly to the attending doctor and said impolitely, "saving people is not your duty to be a doctor!"

And the attending doctor ignored me directly, as if what I said was like a joke. After seeing my appearance, Luo Ziyi was immediately surprised and asked, "Ye Zixuan, how did you come?"

I took out my bank card directly from my wallet, handed it to Luo Ziyi and said, "I'm sorry, I saw that you were in trouble, so I followed you. Now don't say anything. You should take my card and pay the medical fee. Don't delay the patient's treatment!"

At the time of human life, Luo Ziyi still hesitated. She could see that she wanted it, but she didn't dare to. It was very tangled. Seeing her action in Wuxi, I was worried and said in an imperative tone: "listen to me. Take it quickly. I have enough money in my card to pay the medical expenses. Don't worry. I'm simple. I want you to help you in the name of your friend. I won't ask you to make a promise. I just think you are a better person. You are worthy of help. You don't have any burden. I won't have any intention to help you. Go

Luo Ziyi looked at me in a trance. Maybe she felt Frank from my eyes. Finally, she took my card and paid money under the guidance of the nurse. I looked at her back in a hurry, and my heart was suddenly free. In my heart, I didn't really have any redundant thoughts on her. I didn't want to get any reward from her, but suddenly felt that This girl is really not easy, a beautiful school flower in the school, but she lives a poor life.

After my brief meditation, Luo Ziyi came back in a hurry. She returned the card to me and said sincerely, "thank you, ye Zixuan, you can rest assured. I'll pay you back the money! "

I took the bank card and gave her a smile without saying anything. In fact, I didn't want her to return it, but it was not easy to say it openly. I was afraid that she thought I had a bad heart for her, so I could only be silent. Then, I quietly accompanied her to wait outside the operating room to see if there was any need for help.

As time passed by, we didn't say a word. Luo Ziyi always frowned and stared at the door of the operating room. I could feel her anxiety, but I couldn't comfort anything. I could only pray for the safety of her relatives in my heart.

About an hour later, the door of the operating room finally opened. The chief surgeon came out. Luo Ziyi immediately stepped forward and said anxiously, "doctor, is my mother OK?"

The doctor died and said, "the operation is very successful."

Finish saying, chief knife doctor left, soon, the patient was pushed out, Luo Ziyi hurriedly walked to the bedside, excited and excited looking at the patient on the bed. I finally know why Luo Ziyi is so anxious. It was her mother who had the operation.

However, when her mother passed by me, I was stunned. Her mother was so similar to the picture of my mother on the wall of my hometown!

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