This scene shocked me deeply. This face made me feel so deep. In those days when I lived with my father in my hometown, he would stare at the pictures on the wall almost every day. Although I have no memory of my mother, the beautiful woman lying in the hospital bed reminds me of the old photos in my memory. Although I have no feelings for my mother, I can do it Seeing such a person who is very similar to my mother, my heart still couldn't help but get excited and walked with them in the direction of ward.

Luo Ziyi's mother was awake, but the effect of the anesthetic had not dissipated. At this time, she looked very weak and couldn't speak. Luo Ziyi stayed beside the hospital bed and constantly apologized to her mother. Seeing this, I didn't want to disturb them, so she secretly left the ward and went to the doctor's office alone to inquire about Luo's mother, I was relieved to learn that her mother was OK.

The doctor told me that Luo's mother fainted on the roadside and was sent by a kind-hearted person. Through examination, she was confirmed to be suffering from heart disease. As a result, I got a disappointing result. Luo Ziyi and her mother's surname had no connection with my mother's family name. This also eliminated my expectation. In fact, when I think about it carefully, it is just a coincidence My mother was picked up by her mother's family, because my father said that my grandfather was rich, so this is definitely not my mother.

However, no matter what, mother Luo gave me a very warm feeling. I wanted to care about her from the bottom of my heart. The doctor said that the body had nothing to do, as long as I didn't feel too tired in the future, but I still had to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time. After saying goodbye to the doctor, in order to let Luo's mother have a good recuperation environment, I secretly changed a senior ward for her. Then, I bought a night snack for Luo Ziyi and some daily necessities. I ate something casually outside and went back.

When I came back, mother Luo's mother had already turned around. After Luo Ziyi knew that I had done it, she once again said thank you and said that she would give me back the money. I just laughed and didn't speak. She accompanied her silently. The time was nearly ten o'clock. Luo Ziyi asked me to go back to school. I refused her because of the closing of the school dormitory. In fact, I wanted to accompany the mother Luo, who gave me a warm feeling, and was weak Mother Luo can also speak in the latter half of the night. Although she is very weak, she can still talk with Luo Ziyi normally.

Through the conversation between their mother and daughter, I probably know that Luo Ziyi took her mother's surname because she had been dependent on her mother since she was a child, and she did not hear her mother talk about her father. At present, only she and her mother are dependent on each other in the world. Luo Ziyi blames herself specially. She knows that her mother is often uncomfortable, but she never brings her to the hospital It was checked, and it was not until today that such a situation appeared.

I don't know why. The more they said, the more moved I was. My tears almost came out. Before, I only knew that Luo Ziyi's family was not good, but I didn't expect to be poor to this extent. I really can't think of anyone who is so cruel and willing to abandon them? How did they survive to this day?

Unconsciously, Luo Ziyi and her daughter stopped talking. She left the ward. After she left, mother Luo suddenly called me to her side. I asked in a soft voice, "aunt, what's the matter?"

Luo's mother looked at me with a kind look in her eyes. Her mouth also curved a kind smile and asked me, "child, are you Ziyi's boyfriend?"

Luo's mother's question was so abrupt that I was immediately stupefied. I quickly explained: "Auntie, it's not what you think. Ziyi and I are just ordinary friends!"

But mother Luo didn't understand what I said, or in other words, she didn't want to believe me at all. She just said to herself, "I can see that you are a good boy and the first boy my daughter brought to me. I just noticed that her eyes are not the same."

Luo's mother said that I was completely speechless. What was Luo's mother thinking? If I said that my daughter and I met each other only tonight, she might not believe it. Forget it, I didn't get a chance to interrupt. She has been talking about herself, saying that Luo Ziyi was very poor since childhood, had not had a good life, had good grades, did not go to a better school, but chose to go to A third rate university just doesn't want to add burden to her as a mother.

Luo's mother also said that Ziyi has never had a boyfriend. Even if the life is hard, she also supports herself and doesn't ask for others. It's just that she doesn't want to see her daughter so tired. She hopes her daughter can find a support. Seeing me today, mother Luo is very satisfied and thinks that I am a reliable boy. Therefore, she hopes that I can take good care of her daughter and don't hurt her. She says that her daughter looks strong, but in fact, her heart is still very fragile.

Looking at this extremely weak mother Luo lying in the hospital bed, she said this provocative words, my heart is also a burst of sadness, I really can't bear to say again let her sad words, in order to make her feel at ease, I have to do it in a real way, to mother Luo solemnly promise: "Auntie, you can rest assured, I will take good care of Ziyi, absolutely not let her suffer any injustice !”

Listen to my words, mother Luo happily smile, although her face is very weak, but her smile, really is the most loving smile in the world, my heart can not help a ripple, feel, she is his mother, I can't help but also want to talk to her.But at this time, behind suddenly came a light cough, I quickly turned back, the original Luo Ziyi has come back from the outside, bright eyes are looking at me.

I was flustered. I went to Luo Ziyi and explained quietly: "Luo Ziyi, don't get me wrong. My aunt took the initiative to say those words just now. In order to make your mother feel at ease, I perfunctorily."

Mu Shihan smiles and says, "I didn't say anything. What are you flustered about? I want you to buy something for me!"

After that, a blush appeared on her face. Then, I said, "ah, what do you want to buy, daily necessities? I've bought all those things!"

I said, Luo Ziyi more embarrassed, shy face said to me: "I, I, I came to that?"

I still don't understand what it means, a confused face asked: "what is that?"

Luo Ziyi gave me a white look and meow, "aunt!"

To be honest, I have little contact with women, and I don't know their physiology at all. Therefore, when Luo Ziyi said this, I realized it. In an instant, I also felt embarrassed and stammered: "do you want me to help you buy that thing?"

Luo Ziyi lowered her head and said shyly, "Well!"

She asked me to buy sanitary napkins, which immediately embarrassed me. I had never done such a thing. However, it was not the way to let her go out alone at night. Besides, she had to accompany her mother. I had no choice but to nod and consent, and immediately ran out of the ward and went to the convenience store at the entrance of the hospital.

When I got to the convenience store, I was confused again when I saw that there were many brands of this thing. But I was embarrassed to ask Luo Ziyi what brand he wanted. So I bought several bags of the most expensive ones. I ran out of the convenience store and went back to the ward. Luo Ziyi took the bag from me shyly and ran to the bathroom.

After experiencing this embarrassing incident, my relationship with Luo Ziyi has improved a lot. When Luo's mother fell asleep, I asked Luo Ziyi to sleep for a while, and I watched for her. But Luo Ziyi pulled me out of the room and talked quietly because she couldn't sleep.

For this evening, she is still very grateful to me. She has never relied on men. Today, I suddenly appeared to help her solve the problem of medical expenses, so that her mother was treated in time. Therefore, she was very grateful to me. She said generously that I could not blame for the things I held her hand.

Of course, I also made clear my attitude to her, saying that I didn't have any intention to help her. I just helped her with a friend's attitude, and told her not to have any mental burden. It doesn't matter if the money is still there. I'm not short of money.

This evening, we talked a lot. Luo Ziyi probably had no friends since childhood. She even told me about her childhood. She said that her mother had suffered a lot in order to support her. She said that the person she could not forget in her life was her mother.

Of course, I also told her some of my things. I said that I had never seen my mother since childhood and lived with my father. I felt that our two lives were just complementary. So I had a special chat. Before I knew it, a night passed like this. I didn't feel sleepy at all. On the contrary, I stayed with a beautiful woman like Luo Ziyi Individuals are very spiritual.

In the morning, I simply washed for a while and then went downstairs. I had a simple breakfast outside, and then bought one for Luo Ziyi and took it to the ward. However, when I just walked into the ward, I was stunned at the same place, because suddenly there was an unexpected guest in the room, Bai Qiuyan.

He bought a lot of tonics. He was chatting with Luo's mother by the hospital bed, while Luo Ziyi was standing on the side silently. My arrival made the atmosphere in the room fall into embarrassment. And Bai Qiuyan's attention also shifted from mother Luo to me. From his eyes, I could clearly feel a strong smell of gunpowder.

I'm not afraid of Bai Qiuyan. I just feel that Luo Ziyi is caught in the middle. So, I put down my breakfast directly and whispered to Luo Ziyi: "Luo Ziyi, I still have classes in the morning. I'll go back to school first!"

Then, I said hello to mother Luo and left the ward directly. After leaving the hospital, I stopped a taxi and went straight to the school.

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