Bai Qiuyan's sudden appearance made my situation in an awkward situation. I had a meeting with him at the sports meeting. I had done what I should have done for Luo Ziyi. Besides, Bai Qiuyan was originally a suitor of Luo Ziyi. It was quite normal for him to come to see Luo's mother in the hospital, Why do I feel a little uncomfortable suddenly? Strange, I feel a little jealous, even I can't think of it myself!

I went back to school in a hurry. I went back to my bedroom and went to bed. However, I didn't sleep all night. Now I have no sleepiness. I have the shadow of Luo Ziyi and the loving smile of mother Luo. I don't know what's wrong with me. Do I really like this civilian school flower, or does mother Luo give me that kind of life Mother's feeling, let me for a long time can't forget, this question makes me extremely entangled, suddenly, my mind moved, seems to suddenly think of something, yes, is the cause and effect of all this from Fang Qing's injury to me.

Fang Qing's mother is ruthless to me. She doesn't look down on me at all. When she sees me, Luo's mother, on the contrary, is approachable. When she sees me, she becomes more cordial. She can feel the real maternal love from her. She is a good mother who thinks about her daughter.

But Fang Qing, because despises my life experience, ruthlessly abandoned me, let my scarred heart, again worse, but Luo Ziyi, just is a kind-hearted, for others good girl, from her body, I can really feel the woman's true, good and beautiful, I can't help but want to protect her, love her. This kind of emotion, makes me very confused, does not wash does not feel in, I entered the dreamland.

After sleeping in the afternoon, I was woken up by a rush knock on the door. As soon as I opened the door, I took six or seven brothers with me. My face was flustered and my voice was very serious. I told me that Bai Qiuyan's people came to the class to look for me, but they didn't find it. Let me tell you that he was waiting for you in the Pavilion by the pond of the school, and let you wait for you at three o'clock I went to the appointment before.

Maybe my brothers also heard about the incident between me and the school flower last night. So, when Bai Qiuyan came to see me today, they would not worry for a while. However, there will be such a thing, already in my expectation, so I casually said to them: "nothing, you break up, Bai Qiuyan won't take me how!"

Said, I looked at the time, there is still half an hour from three o'clock. After I got up, I quickly washed and went to the place given by Bai Qiuyan. As soon as I got downstairs, I saw a tall man standing outside. I remember that he was one of Bai Qiuyan's followers. After seeing me out, he said to me coldly: "go, brother Bai is waiting for you !”

I replied with a smile: "in this case, please lead the way!"

Immediately, I left with the collar of the tall man. Many brothers were still worried, but they followed me silently. I could understand their mood. I was too lazy to say anything. I calmly followed the tall man behind. After a short walk, we came to the agreed place.

In the middle of the pond, there is a pavilion. Looking from a distance, Bai Qiuyan sits in the pavilion peacefully and reads the book slowly. However, Bai Qiuyan's people block Bai Qiuyan's people from entering the pavilion from the side of the pond to the paths on both sides of the pavilion, and no one can get close to him,

however, when I appeared at the pond, his people took the initiative to give up a way, and I knew Bai Qiuyan was looking for him What am I for, but I'm still fearless. I told my brothers who followed me not to act rashly and wait outside. Then, I walked onto the bridge and went to the pavilion in the middle of the pond.

For Bai Qiuyan, I don't resent him. From an objective point of view, he is really a good person. However, he and I still have to stand in the opposite direction. Because this school can only have one person who has the right to speak. However, I always lack a breakthrough. I can't act rashly from the unknown. Now, Luo Ziyi just gives me this opportunity. I believe that Bai Qiuyan will definitely come to me because of Luo Ziyi, and I can change from passive to active.

Facing the majestic Bai Qiuyan, I didn't feel any fear. I walked into the pavilion with my head held high, and then sat on the stone bench opposite Bai Qiuyan. At this time, Bai Qiuyan leisurely put down the book in his hand, raised his head to look at me, and said calmly, "here it is!"

I can't see any mood fluctuation in his short two words. It's a little different from what I expected. He can't be angry, but at least he should have a bad tone. It seems that Bai Qiuyan is really a man of courage. Seeing him so peaceful, I can't show any difference. He said faintly, "well, it's a bit late. What can I do for brother Bai? ”

Bai Qiuyan took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. She took out a cigarette and smoked it herself. Then she pushed the cigarette case to me, which meant that I could take it by myself. I was not polite. She took out a cigarette and lit it by herself. We two, temporarily silent down, leisurely smoke the cigarette in the hand, from Bai Qiuyan's state, after a short silence, may usher in his outbreak. Of course, it's just my guess.

At this moment, Bai Qiuyan and I are like friends we haven't seen for many years. Our performance is beyond anyone's expectation. To tell the truth, in the face of Bai Qiuyan, a deep-seated city official, my body is still a little uneasy. I can't guess what his brain is thinking, so I can only wait for his words quietly.After a cigarette, Bai Qiuyan opened her mouth and said, "Ye Zixuan, after the sports meeting, I have also investigated you. You are excellent in all aspects. You are indeed a rare talent. I also know your ultimate goal. I'm also optimistic about you. You have the potential to dominate the school. "

After saying this, Bai Qiuyan sighed and said again, "I know your ambition, but I hope you can stop for a while, and I'm about to leave this school, so I just want to spend the rest of the day quietly. When I'm gone, you can do whatever you want! Whatever you can do

Bai Qiuyan's words made me stupefied. I thought that he came to me to ask about Luo Ziyi, but I didn't expect that his topic was actually about my dominating the school. However, I also understand that although his tone was very polite, I felt an indistinct threat from his words. He warned me not to shake his position in the school. It seems that the low-key Bai Qiuyan still cares about his fame in his heart. He doesn't want to shake his position before he graduates.

However, I may not follow his idea, because I am a person who dislikes being bound by others, and I can't wait. Even at that time, those who looked down on me have basically graduated. Even if I became a unified school, it would be meaningless. Therefore, I directly said to him, "I will try my best."

I didn't confirm his words or negate his words. I gave him a step down when I replied. Of course, I also understand that Bai Qiuyan can't come to me just for this, or he should have come to me long ago. There is no need to wait until I have contact with Luo Ziyi.

Not out of my expectation, Bai Qiuyan, after listening to my reply, skipped the matter directly and went straight to the topic, saying: "before, I thought it was all misinformation. It seems that what was said in the school is true. It turns out that you really don't care about me at all, so you can walk with Ziyi openly!"

All the things mentioned above are just foreshadowing. Now he finally talked about the point and began to take the initiative to attack. Then, I couldn't admit it. I directly replied, "it seems that it has nothing to do with you. Do you need to report to brother Bai when I make friends with Luo Ziyi? She is very happy when we are together. I know you like roziyi, but it doesn't mean that she is yours. I have the right to pursue her, right? White Brother

My words, half angry, half for Luo Ziyi, just, strange is, Bai Qiuyan seems not angry, just smile, then, to me seriously said: "you don't think much, I didn't interfere with your meaning, just very curious, last night I heard people say that you are holding Ziyi's hand in the campus, originally I didn't believe it 。

However, when I saw you in the ward today, I had to believe it. I can see that Ziyi is very fond of you, so I really admire you. I chased the girl I didn't catch up with for more than three years. You just came here and got her favor. I admire you very much! "

Bai Qiuyan's words, again out of my expectation, really did not expect, Bai Qiuyan to me to do so magnanimous, magnanimous to me, I don't believe that sitting in front of me in the end is he, so, I looked at him from top to bottom, but from his words and deeds, he didn't seem to cheat me, every word is so sincere I couldn't help but explain to him: "brother Bai, what I just said is not true, I and Ziyi are just ordinary friends, really nothing!"

I didn't say that because I was afraid of him. I just clarified to him that Luo Ziyi and I were just friends. But Bai Qiuyan obviously didn't believe what I said. He stopped, and his tone changed instantly. He said, "I don't care what the relationship is between you two, but I just hope you can remember what I said. If you don't like her, please stay away from her Provoke her, but if you really like her, then with her good together, don't let her down, or let me know that you've betrayed her, to the ends of the earth, I will not let you go! "

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