The tone of Bai Qiuyan's words was very sharp. Until this moment, I deeply understood that Bai Qiuyan's love for Luo Ziyi was the real love, selfless love. Although Luo Ziyi didn't agree to his pursuit, he didn't ask for it. Even if Luo Ziyi and other men came together one day, he would not interfere. His purpose was to protect her silently and not hope Luo Ziyi would accept it To any harm.

For her, his love for Luo Ziyi, I admire him from the bottom of my heart. However, the tone he spoke to me made me deeply unhappy. I laughed and said casually, "are you threatening me?"

Bai Qiuyan said in a positive tone: "you understand there is no mistake!"

It seems that for the sake of Luo Ziyi, he can really do whatever he wants. However, I think he is a man, and I don't want to make too much trouble with him. I solemnly said, "I know!"

Hearing my answer, Bai Qiuyan suddenly stood up and warned me again, saying, "Ye Zixuan, if you are a man, I hope you will remember what you promised me! Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk! "

After that, he walked away without looking at me any more. At this moment, I found that the legend of this school is still so smart, so dare to love and hate. My sudden insertion made him completely hopeless in the pursuit of Luo Ziyi. Looking at his back, I fell into a burst of meditation, although, this time, I and Bai Qiuyan's confrontation did not start, but I can see that Bai Qiuyan is not happy.

After that, Bai Qiuyan and I went on a long way. The peaceful campus exploded again, and instantly became the top news of the school. Many people seemed to know that we were fighting for a woman, and there were different opinions and versions about the result of the fight. However, most people were spreading that Bai Qiuyan gave up her pursuit of luoziyi.

I'm not interested in these rumors. What I'm more interested in is Luo Ziyi. I don't know what she said to Bai Qiuyan, which will make Bai Qiuyan willing to quit and let him not fight me. From a point of view, it is obvious that Luo Ziyi is on my side.

But no matter what she said, I really feel good for her. Moreover, I want to pursue her more and more, like Bai Qiuyan, keep by her side, and whenever I think of her mother who is lying in the hospital bed and looks similar to my mother, I want to take care of her more. Therefore, no matter what the public opinion is, no matter what the outside people think of me, they can't stop me from moving forward. In the next few days, I will go to the hospital to see mother Luo every day. At the same time, I will accompany Luo Ziyi to help do what I can. Luo Ziyi seems to be used to me, and did not polite to me.

I don't know why. Mother Luo said that she liked me from the first sight. She said that I was a reliable child and liked to chat with me. Similarly, I also like to chat with her and feel that I can find the maternal love I never had from her..

After a period of meditation, mother Luo recovered very well. A week later, under the doctor's announcement, she could be discharged from the hospital. However, she could not work after returning home and still needed to stay in bed for a period of time. Then I stopped a car and drove to Luo Ziyi's home.

This is my first time to luoziyi's home. Although her home is from the city, she lives in a bungalow less than 50 square meters in the southern suburbs. Although the exterior is shabby, the interior is clean and tidy, which gives people a warm feeling.

Therefore, I came to luoziyi's home almost every day in the following days, and took care of her mother with her. Every time I saw her happy appearance, I felt very happy. In fact, for my arrival, Luo Ziyi is reluctant, she is afraid of neighbors to gossip, but see her mother especially like me, I can often make her mother happy, so she is not easy to say anything, because her favorite is her mother, as long as her mother is happy, she is willing to.

Over time, it seems that I really take Luo's mother as my mother, and my care and consideration for her are beyond my imagination. I never know that I have such a delicate side. Luo's mother is also very good to me. Maybe she has already regarded me as the prospective son-in-law. Anyway, she specially protects me. Luo Ziyi talks about me a little, and she will immediately scold Luo Ziyi. She won't allow me to be wronged. Luoziyi is jealous of me. Although the house is small, the atmosphere inside is always the most harmonious.

These days, Luo Ziyi and I often go in and out together. We are not lovers, which makes us feel better than lovers. When we go together, our neighbors always ask. At the beginning, Luo Ziyi will explain with a red face. When she comes back, she simply does not explain. No matter who asks, she chooses to face it with silence.

Of course, I will not take the initiative to explain, because I still feel very beautiful in my heart. Ziluo had no choice but to take care of ziluo's mother for more than ten days, so I had to wait for her mother to take care of her for more than ten days.

On the day before returning to school, Luo's mother cooked for me and cooked a big meal for me. After eating, she found that mother Luo's craftsmanship was really wonderful. Every dish was full of happiness. What's more, mother Luo kept putting vegetables for me on the dining table, for fear that I would not be full. Luo Ziyi was jealous again and kept talking about Luo Mother biased, Chloe mother did not pay attention to her, while eating said to me, in the future to often come, aunt for you to make delicious.I eat and echo, to tell the truth, from small to big, only here this period of time, is the happiest day in my life, here, I really find the feeling of home, the original, this is the warmth of home, if I can, I really want to have been so flat light life, but I know, this is impossible.

After dinner, Luo Ziyi and I were sent out of the house by Luo's mother. When I really wanted to leave, I suddenly couldn't give up. Mother Luo's concern for me made me unforgettable. During this period of time with her, I cherished it very much. When I left, I still couldn't help but hug her and said excitedly, "Auntie, if you don't dislike it, I will often come to see you!"

Mother Luo showed her loving face and said with a smile, "OK, OK, it's too late for auntie to welcome you."

Later, Luo Ziyi also said goodbye to her mother. After that, we left together. Walking on the road, I mean to take a taxi back to school, but Luo Ziyi said that it was too wasteful to rush the bus, but I had to listen to her.

More than an hour later, we got off the bus, but we still had to walk some way to school. On the way, Luo Ziyi suddenly asked me, "Ye Zixuan, you look very serious, you don't have any fancy. I didn't expect to be careful and think a lot!"

I was Luo Ziyi this sudden question to do not, doubt asked: "ah, what's wrong with me? You say that to me

Luo Ziyi showed a charming smile and said: "you still say you don't know anything. It's useless to chase me directly. You start on my mother, let her like you and lean towards you everywhere. You're really a good move, slippery devil!"

Luo Ziyi said that, my face can't help blushing. In fact, I selflessly do all these things, to say that I have no interest in Luo Ziyi, I'm afraid ghosts do not believe, but my original intention is because her mother and my mother similar reasons, just to help her, but I said to her, she can believe is strange, give me do not know how to explain.

Luo Ziyi looked at my embarrassed face and said with a smile, "OK, don't tangle up, I'm kidding!"

With that, she continued to walk forward and looked at her beautiful back. I didn't know what to do, so I had to follow her awkwardly. Perhaps, she did not mention this, I will not think about this, but she said, my heart is still turbulent, maybe, I really like her.

With this problem, I quickly followed up and looked at her side face. My hand moved involuntarily. I wanted to go to laloziyi's hand. But as soon as my hand touched her hand, I felt an electric current running through my whole body. This feeling was completely different from the last time I held her hand. It seemed that she was also electrocuted. She hurriedly retracted her hand and didn't let me hold it. My action was a failure.

At this time, we have come to the school gate, and then, she said to me with a red face: "that, that, I will go back to the dormitory first!"

With that, she ran directly to the direction of the dormitory, and I, like a fool, stood in the same place, suddenly lost in my heart. Just as I was in a trance, Luo Ziyi in front of me suddenly turned back and yelled to me: "in order to repay your help to me, wait for me at the school gate at 5:30 p.m., and I will invite you to eat!"

Finish saying, she completely disappeared in my sight, this time, I just react to come over, to lose track of her, loud reply: "good, I wait for you!"

Finish saying, I also walked toward the school, but I just walked into the campus, a figure appeared in front of her and me, her appearance made me happy mood and heartbroken, and the figure also slowly came towards my direction.

She looked at me in the eyes is full of endless sadness, tears in her eyes keep turning, my presence makes her tears completely flow out, she seems to want to suppress the sadness in her heart, but tears like a flood surged out, simply did not listen to her command.

Slowly, she came up to me and said in a choked voice, "I, I'm leaving!"

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