Fang Qing's sudden appearance, so that I was happy at a moment in the same place, her every move is deeply engraved in my eyes, that deep eyes hidden in the sadness, touched my soul, I don't know what kind of feelings she has for me to ever Suluo, I just want to stay away from her, not to have any relationship with her, but she again and again I have to admit that I was defeated!

Her voice fell, my feet immediately stopped, I kept warning myself in my heart, do not be soft hearted, but after all, I still shake, heart can not help a burst of sadness, no matter how she used to me, but now, she has been hurt enough by me, she will go, maybe this is the last time I see her, I am still messy.

To tell you the truth, at this moment, I really want to go over, hold her in my arms, and tell her that I am Suluo, who was very silly and naive at the beginning. However, when I think of the affair just happened with Luo Ziyi. Thinking of these days and her bit by bit, I suddenly recovered my reason. I now live a simple and happy life. Why should I tangle with everything in the past, why should I entangle with Fang Qing again.

Thinking of this, I immediately suppressed the restlessness in my heart, and the cold face of the other side said, "well, I know. If nothing happens, I'll leave first. Goodbye!"

After that, I was ready to bypass her and leave, but at this time, Fang Qing blocked my way again. Then, she raised her head and looked at me with pitiful eyes. She choked and said, "Ye Zixuan, I'm sorry for what I did before. From now on, I won't disturb you any more. I just want to tell you that I'm going abroad, and my family has already done it with me OK, I'll leave the campus tomorrow! "

Fang Qing said this, with some hoarse voice, her tone, mixed with deep do not give up. I know that I made her despair, so that she did not want to wait, so she chose to leave here, leave this land of right and wrong.

Since that night, I took Luo Ziyi's hand in front of her and left, she began to despair for me. She knew that I was deliberately angry with her that day, but later, this matter was also widely spread in the school, and Luo Ziyi and I disappeared in the school at the same time. These facts made Fang Qingzhen, who did not believe it, believed me in her heart The relationship with rozie has changed a lot.

The most important thing is that Fang Qing has seen all the ambiguity between me and Luo Ziyi. She has already seen that Luo Ziyi and I have been together. Therefore, she will despair to this situation. When she is sad, I am also sad. But I know that this is the best way to separate Fang Qing and me, so that our fetters will be completely cut off It's the ending I want.

After listening to her own explanation, I continued to indifferently say: "it's good to leave this quiet place early and change the environment to make me happy a little bit!"

My tone, calm incomparable, I will all emotions are desperately suppressed in the bottom of my heart, do not let a trace of surface. Fang Qing saw me so calm, her expression was more sad, she wiped the tears on her face, and said to me: "Ye Zixuan, do you know? I wanted to be here all the time waiting for Suluo's return, but now I know that it seems that my solo will never come back. After several days of meditation, I finally decided to leave, and I will not come back again. What I want to say is, if one day, Suluo comes back, you can help me to tell him that I have been waiting for her and guarding the memories between us, But after waiting for a long time, he finally let me down and didn't come back! "

Fang Qing said these words, did not wait for me to reply, resolutely left, even did not look at me again, her back is so sad, once naive no longer, lingering around her is dejected despair.

Seeing her like this, I seem to go back to the day when we broke up, and the protagonist changed from me to her. This time, all the things Fang Qing endured were what I experienced that day. What she just said has fully demonstrated that she has completely confirmed that I am Suluo. Her words are specially told to me. She wants to tell me that she still loves me, but I didn't cherish it, so she gave me a complete despair and wanted to leave the school and put an end to the past.

At this moment, how I want to rush past and ask her why everything she has done is why, but when I think of Luo Ziyi, this idea has been deeply dispelled. So many days with her, I have really fallen in love with this girl. What I care about is not her outside, but her inner, sensible and filial to her mother.

What's more, I like the days with mother Luo more. That simple home gives me endless warmth. In my heart, I really want to be with Luo Ziyi. I want to take care of her, take care of mother Luo, and live a warm life with them. This is what I always want to live.

Just now, Luo Ziyi also invited me to have a meal. A school flower who had never seen a male friend from her side invited me to have a meal. It is very exciting. It can be imagined that she is also full of good feelings for me. Moreover, I also feel that Luo Ziyi has taken me as a part of her life and has been used to my existence and learning Used to rely on me, so, tonight's meal, perhaps, can make the fuzzy feelings between us, become clear.Now that I have the idea of wanting to be with Luo Ziyi in my heart, then, I will say goodbye to my previous feelings thoroughly, and let this entangle me for a long time, deeply disappear in time, just, watching Fang Qing's lonely back slowly disappear in front of my eyes, my heart is still so painful, perhaps, what people say is right, first love is the most difficult Forgotten.

Imperceptibly, my eyes are also slightly wet, the man has tears do not flick, then, I also stepped forward, to the school inside, Yang long.

Just before Fang Qing appeared, I was still thinking about having dinner with Luo Ziyi in the evening. But when I suddenly learned that Fang Qing was going to leave, my heart was heavy and I couldn't be happy at all. Walking on the campus, everyone who saw me talked about my affair with the school flower. Many people envied and envied me, because everyone knew the civilian school Flowers are so hard to make, so I once again became a hot figure.

After all, I can't listen to all these gossip about me. I vaguely recall that although the time was short, the memories given to me were eternal.

When I was just enjoying the happiness, Fang Qing's words suddenly pulled me to hell from heaven. I thought our love would be unswerving, but I was wrong. I should have listened to Cheng Zheng's words, and should not provoke Fang Qing. From the beginning to the end, all the things happened are my own, no wonder Anyone.

A memory made me realize a lot of things, tears can't help rolling in my eyes, I suddenly raised my head and took a deep breath, I was afraid that tears would flow out, I wanted to look up to let tears flow back, but after all, the tears still flowed out, which can be regarded as the separate tears for Fang Qing's departure.

Waving my hand to dry my tears, I found that I walked to my bedroom unconsciously. At this time, the sun was almost setting. After watching the time, it was more than five o'clock. I remembered that Luo Ziyi and I had an appointment. Maybe after tonight, a new relationship will be ushered in in my life. I can really say goodbye to everything in the past, Let them follow Fang Qing to leave and dissipate together.

After a short period of self comfort, my mood has calmed down a lot. The shackles that have troubled me for a long time have also disappeared. For Fang Qing, here, I can only say to her silently: "Fang Qing, I'm sorry, I hope you can find someone better than me in the future."

I went back to my bedroom and cleaned up my clothes. After a few minutes, I arrived at the appointed place. After seeing the time, I arrived, but there was no shadow of Luo Ziyi. After waiting for more than half an hour, I still didn't see her figure.

At this time, my mobile phone ring suddenly, I thought it was Luo Ziyi, but I took out my mobile phone and found it was a strange number. I didn't even think about it. Immediately, a disgusting voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, my name is Chen Haoran, I'm back!"

After hearing that it was him, I immediately ushered in a bad premonition. It was not that I was afraid of him, but that I could not say it. Then, I casually replied, "I know it!"

Suddenly, the voice of Chen Haoran's evil smile on the other end of the phone, and then, he said to me darkly: "I miss you, my good brother. I'm waiting for you in the old building of the abandoned square. I hope you can come here within an hour, and we can talk about the past!"

I was too lazy to answer him, and directly refused: "sorry, no time!"

However, Chen Haoran seemed to expect my reaction. He was not angry at all and said to me with a smile: "since you don't come, I can't help it either. It seems that I can only talk about the past with Luo Ziyi alone tonight!"

After listening to this, my head was buzzing for a moment, and before I had time to think about it, a familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ye Zixuan, you'd better come here quickly, otherwise, what did you do to me that day, I'll do to our school flower today!"

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