Ha ha, as expected, as expected, Chen Haoran has confirmed my identity. He has called me by my name. Although there is darkness around me, at this moment, I can clearly feel the hatred that envelops him. Although I know that it is useless to argue again, I still try to fight for the last chance, explaining: "my name is Peng Zirui, not what you say Mosulo!

Hearing this, Chen Haoran's smile on his face became more somber. He squatted down and clapped his hands at me and said, "Suluo, Suluo, are you not tired to perform like this? But it's just that I changed my leather bag. What can I be arrogant about? To tell you the truth, during my hospitalization, I learned too much about you, but I didn't expect that your father who was in prison was really hiding. He was still a hidden character, and he was able to send you this rubbish abroad. After you came to school, I had to associate you and sulo with all kinds of things. So you come to school for nothing. But he came to revenge on purpose. "

after that, he showed a thoughtful smile to me. It seems that Chen Haoran has made a lot of efforts to deal with me. However, what puzzles me is that although Chen Haoran has some brains, he will think about such careful things one by one, and his little sister is obviously not a person who can do something. Obviously, I have doubts about his debate Ask.

But I again forced for their own way: "Chen Haoran, you said I was su Luo, but you have any evidence, this is just your guess!"

When I finished this sentence, Chen Haoran laughed and said, "Oh, yeah, do you really think I'm doing all this blindly? Of course not. I don't have the ability. Come on, let's see an old acquaintance again

After that, a figure came out of the darkness. When I got to the light place, I recognized it. This man was Han Boyang. Until now, I realized that all this was done by him, and only he could have such ability. No wonder I was so quiet these days. Originally, everything was in the process of planning at that time.

But. Since I entered the tiger's den, I didn't want to retreat. So, I just didn't want to hide it. I got up from the ground and patted the dust on my body. Then, I swept to Chen Haoran and Han Boyang with firm eyes. I didn't want to explain meaninglessly any more. I said in a deep voice, "yes, Laozi is Suluo. Since I'm here, that's right You're going to release rozii

I said this very bravely, without any fear. Moreover, as soon as I said this, I suddenly felt relaxed. Finally, I could take off the disguise and reveal the prototype. Finally, I could live less tired and be myself.

At this time, Han Boyang suddenly said: "Ye Zixuan, you don't want evidence, then I'll give it to you now, I'll let you die to understand!"

Said, Han Boyang waved, immediately after a person, I really did not expect that she would be here, see her this moment, my heart was more upset, what is her feelings for me, I really confused.

This person is Fang Qing. I wonder why she appears here. Is it possible that Han Boyang ordered her to test me? It's impossible. After she confirmed me, I fell out with Han Boyang. Or was it that when I arrived, Han Boyang was very interested in it at the beginning, and it couldn't be. For a moment, I fell into chaos.

When I fell into confusion, Chen Haoran on one side interrupted: "I really didn't expect that you would change so much. Everything you did surprised me. Even your style of conduct was tactful. Otherwise, Baiyang, I would never have thought you were Suluo.

I also admit that I was a little too much in the past, and you should revenge me. But if you beat me in a fair and aboveboard way, I can completely accept it and have no regrets. But you stabbed me in the back, plot against me, and do something like that to cancan. It's really immoral for you to do so, so don't blame me for my doing so! "

I have nothing to explain. Yes, he is right. I have become so shady now, but all this is forced by you. I ignored Chen Haoran and directly opened my mouth to Qingqing and said, "Fang Qing, I really didn't expect that you would be with them. Didn't you always say that I was Suluo? Then I will tell you personally that Laozi is Suluo and Laozi will return The purpose of coming here is revenge. Of course, you are one of my targets. If I am OK this time, you and your family will wait for my anger

After that, I raised my voice with heartache. I didn't know that Fang Qing belonged to them or had her own difficulties. But if she was here, it showed that she was my enemy. What I said just now is to tell her and let her know that I have been deeply disappointed with her.

I have already known that Han Boyang is the initiator of this game, and only he has the ability and strategy to do such a thing. I also know that Chen Haoran, Fang Qing and his little sister are just pieces in his hands. No matter what their relationship is, I promise secretly that the people who deal with me today will go back, and I will ask them to pay A heavy price.

Fang Qing, under the light, heard my threat, gave a bitter smile and said slowly, "Ye Zixuan, oh, no, Suluo, you hurt me again and again. I have long been dead to you. I just want to see you insulted. However, you should not want to revenge us, because from the moment you come in, you are doomed not to go out safely, As for life and death, it depends on your nature. "Through the light from this room, I have roughly guessed that besides Han Boyang and the four of them, there are about 20 big men with strong backs and strong backs. At a glance, these people are outlaws in society, which are not comparable to students.

It seems that Han Boyang really wasted a lot of effort to revenge me. He knew that my strength did not seek students, but sent people from the society. Facing these people, I protected myself, but there was no problem. Luo Ziyi was still in their hands. I really couldn't act rashly. Then I said seriously: "since you know my father's power, I advise you not to offend me, Otherwise, I don't need to say that you can also guess the consequences. Moreover, I advise you to release Luo Ziyi quickly. It has nothing to do with her. Otherwise Bai Qiuyan knows, your fate will be more serious. "

I also admire Chen Haoran. Instead of using women to deal with me, I kidnapped Luo Ziyi through Han Boyang's use. He was just a cannon fodder. Then, I decided to start with him and let him shake himself with Bai Qiuyan's name, and said, "Chen Haoran, I know that this matter has nothing to do with you. You also know that offending Bai Qiuyan will not have a good end. I Respect you are a man, as long as you quit, I will help you and Bai Qiuyan plead

Chen Haoran listened to my words, as if listening to a joke in general, said: "please, do you forget what I said? Bai Qiuyan is hard to protect herself. Then there is still time to come to me, you know? The last time I nearly hung up, the doctor said that he would die if he was delivered late. I have already gone through hell. I'm not afraid of death. I'll be afraid of him. Joke

At this time, I saw the smell of conspiracy on Han Boyang's face. If he didn't say it, I knew it. Bai Qiuyan's affair was also his ghost. His tentacles were really long. My eyes touched him. At this time, Han Boyang said softly: "I told you already. Don't mess with me. I just don't want to play with you, but it doesn't mean I'm good Bai Qiuyan is an example! "

With that, he suddenly took out his mobile phone, dialed the number and said, "you can come here.". After a while, I saw that little sister with Luo Ziyi came. Luo Ziyi in the light was dishevelled and had a lot of bright slap marks on his face. His face lost his mind. After a while, my anger rose. I clenched my fist and directly yelled at Chen Haoran and Han Boyang: "MD, you should also do something to women! Beast

Hearing my voice, Luo Ziyi suddenly regained consciousness and looked at me. Immediately, her gloomy eyes showed the light of hope. At the same time, Chen Haoran spread out her hand and said, "I said I don't play, but it doesn't mean that cancan will too"

as soon as Chen Haoran's voice dropped, Luo Zi responded with a conditional response: "you are not Suluo, why do you want to come here, you Get out of here, we're all right! "

Her voice was very sincere, and her face was firm. At the moment, I couldn't see any fear in Luo Ziyi's eyes, but some were just fearless. Then she said again, "listen to me, Zixuan, go away quickly. I'll be OK. Brother Qiuyan will come to save me!"

However, Chen Haoran was infuriated by her words. He glared at Luo Ziyi fiercely and roared: "it's not over. Don't always put Bai Qiuyan on the lips. Even if he is in front of Laozi, I'm not afraid of him! If I'm afraid of him, how can I catch you? "

Hearing this, immediately Luo Ziyi's expression froze, her eyes, can't help shooting at me, her eyes, are incredible. Maybe, how could she have never imagined, at this time! The name Bai Qiuyan doesn't work any more!.

Although we know each other for a short time, but this period of time is also the most happy we have, gradually, so that I like this strong girl, I helped her a lot, do not ask her to return anything to her, just hope that she is happy every day, I look at her affectionately, can't help but say: "purple, I'm sorry, it's all I've implicated you!"

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