I'm sorry for Luo Ziyi. It's because of me that she was involved. And Fang Qing's appearance makes me feel the distortion of people's heart again. But what's the use of thinking so much? Let's solve the problems in front of me first.

After listening to my words, Luo Ziyi slowly said: "Zixuan, you don't have to say anything. I understand that you are who I don't care. The only thing I'm sure of is that we are friends and intimate ones."

After listening to her words, my heart was sour, inadvertently, my tears all fell down, it was happy tears, but also sad tears, I am happy that she did not like others, know my identity and hate me, I am still in her heart that is willing to pay for her Ye Zixuan, although understand his own situation is very dangerous, but he is still persuading me to rush Stay away.

Looking at her like this, I am heartbroken. I just came here just for her. How can I leave her? So I opened my mouth and was trying to comfort her. However, the little sister on the side couldn't stand it. She pulled down Luo Ziyi's hair and swore to me: "you two dogs, men and women, are now unable to protect themselves, and have the leisure to flirt here, tell you, both However, when it comes, no one will leave safely! "

Little sister's anger is very big. It seems that the more I care about Luo Ziyi, the more uncomfortable she will be. But when I see the palm print on Luo Ziyi's face, my heart is very sad. I yelled at little sister at all: "Stinky bitch, give her to me as soon as you can. What can I do for me?"

Little sister listened to my words, not only did not stop, but increased her strength, but also arrogantly mumbled to me: "are you commanding me? Suluo, oh, no, I still like to call you ye Zixuan. However, ye Zixuan, what you think is too naive. Do you think that we don't know you enough? It's meaningless to hit you and insult you, because you don't care about these at all. Otherwise, you don't dare to go back to school to revenge us. However, it's very interesting to insult the woman you like.

Then she turned her face to Luo Ziyi, and said, "big beauty Luo, you can only blame him. If he is not interested in you, we will not catch you."

Finish saying that, little sister's face is ferocious rise, appear particularly terrible under the light. And my heart, also more and more fear, she said right, how they deal with me, I can bear, gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late. But, want me to watch Luo Ziyi helplessly, because I was hurt, I can't accept, I clenched my fist, loudly scolded little sister a, then quickly rushed out.

Maybe it was because of my little sister that I forgot that there were Han Boyang around me. As soon as I moved, the people around me immediately pushed me to the ground. Without saying a word, they waved the stick in their hands directly to me, and their hands were cruel, which soon made me faint. Fortunately, hate as my driving force keeps my brain awake all the time.

However, Luo Ziyi felt worse when she saw me being beaten than herself. Despite the pain of her hair pulling, she desperately wanted to break free from the shackles of her little sister and begged them to let me go. However, these people did not pay any attention to Luo Ziyi. There was only one belief in their hearts, that is, beating me until my body changed from pain to numbness. These people stopped at the command of Han Boyang Hands.

Immediately, Han Boyang came over, squatted down and looked at me like a dead dog. He hit me in the face with his hand and said with disdain: "how, I heard you can't fight very well. Come on, hit me!"

In the face of Han Boyang's provocation, I was extremely angry. I wanted to resist, but how could I be suppressed by others? I didn't have the remaining strength to resist. I was completely in a passive position. After saying this, Han Boyang suddenly took out a dagger and swayed in front of me. Then he said to me again: "I advise you not to act rashly, and do not have any lucky heart to save people Inside, and don't get angry, otherwise, Luo Ziyi's end will be very miserable

After that, his mouth showed an evil smile, while Luo Ziyi was not afraid at all. He only looked at me lying on the ground worried, but I was afraid. I really didn't expect that Han Boyang was still so mean. Knowing that it was useless to torture me, he even wanted to attack Luo Ziyi. The anger in my heart broke out and called out to Han Boyang: "Han Bo Yang, if you move her, I will kill you

If I threatened, Han Boyang had no deterrent effect at all. My anger was a joke to the people present. Han Boyang ignored me at all and said to Chen Haoran: "Haoran, it's your turn to perform!"

Fang Qing's face was cold and cold, and did not make any statement. At this time, little sister immediately showed a charming smile and looked down at me and said: "Ye Zixuan, to tell you the truth, I don't care what you used to look like, but now you are full of good feelings. I like you from the bottom of my heart, but you deceive my feelings and treat me like that.

You know what? I don't hate what you did to me. I'm angry that you look down on me. I said that night that I would let you pay for my behavior. I also know that you can't do anything about it. However, I still have some tricks to deal with this beautiful woman of Luo! "

All said that the most vicious woman's heart, I know, crazy little sister can do anything, at this time I lie on the ground quietly watching her every move, at this time, little sister took out a pill from her pocket, instantly I guessed what she was going to do, and the next second, she forcibly opened Luo Ziyi's mouth and poured the pill into it. Seeing this state, I immediately struggled to roar Wheezing way: "do not ah!"But it was too late, the pill directly entered Luo Ziyi's throat. At this time, the voice of little sister Tai came again: "Ye Zixuan, don't let me tell you, this is a very strong aphrodisiac. It's several times stronger than the ordinary one. No man can't relieve it. In a moment, you'll see the scene of your favorite woman riding on someone else, ha ha ha!"

After saying that, she pushed Luo Ziyi away. At first, Luo Ziyi didn't know what was going on, but after listening to the words behind her little sister, Luo Ziyi's face turned pale instantly. Her eyes were full of panic, and tears flowed out unconsciously.

And I heard little sister's words, become more crazy, I struggle desperately, shouting, but I was pressed by this group of people, the body simply can not make strength, the more I struggle, these people press more tightly, they directly stare at Luo Ziyi in front of them, showing a very obscene expression.

Chen Haoran and Han Boyang, on one side, seemed to have known that little sister would do such a thing. His expression was very ordinary, as if it had nothing to do with him. They watched the good play silently. Soon, Luo Ziyi's efficacy spread all over the body, and her face began to turn red. I was going crazy to see her.

I was impatient and I was angry. I didn't expect that little sister would do such immoral things. She even hurt some unrelated people in order to deal with me. It was clear that I had done as they said. I didn't call the police or bring anyone. Why didn't they let Luo Ziyi go. What a pure girl, if her innocence is destroyed, how can she be a person? This will become a shadow that she will never forget. Little sister how to torture me can, but she so to Luo Ziyi, simply and killed me no difference.

Even though her tears had no effect on me, I couldn't see her tears, and I couldn't help but cry It's still there.

Before she was completely lost, she tried to control herself, looked at me and said: "Ye Zixuan, I'm sorry, it's all I've done to you. I'm really sorry. Even if you don't come, I won't blame you, because I like you!

You know what? In this evening, I intend to take the initiative to confess to you, so many years, I did not really happy, is your presence let my life full of sunshine, I know, happy time is short, but I cherish the days with you.

From that day on, I have known that you are Suluo, but I don't dislike you. I know that the external evaluation of you is framed by others, and I have never believed it. Before you leave, I am also paying close attention to you, feeling that you and I are in the same boat. Ye Zixuan, if you can survive, remember to take good care of my mother. "

I should have apologized to her, but now it's the other way around. I'm very confused. Luo Ziyi's words exhausted her perseverance. Every word she said, her body was shaking. When she said that, her mouth was not clear, and her appearance was painful.

Every word she said was clearly engraved in my mind. In the past, there was such a beautiful woman who paid attention to me. However, when she finished the last sentence, I suddenly had a bad premonition and forcibly said, "Ziyi, don't do stupid things, believe me, we will be safe!"

Said, I still do not forget to do some struggle, but all in vain, for my words, Luo Ziyi obviously ignored, her shaking voice came again: "Ye Zixuan, sorry, please remember my words. If there is an afterlife, I hope we are still together at that time

This paragraph also explained what she wanted to do. Just after the words fell, Luo Ziyi suddenly moved. When everyone didn't respond, she rushed out crazily. In an instant, her head collided with the wall on one side. Her body suddenly collapsed on the ground, leaving traces of blood on the wall.

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