In my heart, since I came here, every minute, what I thought and cared about was Luo Ziyi. I could bear how they tortured me and insulted me. However, I couldn't bear them when they treated me with luoziyi. I sincerely hope that they can release Luo Ziyi.

But when I saw little sister put a pill into her mouth, all my expectations were broken. After seeing Luo Ziyi's action, my heart also died. Even I forgot the sadness, the pain on my body and the bad environment.

Obviously, the other people on the scene except me were also surprised by the sudden scene. All the attention of everyone focused on Luo Ziyi. At this moment, my shackles were also relaxed, but I had no energy for revenge. I slowly crawled from the ground up and down to Luo Ziyi's direction.

At this time, I seem to forget that I can walk, forget that I am still a person, my action is very rigid, face is dead gray. It's like a person who has lost his soul, no brain.

Han Boyang was the first one to calm down. He didn't pay any attention to me. Fang Qing screamed and nearly fainted. Chen Haoran was also very surprised. The men who controlled me immediately responded, but they were still in shock. After all, they didn't expect that they would make such a big noise that they would die.

At the scene, only little sister Taimei was the most calm. She was not frightened by Luo Ziyi's behavior. Maybe, in order to revenge me, she said crazily: "Ye Zixuan, you are responsible for all this. No wonder others, Luo Ziyi was hurt by you!"

After listening to her, my mouth opened for a moment, and a hoarse voice came out of my mouth: "Huang cancan, I admit that I have done too much to you, but have you ever thought about what you did to me at that time? I thought it would be even. You and I are not related, but you do such a thing. You can deal with me as you like, but you should not be so right An innocent woman

When I said this, I almost cried out my tired throat. My voice sounded very sad. But for my words, little sister gave a cold smile. She looked at me and said, "don't you know the most poisonous woman's heart?"! Stupid B! I've said for a long time that you will pay the price! "

Although I have made a lot of changes, I have a consistent principle that I don't beat women. But little sister touches my bottom line again and again. I can't stand it. I'm lying on the ground and slowly gets up. Looking at my movements, she says again, "why, do you want to hit me?"

With that, little sister took a look at Han Boyang on one side. Then, Han Baiyang snapped her finger and immediately, two people came out of the darkness.

These two people, it seems, are very unusual, naked, muscular, each holding a long knife, a look is a practitioner, obviously, Han Baiyang has known my strength, is prepared, even if I know that I have a strong father, he did not care, it seems that they are not planning to let me go out alive this time.!

Even so, I was still not afraid. I stood up and said slowly, "if you have any strength, you can use it. I then said, if I go out alive today, you can prepare the coffin after tomorrow."

When I said this, my eyes were always on him. Obviously, what I said was to him, because I knew that he was the initiator of this matter. But after listening to my words, Han Boyang still didn't care, but he laughed more deeply and said to me, "I'm waiting for your revenge, if you have the strength to go out!"

With that, a murderous spirit appeared in his eyes. He waved his hand without hesitation. All of a sudden, the two muscle men came to me, like death, to take my life.

However, as my ex girlfriend, Fang Qing seemed a little flustered when she saw this scene. Before the muscle man came to me, she suddenly said to Han Boyang, "Han Boyang, we only told him a lesson. There's no need to kill people."

From Fang Qing's words, I can feel that she didn't expect things to happen like this. She didn't want me to get hurt, or to say, I didn't want me to die. But Han Boyang was desperate. Maybe he was still holding on to what I knew he had done before. He glanced at Fang Qing and said in a sharp voice, "yes, I promised you only to teach him a lesson, but now I've changed my mind, No way. "

At this time, the silent Chen Haoran said: "I agree with Bai Yang's practice. If anything happens, he will settle it down. Women's opinion. Do you think we still have room for maneuver when things get to this point? Now Luo Ziyi even if not dead, I'm afraid has lost half of his life, if you let Suluo live to leave, until Bai Qiuyan united, do you think our life will be stable!

What's more, don't forget that ye Zixuan is Su Luo. He is famous for his mental illness. He will do what he says. Now, Su Luo certainly didn't inform anyone, otherwise someone would have come to save him. Therefore, as long as we don't do it twice and kill them directly, we can cover up the past if we don't talk about it After that, there are also Boyang. Do you have to wait for Suluo to retaliate? "After saying that, Chen Haoran's eyes also showed murderous spirit, as if Han Boyang was the sky. Fang Qing listened to his words and seemed to understand something. Her expression trembled and said seriously: "Han Boyang, Chen Haoran, to tell you the truth, are you ready to kill them today?"

Han Boyang suddenly showed an evil smile and said frankly: "yes, since we want to revenge, we can't leave room, we can't let him have a chance to come back again. What's more, you've heard what he said. It's not that I'm afraid of him. If we let the tiger return to the mountain, we will surely become the dead souls of his men! "

His voice was cold. He asked me to go into the urn, so he didn't give me a chance to go out, because he knew that if I lived, they would be in danger.

And Fang Qing, it seems that Chen Haoran has said nothing. She also knows that she and Han Baiyang are on the same line now. Moreover, Luo Ziyi has become like this, which has something to do with her. If anything happens, she has to take responsibility. At the moment, she has no way back.

However, Fang Qing's hesitation fell into my eyes. I also knew that Han Boyang was determined to kill me. I had already guessed Fang Qing's mind. She and Han Boyang obviously wanted to revenge for my harm to her, but she didn't expect that things would develop to the direction that she could not control.

After listening to Chen Haoran's words, Fang Qing's body obviously trembled. She stood back two steps and asked Han Boyang in disbelief: "is what you said true?"

Obviously, Fang Qing still has feelings for me. After all, her mind has been very simple. She asked clearly to plead for me. In an instant, her indifferent face showed her original appearance and begged to Han Boyang: "I beg you, let him go. I believe that Su Luo still loves me. At that time, I beg him to forget the past and let this matter pass."

When I heard Fang Qing pleading for me, I laughed. The smile was really bitter. I didn't like that someone betrayed me. Even if it was the person I liked, I had made up my mind from the moment Luo Ziyi was injured. I would never let everyone who participated in it get better.

At the moment, my body has slowed down. Through their talking time, I carefully observed the scene of people. In addition to their four masterminds, there were six big men who controlled me, and the two muscle men who were backward. Altogether, there were 14 people. However, this was only on the field. I don't believe that they are these people. Han Boyang, an old and resourceful man, will not do it I don't know how many people have been arranged.

I don't want to waste time, because I'm afraid that Luo Ziyi's life is in danger. At the moment when the muscle man came to me, I rushed to little sister Tai with my hand directly clasped her neck. At this time, they raised the knife and prepared to deal with me. I immediately yelled, "don't move, or I'll kill her!"

They stopped immediately. I was going to start with Chen Haoran, because I knew that little sister was very important to her. So, I immediately looked at Chen Haoran and growled at him: "Chen Haoran, if you don't want her to die, call an ambulance quickly. I promise, as long as Luo Ziyi is involved, I will not trouble you today!"

My voice is crying, helpless and praying. At this moment, I can't suppress it any more. All the emotions I hold in my heart burst out in an instant. For me, the life of Luo Ziyi is the most important thing. I can't let her have an accident. I don't want to miss Luo's mother. I don't know what's going on in luoziyi, but I don't want her to have an accident 。

Seeing that I controlled my little sister, Chen Haoran, who was not afraid of anything, was also flustered. He quickly prayed to me: "Suluo, tell you not to act rashly, you should see your own situation."

I know Chen Haoran is also entangled in a tangled knot. A man like him can't live with a woman at all. The little sister is also his scale. But I never expected that I would have done something wrong, because the man who has the final say is Han Bo Yang.

When Chen Haoran was wavering, Han Boyang said: "Suluo, you are also a smart man. I believe you can't do such a thing. Besides, you don't have the qualification to discuss conditions with me. Huang cancan dies. It has nothing to do with me. The only person I have to deal with is you!"

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