I know Han Boyang's character. He doesn't allow a grain of sand in his eyes, but I didn't expect that he would be so unscrupulous. But now, in order to put me to death, he would not hesitate to give up his little sister's life. For his words, I still can't believe it. I looked at Chen Haoran, and the strength of his hands deepened. The painful little sister's face twisted and said fiercely: "Do you really think I dare not?"

It doesn't matter to Han Boyang that I made this move, but Chen Haoran seemed a little anxious after hearing about it. It seems that little sister Tai is very important to her. He said to me, "Suluo, I urge you to release cancan quickly. I can also ask Boyang for mercy, hoping you can see your situation clearly!"

At this time, Chen Haoran spoke to me in a threatening tone. Maybe it was because of face. He didn't want to beg for mercy from me. I could understand that. But at this time, Han Boyang's voice came again: "Haoran, if a woman let Suluo run away, you don't need to say that you know what will happen to us. I hope you can understand my words !”

After listening to Han Boyang's words, Chen Haoran was silent, as if thinking about something. After a moment, he said again: "I know, Boyang!"

Then, he turned his head again and said coldly to me, "you can do whatever you want."

This time, the little sister in my control, her heart completely cold, I can feel, her body is shaking, like a broken heart, now may have understood, she is a chess piece in the plan, her life and death has nothing to do with others, after listening to Chen Haoran's words, little sister's tears came out, she choked out a few words from her throat: "range You, you don't care about me? "

Don't know where the confidence comes from, Chen Haoran said seriously: "cancan, you believe me, he won't do it, he has become a turtle in our urn, can't run!"

I thought that if I controlled little Taimei, I could threaten them and get out of luoziyi. But I didn't expect that Han Boyang, a brute, ignored little sister's life, which made me fail in threatening Chen Haoran. It seems that there is no use in controlling Han Boyang here.

But just when I wanted to make a move, suddenly there was a commotion outside, like the footsteps of the crowd. In this empty and silent night, the sound was particularly clear and clearly passed into our ears. At this time, Chen Haoran immediately found out that something was wrong. He immediately roared at me and said, "you dare to call someone in the hell!"

Han Boyang was calm, said casually, stopped the people outside, and then directly ordered to say to the people in the room: "do it!"

Say, a few meters away two muscle men in different directions at the same time attack me, I have been separated at this time lack of skills, and little sister this moment for me is no use, also do not wait for me to let go, in front of the little sister was one of them unprepared kick a foot, immediately, I on little sister together back down, little sister to nothing, and I But suffered, was heavily hit by her on the ground, the whole body pain hit again.

I was about to push away the little sister to make a defense, but at this time, those who controlled me directly threw the little sister away and wanted to subdue me again. Seeing this, I didn't know where the strength came from directly and quickly stood up. At the same time, Chen Haoran also started with me. I didn't know when he had a long knife in his hand, which was a knife in front of my chest. I didn't have a firm body Sheng Sheng shouldered the knife, and I couldn't help shouting.

With the trend, Chen Haoran and two muscle men and the people who had controlled me before flocked to me. At this time, the voice of fighting came from the outside. I was very confused. Who brought the outside people? My people, it's impossible. I didn't inform anyone. I was confused for a moment.

But I know more clearly that if I don't fight back, the only thing waiting for me is death, and only resistance has room to live. At this time, I have no time to worry about the outside things. Facing their attack, I braved the pain and met them. The first one who rushed was the muscle man. The knife in his hand was straight up to my face, and I skillfully avoided it.

Each of them had a knife in his hand, and I was unarmed. Obviously, I suffered a little bit. After dodging, I directly grasped the muscle man's hand and tried to take away the knife in his hand. However, his strength was so strong that I didn't take it off. But the people behind him immediately chopped at me, and I dodged again.

The wound on my body has lost too much blood, and my body can't stand. It's absolutely no way to go on like this. It seems that the only way to capture the king is to catch the thief first. Han Boyang is the boss here. My eyes can't help but look at him. He is just watching the excitement, and his eyes are full of satisfaction.

In order to deal with me really painstaking ah, stubborn I absolutely can't let him succeed, avoid all the attacks, I went straight to Han Boyang attack, maybe he saw my intention, knowing that he was not my opponent, he didn't mean to be on guard. As I approached, the corner of my mouth also showed a smile. What I didn't come and what I thought, I just wanted to hold him Live with him.

Just when I was only one step away from him, a figure suddenly appeared behind him. Suddenly, he punched me in the body and flew me out again. Through the dim light, I could see clearly that this was Anan, Han Boyang's valet. No wonder I always felt less.When I was about to stand up, Anand met me again. He stepped heavily on the position of my wound and gave me a cry of pain and a cold sweat. But I couldn't give up and wanted to fight back. But he didn't give me the chance to mention my body. He just misplaced my hands and completely lost my ability to resist. He was ready to kick When I broke my legs, Fang Qingfang rushed over.

He grabbed Anan, who was going to start, begged and said, "please, stop it. The price he has suffered is heavy enough."

Hearing Fang Qing's words of asking for mercy, I laughed at myself. This is the worst time I've ever been back since I came back. I've been beaten to no avail. Finally, a woman pleads for me. But I know that it's futile. Anan will only listen to Han Boyang's words, and Han Boyang is holding my heart to kill me, and he won't let it go I, Fang Qing, did nothing but beg for mercy.

However, it is useless to know clearly, but also let me know that Fang Qing still cares about me. She only thinks that she participates in this operation. They just taught me to write it down. I didn't expect it would develop to the point where you died and I died.

In the face of Fang Qing's plea for mercy, Anan remained unmoved. Han Boyang said softly, "continue!"

Anan started again, and Fang Qing saw that it was useless to beg for mercy and bit his hand. However, Anan didn't have the heart to show mercy. He threw me to the ground and slapped Fang Qing in the face. I saw this scene deeply in my eyes. The pain was in my heart. The anger in my heart exploded. How could she be wrong? After all, she was the woman I once loved, and I couldn't see it Watching others bully her. He roared at Anan and said, "son of a bitch, bullying a woman is no skill. I'm not afraid of any ability to make it to me."

Hearing this, Anan got angry and said to me, "OK, I'll see how long you can struggle."

The battle situation outside seems to have been clear. Han Boyang's people came in scattered from inside. There were about 50 people. When they opened the door and came in, they could clearly hear the cry of pain from people outside. Obviously, this group of strange forces was defeated.

One of the leaders went to Han Boyang's back and whispered something to him. Immediately, Han Baiyang gently laughed, and then he said to Anan on my side: "kill him!"

Hearing this order, Anan hesitated. He said to Han Boyang, "brother Yang, are you really coming?"

Han Boyang said slowly, "do you think I'm joking?"

His voice was very cold. Even the angry Anan did not dare to breathe in front of him. He hesitated and explained to Han Boyang, "brother Yang, I want to disappoint you. I can't do this kind of thing!"

Han Boyang was very angry and said, "waste!"

This may be the first time Anan disobeyed Han Boyang's order. This also can't blame him, after all, murder is not a trivial matter, no one can do it, and at this time, Chen Haoran came out and said, "I'll come!"

Then, he came to me step by step with a knife in his hand. It seemed that I was dying to lose the hands of these villains. So, I looked up to the sky and screamed like crazy, waiting for the coming death. Chen Haoran in front of me raised his knife and said, "goodbye, Suluo!"

Then, a knife stabbed my heart. At this moment, Fang Qing called out: "no!"

The next scene, tragic things happened, blood splashed on my face, my eyes stare straight, Fang Qing, she took this fatal knife for me, everyone present was deeply shocked by this scene, the surrounding air stopped in this second.

I slowly sat up from the ground, endured the pain to take a hand up, exhausted the greatest strength to hold Fang Qing in my arms, Chen Haoran's knife stabbed Fang Qing's body, the position of her stomach blood constantly outflow.

Fang Qing's eyes constantly shed tears, and the corner of her mouth choked and said: "Suluo, I, I may not be able to accompany you. I hope your dispute is over. If you want to leave safely, please take good care of luoziyi. Finally, sulo, I want to tell you that I love you, I always love you, my heart has never changed, if, if there is an afterlife, I hope we can live forever! "

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