Every word I say is from the heart, and it's not a simple perfunctory way. This time, every word I say comes from the heart, because I really need Chen Haoran's help.

When Chen Haoran heard me say this, his eyes suddenly stare at the boss. His eyes are full of incredible. At this moment, he was shocked or shocked. In the shock, I also found that his heart was shaking. So, I said: "Chen Haoran, you are a man, no matter in high school or university, you are like a fish in water, but now Well, I dare not even go to school. I'm afraid that's not the life you want!

I can feel the blood flowing on you. Just as it happens, only I can meet this requirement. Of course, I also need your help. Besides, Chen Haoran, you may not know that during this period of time when you are not in school, your brothers have not rebelled against you and are looking forward to your return. Obviously, your position in their mind is irreplaceable Don't you want to get back to the days when you were so passionate? "

These words made Chen Haoran's wavering heart even more shaken. He was silent for a long time before he began to say: "you want me to deal with Bai Qiuyan together with you. What I said is right."

It seems that Chen Haoran has already known that I will fight Bai Qiuyan tomorrow. It is no wonder that Chen Haoran has so many ears in school that I don't hear about it. Anyway, the purpose of looking for him is to say this thing. Now that he puts it forward, I will reply neatly: "you are right, but this is only a small part. The most important thing is that I really care about you and want to explain with you I hope to be brothers with you

Perhaps, Chen Haoran has already felt sincerity in me, and perhaps, Chen Haoran is afraid that I will really do something crazy because of hatred. Finally, he still gently nodded and solemnly said to me: "OK, I promise you!"

His decision was straightforward and not a bit pinched. To tell you the truth, after dealing with Chen Haoran for such a long time, I probably know him well, so I would like to spend time on him tonight, because my intuition tells me that only when I can convince him that he is a hard man, and only when he does something that he can be convinced of, can he really submit to him.

Therefore, I am here with him and give him both kindness and prestige. I am willing to let go of everything and forget the past. This itself requires a lot of bearing and courage. Chen Haoran can't be unshakeable in my behavior. And Chen Haoran himself is a tough guy. If he can escape the crime, he must not escape my pursuit. He is afraid that I will deal with his family because I can't find him. He also wants to live in the sunshine.

As for me now, as long as there are people who help me, then I have the hope of winning. Even if it is one tenth of a million, it also proves that I have tried my best. So, after Chen Haoran promised me, I looked at him and said sincerely, "thank you, Chen Haoran. You don't worry, wait for the work to pour Bai Qiuyan, after dominating the school, I will. I won't treat you badly! "

My words are very sincere, and in fact, in my heart, also really think so, as long as Chen Haoran sincerely with me, then, with his ability and previous status in the school, is absolutely second only to my existence. Chen Haoran may really see my sincerity and sincerity, so he directly replied: "I know!"

I patted Chen Haoran on the shoulder and said, "I need your help in the battle tomorrow. I hope you can go back to school early tomorrow and gather your brothers to help me. Only if you join me, can I have the hope to defeat Bai Qiuyan! "

At this time, Chen Haoran's eyes also flashed the light of blood, he looked at me straight, seriously said: "I understand, know how to do, rest assured!"

I laughed and said, "OK, I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, I glanced at the little sister beside my eyes. At this time, her sadness disappeared. I gave her a grateful look, and then I went straight to the door.

Walking to the door, just about to open the door that moment, Chen Haoran suddenly called out to me: "Ye Zixuan, are you not afraid of my repentance?"

I turned to look at him, solemnly said: "you are my brother, so, I believe you!"

Then I opened the door and walked out of the room. Rationalization, they several immediately came together, concern asked: "Xuan elder brother, how?"

I gently smile, said: "let's go, let's go back to school and have a good sleep."

Finish saying, I then walk in front, stride to leave. After listening to my words, reasoning also felt that I had succeeded, so I followed up. At this moment, I felt unprecedented self-confidence. When I left the hotel, the air outside was fresh and pleasant. The breeze made me feel fresh and refreshing. The haze in my heart was completely dissipated. Suddenly, I felt that my whole body became much more relaxed. When I think of tomorrow's war, I am completely free from confusion. On the contrary, with full expectations, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

For Chen Haoran, if I can't put him to death, what I will get in the future is definitely his more crazy revenge. However, I chose to treat him as a brother regardless of the past. In this way, I added a force and was still a great force.Through tonight's event, I have also learned a truth. It is not only force that can solve problems, but also sincerity and tolerance in many cases. Now I have secretly made the next decision, is to become strong, strong enough that no one dare to ride on my head. With this belief, my steps can not help but become more rapid and powerful. After a long walk, I and reason they just called a car and went back to school.

Back in my bedroom, I discussed with them about the next war. After a very late discussion, we took a rest. This night, I had the best sleep in the past few days!

The next day, the whole school was discussing a topic. In the afternoon's duel, Bai Qiuyan and I, who would stand up and walk out? One was the myth of invincibility, the other was that he liked to create unexpected new stars. In the morning, another strong news swept the whole school, that is, Chen Haoran returned.

As soon as Chen Haoran came back, he summoned all his old troops. At the same time, he also declared that he would stand on the same front with me and ye Zixuan in today's war and give full support to me.

This news made the morale of my side rise abruptly. The brothers had the confidence at once. The soldiers on our side suddenly became excited. Chen Haoran's joining also virtually eliminated some people's doubts that I was Suluo, because everyone knows that ye Xuan and Chen Haoran were allies and fought against Jiang Wuji and Du Yuhang together.

However, Chen Haoran kidnapped Luo Ziyi in the back mountain last time, which led me to the past and mistakenly killed Fang Qing. This incident spread to the school and aroused some people's suspicion of me. Today, with Chen Haoran's return, we have become allies again, which shows that I am not Suluo. In other people's eyes, the hatred between Su Luo and Chen Haoran can be regarded as a big hatred of life and death There is no spare force to clear the past. Therefore, almost everyone now thinks that ye Zixuan is Ye Zixuan, and he has no relationship with Suluo.

On this day, my prestige suddenly returned to its peak, even stronger than that. With the participation of Chen Haoran, my side was no worse than Bai Qiuyan. Therefore, I naturally became the only one who could replace Bai Qiuyan and be the campus overlord. This also allowed some people who were still a little uncertain to join my camp, Let my power be the icing on the cake.

The time from the beginning of the decisive battle is getting closer and closer. The air in the campus has become more and more intense, and people are more and more excited. At this exciting moment, I handed some detailed planning and personnel allocation problems to Chen Haoran and several of their backbones to deal with. And myself, is quietly came to the roof.

I stood on the edge of the roof, overlooking the whole campus, the sun on my body, I stood against the wind, body is still, but the heart is stirring thousands of. Once I fell here, forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building, ruthless classmates, indifferent teachers, hypocritical school leaders, I deeply remember in my heart.

After the transformation, I also made up my mind here to let the school because of my bloody wind, let the earth tremble for me, and let the school have only one name, that is Ye Zixuan.

Today, this exciting moment is coming, and I am about to usher in the most important war in my life. It is the turning point of my life. Maybe after the afternoon, I will be either a glorious unified school, or I will roll back to my hometown in a mess. All this depends on this battle. The success of the king and the defeat of the enemy are all in this world war.

In the sunshine, my body's blood more boiling, and in my extremely excited this time, my mobile phone suddenly rang, opened a look, is Luo Ziyi sent me a short message, the message content only two words: "come on!"

Simple two words, let my heart suddenly tremble, I can imagine, Luo Ziyi sent me these two words, the heart is how complex.

She is very clear that the contest between me and Bai Qiuyan is inevitable. It is only a matter of time and she can't stop it. But she also knew that the victory or defeat of this war was no suspense for me. I lost 100% and Bai Qiuyan won.

It is also because she knew that I would lose, that she would leave her side, leave school completely and get out of the city completely. Therefore, she felt that she had implicated me. Therefore, she put down her face and asked Sun Tao to help me.

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