Actually, I also understand that Luo Ziyi helps me not because I have a relationship with her, nor is she and Bai Qiuyan having any kind of resentment, but because she knows the real strength of Bai Qiuyan. She knows that it is an unfair battle for me. She helps me, and it is also estimated that it is the responsibility of being a lover. After all, if it is really in my relationship with Bai Qiuyan If you choose from people, Luo Ziyi will not choose white autumn.

Of course, since Luo Ziyi helped me, I must put this feeling on my heart and accept it with pleasure. At the moment, at the moment, she sent me a message, which seemed to cheer me up. But I could feel that she still felt that I couldn't win. The short two words seemed to be like making the last farewell with me.

I have been busy preparing for war these two days. She has not contacted Luo Ziyi actively, and she never looked for me once. I think she should be afraid to see me. She will feel sad after seeing me, but I know that she has been more than anyone else in these two days.

Thinking of these, I tightly held the mobile phone, did not return her information, but shouted loudly at the sky, to vent my heart thousands of emotions. Then I went downstairs and asked the preacher to gather all the people who belonged to me. I watched them all in the sun full of spirit, but I gave them morale again and talked about the words of encouragement.

And I promise them that once I win, there will be only one name for me in the school. And this credit is everyone. I will not forget the kindness of anyone. At the same time, whether the fight fails or not, I will have a banquet outside the school to celebrate the brothers who fight for me.

In fact, they all understand that only if I win, they can be bullying in school. Even if they leave this aside, they will not retreat in front of the battle since they choose to follow me. Everyone is young and crazy, and their body is full of hot blood, and they have a strong momentum.

After the mobilization before the war, I took my brothers to the appointed place. Then Chen Haoran and Sun Tao came with their brothers. Together, there were about 500 people in our three forces. It felt like an army. Everyone held the same weapon in their hands. In the sunshine, we were all in a good mood, especially me, in white, standing in the team Wu front, extremely dazzling.

After the three forces gathered, I stood at the forefront of the team, waved, and immediately, our strong team was heading for the vast back mountain. Along the way, I led a large team of people and horses, and walked to the abandoned square. Far away, I could see that there were people gathered around the Square ahead.

However, I didn't see Bai Qiuyan's team. Maybe they didn't seem to have arrived. They stood around, and they were all watching the busy gourd eaters. But the number of people watching the activity was obviously more than the previous two times. Maybe our action was too big, so that many people from nearby schools came to watch.

In the crowd's attention, I came to the square with my army. We stood in the center of the square and waited for a long time. At this moment, our hearts are full of tension and expectation. The enemy we are about to face is Bai Qiuyan, the king of the school. But around us, there are many students in all major colleges, especially female students. How can we not let them stay We are excited, all our brothers, in front of these beautiful girls show masculinity.

Not long ago, the crowd began to stir, even some girls screamed, we all understand that Bai Qiuyan came.

I followed the eyes of the people, and looked at the past, and I saw the white autumn face like the war god. Behind him, there was a dense crowd.

And walking in front of the white autumn Yan, the image is still tall and powerful, the momentum is rainbow, the girls around are screaming for his arrival, his body is shining dazzling light, let people can not help admiring him, look up to him. He was like this, in the people's shouting, leading a large team of people, calmly came to me.

In a word, whenever I feel that I am in the light of Bai Qiuyan, I become dimmed. As if there is a place where he is, I am very small, and I can not find the place where I exist. In fact, for such a strong person, I really have no small pressure. Bai Qiuyan, a person I really can't see through, is too calm to show, Before the war, he still had no movement, his calm, let me feel his terror, because I know that only the winner in the hands of the people can show so indifferent. He is an unknown to me.

Not only me, but Chen Haoran and Sun Tao agree that Bai Qiuyan is a man who is immeasurable. Therefore, we attach great importance to it. We can never despise enemies. But when he appears in front of me, my fears and worries have been eliminated in recent days. Because I can calculate it at one glance, the number of people brought by Bai Qiuyan is less than 500, that is to say, in terms of the number, I am more than More and more, in terms of fighting power, there are two single choice demons Chen Haoran and Sun Tao, and I am also quite relieved. Therefore, this time, my chances of victory have increased a lot.

So, when Bai Qiuyan is not far away from me, I can not help but say to Chen Haoran and Sun Tao: "it seems that Bai Qiuyan is not as terrible as I thought. As long as we work together, we will be able to win the whole!"But in my voice just fell, Chen Haoran seemed to see something, suddenly replied: "I think, he should not be so simple!"

Sun Tao, standing on the other side of me, echoed: "Haoran is right. I think so. If Bai Qiuyan doesn't win, he can't be so calm. From his expression, we can see that he doesn't pay attention to us at all!"

They said that I just restored the confidence is not firm, they are right, Bai Qiuyan look at us in the eyes, full of disdain, as if our side of the team of people, in front of him is simply vulnerable, his confidence, really beyond our imagination, with this inexplicable confidence, Bai Qiuyan with his troops into the wide The center of the field, then, stood opposite to me, and the war was imminent.

Bai Qiuyan in front of me is still indifferent. He disdains to sweep the troops behind me. He then smiles and says to me: "Ye Zixuan, you are really capable. You can ask Sun Tao who has been staying in the mountain for a long time to help you. You can also let your enemy Chen Haoran work with you. Your every move is really admired and admired by the subordinates!"

Say, still can't help clapping to me, his words, although on the surface of my praise, but actually full of deep contempt, Bai Qiuyan he really did not put me in the eye. Didn't even look at me in the eye.

Seeing his frivolous attitude, my anger in my heart rose. I clenched my fist and took two steps forward. I looked at Bai Qiuyan in front of me and said forcefully: "how I am, I don't need you to measure, because I know that as long as I can knock you down, it's enough!"

My words, one is to satirize Bai Qiuyan, and the other is to boost morale. Therefore, when I speak, I am particularly impassioned, but my voice is still lack of confidence.

obviously, Bai Qiu Yan also saw my lack of energy, and he was less and less aware of me. He once again disdained, "lose or lose, only I has the final say, my purpose is to leave you purple, though I can't get it, I will not fulfill you."

His words are really arrogant, as if he really regarded himself as the heaven, but I don't understand, where he is the capital, look at the present, he brought more than 400 people, which is the limit for him who will graduate soon. Although his power, most of them are senior, my strength is not weak. Why should he be so sincere Where on earth did he get that confidence?

My deep look at him, deep voice said: "the battle has not begun, who lost who won is not sure, you are so sure, I will lose?"

After my words, there were bursts of discussion behind me. Everyone was talking about Bai Qiuyan's arrogance. He said that he would have to call him. His mother didn't know him. However, looking at us, Bai Qiuyan's smile was more profound. He didn't talk to me anymore. Instead, he slowly took out his mobile phone and broadcast it. After that, Bai Qiuyan said softly: "you Come here

After listening to his words, a bad premonition suddenly attacked my heart. In the next second of hanging up the phone, all of us almost saw that there was a large group of people in the direction behind Bai Qiuyan, breaking through the obstacles of the crowd and approaching Bai Qiuyan's team.

There are about 300 people in this team, and the formation is very big. In front of me, these people came to me, and the brothers behind me began to panic. Obviously, the confidence of my brothers was gradually diminishing. Even as the commander-in-chief, I felt a sense of frustration.

However, as the leader of the team, I can't let the just stable army's morale break down so easily. As a result, I just turned around and was about to speak to my brothers to boost their morale.

But at this time, Chen Haoran, who was behind me, suddenly said in surprise: "what's the situation? You see, the leader is not the eldest in the third year of the normal university next door? How could he get together with Bai Qiuyan? "

As soon as Chen Haoran's voice fell, Sun Tao on one side also said in a deep voice: "how can Shen Muchen come?"

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