At the moment when I turned to cheer on my brothers, I suddenly heard Sun Tao talking about Shen Muchen. Immediately, my body seemed to be fixed and completely lost the ability to move, but my heart was beating wildly. They said Shen Muchen. Isn't that a good brother of my background? Is it Shen Muchen that Bai Qiuyan calls for reinforcements?

This moment, my head was buzzing, and it exploded in an instant. It was impossible. It was absolutely impossible. Shen Muchen didn't help Bai Qiuyan. I slowly moved my stiff body and looked in the direction everyone was watching.

Watching carefully, my heart beat more intense. Sure enough, the leader of the team that came far away was the handsome Shen Muchen. Two years later, Shen Muchen became handsome again. His handsome appearance set off his resolute eyes.

All the people on the scene, both men and women, showed a surprised look. Some crazy girls even wanted to eat Shen Muchen. Indeed, it is amazing to anyone that a man looks so beautiful. In particular, such a beautiful man has extraordinary heroic momentum, which is even more amazing.

As a beautiful man like Shen Muchen, he is also a celebrity in the nearby university. His appearance, his courage, his righteousness, and his achievements in the school make him famous.

At this moment, close by, is still my good brother, crab. Under the sun, the crab's skin appears more and more swarthy, which obviously forms the most striking contrast with Shen Muchen. However, under the background of dark skin color, the whole crab looks particularly smart and capable.

With Shen Muchen behind, is a group of soldiers from normal university, they shine in the sun, high spirited, dignified. In the normal university with less wolves and more meat, we can find so many male students. It can be seen that Shen Muchen has risen to a higher level in the past two years. Just, I don't understand. How can Shen Muchen be with Bai Qiuyan? How can I stand on the opposite side of me?

At this moment, my heart was magnificent, and a kind of inexplicable fear swept over. In my heart, Shen Muchen has always been my most trusted person and my brother who is dependent on life and death. Just last night, I wanted to go to him for help, but I finally gave up the idea, because I came back for so long, I never went to him and didn't tell him my real identity I don't want to go to him when I'm in trouble. It's not my job as a brother, and I don't have the face to go to him.

But how can I also think that my best brother, at the most critical moment, is standing on the same front with my enemy. What is the relationship between him and Bai Qiuyan? Maybe he doesn't know who I am? Or, for my long lost brother, I have already forgotten?

Thinking of this, my heart is more and more uncomfortable, my eyes can not help but show a dark color, and at this time, Chen Haoran must be the most aware of my feelings in my heart, because he knows my real identity, more know what kind of relationship I had with Shen Muchen. So, he has been staring at me, maybe to see my reaction, but he saw my face is very bad, should understand what happened.

Therefore, Chen Haoran immediately pointed the spearhead at Bai Qiuyan and said: "I said, brother Bai, today is our school's internal matter, you call a foreign school's a bit inappropriate!"

Chen Haoran is straightforward and says what he thinks is wrong. It doesn't matter if he wants to fight. But this time, it's a battle among the school's internal members to fight for the boss, and he calls the foreign school people to come. However, we haven't agreed in advance that we are not allowed to call people from other schools It's not illegal for Qiu Yan to do so.

In the face of Chen Haoran's satire, Bai Qiuyan was still full of confidence. He replied calmly: "don't get me wrong. It's my friend from a normal university. He heard about me and asked for help, so he entrusted brother Muchen to help. In this battle today, we have no regulations to forbid the help of foreign schools! So, my friend's heart, I take

Bai Qiuyan's words, said Chen Haoran's words, did not know how to refute. In the hearts of all the students, Bai Qiuyan is a god like existence. No one dares to disobey the rules he has set. Therefore, many people naturally support Bai Qiuyan in today's affairs, and feel that it's OK to call people from other schools to come.

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly yelled out a sentence: "since there are people in school to help, it shows that people have this ability. Why didn't you call me? If you don't dare to fight, just admit defeat. It's a waste of time!"

His words, like a fuse, attracted a lot of onlookers to agree with such a view, especially the foreign students who came to see the excitement, but it was not too big to watch the excitement. He supported Bai Qiuyan's speech very much. Therefore, even if we are unconvinced, we have nothing to do.

But for me, it's really a cruel thing. I spent so much time and almost all my efforts to win the war today. Even though I knew Bai Qiuyan called for help, I would like to lead my brothers to fight to death. But coincidentally, Bai Qiuyan's helper is my good brother Shen Muchen. Do I really want to fight for my good brother? For a while, I was in a dilemma.My eyes couldn't help glancing at Shen Muchen, who was staring at Bai Qiuyan beside him at the moment, and said faintly, "Qiuyan, we're going to help you with your own affairs, after all, it's a bit inappropriate?"

This is Shen Muchen's consistent style, he does not want to learn from the unknown, this initiative asked Bai Qiuyan's opinion, at this moment, Bai Qiuyan really needs Shen Muchen's strength, he does not hesitate to reply: "nothing!"

The short two words completely show Bai Qiuyan's attitude, and the group war allows the participation of people from other schools. After hearing Bai Qiuyan's reply, those onlookers began to support him without hesitation. All kinds of shouting and screaming came immediately.

For the onlookers, the bigger the matter is, the more excited they are, which makes our brothers lose confidence. Bai Qiuyan and Shen Muchen have more than 700 people, which is far more than us in number. What's more, Shen Muchen, the famous role of Normal University, is present, so the battle has changed without suspense.

In the face of such pressure, my heart is more and more entangled, I know, this battle, I can not lose, but how should I deal with Shen Muchen, how to do? What am I supposed to do?

When I was very tangled, Shen Muchen's look suddenly changed, and his mouth suddenly showed a happy smile. Then, he said solemnly to Bai Qiuyan: "since brother Qiuyan said it was ok, then I really took part in it. I hope you don't mind!"

When Bai Qiuyan heard Shen Muchen's words, his face changed obviously. He twisted his eyebrows and glared at Shen Muchen. In the face of Bai Qiuyan's query, Shen Muchen smiles faintly. Then, he suddenly raises his hand. Suddenly, he and his army, in the surprise of the onlookers, come towards me.

They don't look like they're attacking us at all. They're like meeting us. At this moment, Bai Qiuyan was dumbfounded, and our brothers on our side were also dumbfounded. No one knew what happened. Everyone knows that Shen Muchen is to help Bai Qiuyan, but now, he actually came to me with a smile on his face, which is really puzzling.

At the scene, it seems that only Chen Haoran understood, but I was the most shocked one. I never disclosed my identity to Shen Muchen, because we haven't met for a long time. Does he still remember me?

I was really surrounded. Seeing Shen Muchen lead the brothers to come, my cold heart warmed up in an instant, especially when he stood by my side, and his team of people also met with my people, I was very excited.

It turned out that Shen Muchen did not change at all. He was still the good brother who always maintained me. He stood up to help me at any time. He couldn't help thinking of the past. He was sad and happy. He felt that everything was back in the same year.

Just in an instant, I was filled with endless confidence. At this time, I really don't know how to describe my current mood. I want to open my mouth, but I don't know what to say. Shen Muchen is very tactful. He immediately got to my ear and said to me softly, "don't say anything now, just keep your spirit at this time Yes

After that, he raised his head and looked at Bai Qiuyan, who had always been indifferent. At the moment, he couldn't calm down any more. His expression began to be dignified. After holding for a long time, he opened his mouth to Shen Muchen and said, "Shen Muchen, what do you mean? Wan Long didn't tell you that he asked you to help me? "

Wan long, this man I heard reasoning said that he was the boss of Normal University. It turned out that he wanted to help Bai Qiuyan. However, Shen Muchen didn't offend two campus overlords for me. Now I feel uneasy again. I can't help looking at Shen Muchen who is very confident.

But Shen Muchen did not matter to reply: "yes, Wan Long said to me, but now I don't need to listen to him, if he let me help you deal with other people, I am very willing, but now it's very unfortunate that ye Zixuan beside me is my cousin, so Bai Qiuyan, I can only choose to help him!"

Hearing Shen Muchen's explanation, Bai Qiuyan's face became even more ugly, and he couldn't even speak out. This is the expression I have never shown for so long since I knew him. Maybe he has never encountered such a thing. He will keep a steady posture no matter what occasion. Even today's war, he has always been calm and light, because he has been in the beginning He decided that he would win the battle, but he did not expect that he was ready for everything, instead, he became someone else's wedding dress. No one in the audience could understand his hard feelings.

And the crowd, also all surprised, those loyal Bai Qiuyan's flower crazy sister are almost scared silly, have one after another to discuss: "brother Qiu Yan won't really lose this time!"

"I believe that brother Qiuyan is invincible, he is the best!"

"My Qiuyan is an invincible myth, there is no difficulty to defeat him!"


the people who followed Bai Qiuyan were scared. They were afraid that Bai Qiuyan would lose. I would retaliate against them. The melon eating crowd was surprised. They did not expect that the plot would reverse. Others are waiting for the winner to come and join that man's camp. These people's reaction, let Bai Qiuyan more embarrassed, his aura is really some unstable.In the crowd's discussion, the crab suddenly gave a big drink: "white boss, since you have already said that people from other schools can participate, then don't waste time, just go ahead and do it. Brothers, give it to me

With that, crab directly took his men and became the vanguard force. He took the lead in rushing to Bai Qiuyan's people, as if all this had been calculated by them, leaving Bai Qiuyan no room for maneuver.

The situation reversed so fast that I was a bit messy. At first, I was worried that Shen Muchen would be against me, so I couldn't do it. Later, Shen Muchen actually joined my camp. While I was excited and excited, I was worried that my identity would be exposed. Only then did I realize that Shen Muchen had paved all the way for me, and I only waited for me to step up step by step.

Thinking of this, I couldn't contain the excitement in my heart, and I didn't know what to do. At this time, Shen Muchen turned his head and looked at me. From his eyes, I read that he was signaling me and could give orders.

Because of Shen Muchen's temporary delay, all the brothers behind me had already begun to be eager to try. As soon as I touched Shen Muchen's eyes, I almost raised my hand like a reflex, and at the same time, I tried my best to roar: "brothers, do it for me!"

After that, those brothers who fought chicken blood behind me, such as hungry wolves, howled and rushed to Bai Qiuyan in the warm sun.

The war began.

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