With my command, all the brothers I led entered the battle. Only Shen Muchen and I stood in the spot, watching the war in front of me quietly. Shen Muchen and I are showing the trend of pointing out the rivers and mountains. I command my brothers on the battlefield with full confidence.

This battle, for us college students, is far from the world. Since the founding of the University for so long, today's battle is the largest scale and unprecedented. I can also write deeply in the history of the school. Looking at the hot blooded men on the field, everyone is fighting hard and fighting hard. My heart is also full of enthusiasm and excitement.

I didn't expect that this moment came like this. In less than half a year, my wish would be achieved. The whole university was set off by me. Everyone was crazy for me and fighting for me. Not surprisingly, when the battle is over, I will replace Bai Qiuyan's name and become the new overlord of this school. Thinking of these, my eyes are a little wet, my throat can not help but squeeze out two words: "thank you!"

Although the shouting in the field was deafening, the two words of me were clearly introduced into Shen Muchen's ears. He didn't turn his head to look at me. His eyes were still fixed on the chaotic battlefield. He only listened to his leisurely saying: "don't thank you. It's all your own efforts. It has nothing to do with me. I just did what I should do!"

Shen Muchen still has the ability to penetrate everything. Maybe, he has known my identity for a long time. He has been waiting for my rise. Even, I suddenly feel that Shen Muchen's appearance in the battlefield at this time is not accidental, but premeditated. Shen Yingge was unprepared to help him in the battle field, so he was unprepared for everything.

I was full of excitement and was about to open my mouth. At this time, Shen Muchen suddenly turned back, looked at me firmly, and said weakly, "what's the matter, we'll talk about it later. Now, you can be ready to be the boss. Today, you can recover the dignity you lost in those years!"

Hearing Shen Muchen's words, let my heart beat more fierce, it seems that Shen Muchen's things in my heart are clearer than myself. He has not only known my identity, but also my heart, he has seen through. Yes, Shen Muchen was my best friend before. Later, I went back to my hometown in a mess. After that, he saw everything in the bar and heard all my heart sounds. Even my powerful father, he saw it with his own eyes. Shen Muchen knows me best in the world. Because he knows me, he doesn't blame me.

I also understand the meaning of Shen Muchen, I can do myself now, everything is in Shen Muchen's control, so I don't have to worry about anything. He and I were silent, looking at the fierce battle ahead.

At the moment, the battlefield has reached its climax. The noise on the battlefield, the boiling of onlookers, and all the voices resound through the sky. At the moment, Bai Qiuyan, a legendary figure in the school, is resisting the joint attack of Chen Haoran and crab. In terms of the ability to fight alone, Chen Haoran and crab are invincible. At this time, the two singles kings are besieging Bai Qiuyan It's true. It's a bit too much for him.

In terms of ability, Bai Qiuyan is a cruel character, but just now, he has suffered a serious physical and mental blow. In addition, with one to two, even if he is more powerful, he is also a little weak. However, Bai Qiuyan is a myth. Even if he can't do what he wants, he still sticks to it for a long time. He still interacts with the two of them for a long time. Until he is suddenly attacked by a crab and can't prevent it, he can't be counted as falling to the ground.

But Bai Qiuyan, after all, is a myth in people's hearts. His dignity is not allowed to be trampled on. He doesn't want to lose face. Therefore, he still wants to get up and fight, but the crab doesn't give him such a chance. Seeing that Bai Qiuyan still shows signs of resistance, he raises his weapon and is ready to give Bai Qiuyan a fatal blow. I, who have been watching the war silently, say so slowly and quickly When the steel pipe in the crab's hand was about to hit Bai Qiuyan, I had already run over and quickly grasped the crab's hand and said, "forget it, crab!"

The crab looked at me in a twinkling of an eye, did not say anything, then put away their weapons, the retreat. And I, light look to lie on the ground of white autumn Yan, and take the initiative to stretch out his hand to pull him up. We don't have any deep hatred, so I don't want to make things too big. Now it seems that the victory or defeat of the battle is obvious. Bai Qiuyan's people are almost completely pinned down by our people. There are few who can fight, and there is no need to fight. The victory or defeat of this battle is obvious.

However, Bai Qiuyan didn't pay attention to my actions, and even he didn't even look at me. Instead, he got up from the ground and could see from his rising posture that his skill was very agile and could not be practiced overnight. If someone else fought with him, he would surely win the opponent. But the strength of Chen Haoran and crab is obvious to all, but it is only because This time, Bai Qiuyan will lose in my hands.

I thought that he would continue to fight after he got up, but I was still worried about how to make him lose face and get him off the stage. But to my surprise, after getting up, he patted the dust on his body and yelled at the crowd on the battlefield: "all right, stop it!"He is such a roar, then let this hot fighting, suddenly stop. All the people on the battlefield have their eyes on Bai Qiuyan. Bai Qiuyan in the audience's attention, calmly lost the guy in the hand, serious shouting: "brothers, don't fight, we lost!"

When he said this, Bai Qiuyan's eyes were particularly sad, and his voice was still a little hoarse. Obviously, he was not so willing to admit defeat, and did not want to lose face in front of so many people. But he saw the battle situation very clearly. It was because of this that he had to accept the fact.

At the moment when Bai Qiuyan confessed defeat, the whole audience was boiling with astonishing voices. Many people could not accept this fact. In their hearts, Bai Qiuyan was an invincible myth, and his achievements could not be surpassed. Even because of Shen Muchen's rebellion, they even thought Bai Qiuyan could turn the tide.

No one thought that Bai Qiuyan would take the initiative to admit defeat in the end, even the brothers who followed him in the war could not understand. Obviously, these people were real men. Although they knew they would lose, they did not take the initiative to surrender. People who could move came to Bai Qiuyan's side and wanted to persuade him, but before those people opened their mouth, Bai Qiuyan waved his hand and advised them not to speak.

Then, he looked up at the sky, bathed in the hot sun, for a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, to the people present loudly announced: "everyone listen to me, I lost, after the school's boss called Ye Zixuan!"

In a word, the whole audience was in an uproar, but it was this sentence that represented the end of Bai Qiuyan's era. The name of the new era was Ye Zixuan.

After the brief noise, my brothers reacted. After hearing our victory, all the brothers cheered, and all their faces were filled with excitement and pride. Some of my fans in the crowd also cheered. However, more people were still unbelievable, especially Bai Qiuyan's brother and those who supported him They can't accept this fact, and everyone's face shows a look of reluctance.

But Bai Qiuyan just lightly swept his brothers. For a moment, his brothers were silent, and no one dared to say more. No one dared to disobey Bai Qiuyan's meaning. Then, Bai Qiuyan looked at me without any expression, and then turned away. His back was so lonely. I felt a bit uncomfortable to see him like this. Although my ears were filled with brothers' celebration The cheers of victory are full of celebrations for the birth of a new generation of campus overlord, but my heart is extremely dull.

Before that, I was looking forward to dominating the school, but at this moment, the day came, I really became the boss of the school, but I was not as happy as I thought, always felt like a stone in my chest.

As Bai Qiuyan left alone, the crowd began to dissipate gradually. Many onlookers also slowly left. A fierce war ended quietly. Even Shen Muchen, who has been beside me, quietly left with his people. He only said hello to me before leaving, saying that after I had finished all the school affairs, Make time to find him.

In an instant, a few minutes ago, the scene was still bustling and noisy. In an instant, the huge square became empty, and the crowd was almost scattered. Until then, I saw a familiar person, my girlfriend Luo Ziyi. At this time, she was staring at me, her expression did not seem to change, even I did not see her In the end is excited or tangled, perhaps, no matter what kind of results are not her most wanted, when I touch her eyes, she silently under the head, I slowly walked forward, put her in my arms.

An hour later, at the school gate.

This gate is full of memories for me. It was the place where I was in a mess to get out of the school last time. Today, at this moment, I miss the gate and gathered several people again. But this time, they did not come to see me off, but the immortal myth of school, Bai Qiuyan.

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