I thought I would lose. I tried my best to find someone and try to find a way to make me sleepless before the war. I was very worried. I was afraid that I would leave if I lost. But God was on my side again, which made me win in a panic.

Bai Qiuyan took the initiative to admit defeat. Some people were happy and others were worried. However, he did not break his promise. He still kept his promise and chose to leave school on his own initiative. At this moment, he was standing at the front door of the school with a black trunk in his hand. There was a black Audi not far away from him, which seemed to be coming to meet him. And behind him, gathered almost all the people of the school, watching him silently.

It's the same farewell, but the mood and atmosphere are not the same at all. One day, one underground, very different. After being deeply hurt by Fang Qing, I was tortured by the little sister as a dog. Under the ridicule and beating of Chen Haoran, and the sarcasm of the whole school, I was forced to run into a corner and drag myself in a mess Body, left with deep despair.

But now, the person who left is Bai Qiuyan, who was once a prosperous scenery. Although he also left because he lost, he was not so depressed. The people who saw him off were not to see his jokes, but sincere, with nostalgia watching him leave. Many people were very sad, especially the school girls, most of their eyes were wet. However, no matter how magnificent the scene is, how reluctant we are to him. Bai Qiuyan's expression is still magnanimous. As a mythical figure who constantly creates miracles, facing such a big scene or has been used to think that he does not have too much pinching and sadness, he only waves his hand slightly to his brothers who once were his, to show goodbye, and is ready to leave.

At the moment when he turned around, Luo Ziyi came out of the crowd. She went to Bai Qiuyan's back not far away and called out: "Xue Jinwei."

Bai Qiuyan stopped and looked back at the goddess whom he had been chasing for nearly four years, but he did not catch up with her. At that moment, his eyes turned red and his expressionless face finally showed a sad color. Obviously, for Bai Qiuyan, who is about to leave, losing is not terrible. What is terrible is that he can let his favorite people see his most failed side, and what saddens him most is that he can no longer be the shadow of Luo Ziyi and be the one who guards her silently.

It is also because of Bai Qiuyan's special feelings for Luo Ziyi, Luo Ziyi doesn't know how to treat him well. Maybe she will be moved, maybe she will be bored, because Bai Qiuyan's feelings are too overbearing, overbearing let Luo Ziyi lose freedom, but it is certain that Luo Ziyi has neither love nor hate for Bai Qiuyan. At this moment, she breaks through the crowd Bai Qiuyan said goodbye, perhaps out of guilt, but also out of the courtesy of friends.

However, when Luo Ziyi came to Bai Qiuyan, she said, "I'm sorry!"

Now, perhaps only these three words can express Luo Ziyi's feelings to Bai Qiuyan, and only these three words can express Luo Ziyi's inner world.

Hearing Luo Ziyi's apology, Bai Qiuyan's eyes seem to be more red. He tried his best to control his emotions and forced to pretend to be calm and said: "Ziyi, you didn't apologize to me for anything. Emotional matters can't be forced. You and ye Zixuan are together. I sincerely wish you all. This group war has nothing to do with you, because sooner or later we will be against each other, so this time, I lose, I will keep my promise

Bai Qiuyan's explanation deepened Luo Ziyi's guilt in her eyes. She replied in a hoarse voice: "but, but I helped Ye Zixuan, but I really didn't know that you would lose. I..."

Bai Qiuyan didn't wait for Luo Ziyi to finish, she waved her hand, interrupted her, and then explained softly: "I'm not a God, how can I not lose, and this matter really has nothing to do with you, even without your help, that guy will take the initiative to help him!"

It turns out that Bai Qiuyan knows everything, but he doesn't know anything. He knows that Luo Ziyi's help me refers to the appearance of Sun Tao. Bai Qiuyan says this as if there is something hidden. In other words, Sun Tao's sudden low-key was caused by Bai Qiuyan? And now stand Sun Tao to help me, but also because of Bai Qiuyan? Maybe it was because Bai Qiuyan knew Sun Tao liked Luo Ziyi, so they had a conflict. So this time, Sun Tao came out of the mountain to help me deal with Bai Qiuyan.

However, Luo Ziyi didn't think so much. No matter why Sun Tao helped me, Luo Ziyi finally felt that she couldn't blame Bai Qiuyan. After all, what kind of relationship she used to help me was just because she knew that Bai Qiuyan could not fail. She didn't really think about it. In the end, Bai Qiuyan lost, leading him to keep his promise and leave.

Therefore, now Luo Ziyi is full of guilt, she did not ink for a long time, just changed the mouth and said: "thank you, Bai Qiuyan!"

For Luo Ziyi, no matter how many words of apology, they can't express their complex emotions. Only one thank you means everything.

I have solved Luo Ziyi, and now her heart is more miserable than anyone else. Although Bai Qiuyan and I all said that this battle has nothing to do with her, Luo Ziyi is not a fool. She knows clearly that we are perfunctory to her, but in the end, no matter who wins, she will feel guilty. She doesn't want to see my current boyfriend and Bai Qiuyan who is good to her I'm not happy now and I don't want to see any of us leave.But, Luo Ziyi's thanks are like a fuse, triggering Bai Qiuyan's most sensitive nerve. This legendary figure, who had been insidious and always hid his emotions, was because he wanted to leave freely and wanted to give those who supported him and would like to leave a best impression for others.

But at this moment, he can no longer hold back, he released his dissatisfaction in his heart, like a flowing water, he red eyes, said to Luo Ziyi: "Ziyi, for so many years, I pursue you fruitless, I understand, maybe I did not meet your other half of the requirements, but I have a point is that I can not understand why you would like Ye Zixuan.

Why choose to be with him, what is his good? But I have to admit that he really has his advantages. You like him. I can understand that at first, I didn't interfere. I just hope he can cherish you well. But he hurt you for another woman and failed you. Until finally, he was with you. Did you think you might be the substitute for that woman. He just gave it to you by your help Find a comfort in your heart. If so, do you have to choose to continue with her? "

It may be too excited. In the eyes of Bai Qiuyan, silk tears have flashed out. This is the first time I saw such a big emotional fluctuation of Bai Qiuyan. People around me saw him like this, shocked and sad. They also knew deeply that Bai Qiuyan was deeply aware of her affection for Luo Ziyi, and felt unworthy for Bai Qiuyan. He felt wronged. A legend in the hall was actually a female The body is incomplete, and finally because this woman left, it is accepted by anyone.

Facing such an exciting white autumn face, Luo Ziyi is more of a move in Wuxi. Now she is also very sad. Her eyes are wet. But it is impossible to explain a person in words. So she chose silence and only in this way can she avoid this problem.

Bai Qiuyan looks at Luo Ziyi. It is not easy to say anything. But suddenly, he looks at me in the crowd. Then he roars at me and says, "Ye Zixuan, don't think you win, I will take you and tell you that the person I despise most in my life is you. I don't understand why you should provoke Ziyi. You are a killer, because you are fine. Do you want to hurt Ziyi

Bai Qiuyan's voice fell, almost all the students, have been looking at me. They looked at my eyes and showed a surprise. The voice of the discussion in the crowd suddenly sounded in my ear: "originally, Fang Qing died because of Ye Zixuan!"

"How can a king of all-around like Ye Zixuan relate to Fang Qing. He and Luoda school flowers are only considered to be a woman of Lang CAI. Don't he know, Fang Qing was a woman with Suluo before!"

"You said sulo, it would not be that useless waste?"

"Yes, it is him. He was definitely No. 1 in school, but the one who ate shit. You don't know. At that time, Huang cancan was walking him as a dog. Don't mention how funny it was."

"Ah, I remember, it should have been two years ago. Didn't silly B say some words of emotion before leaving, he left with a personality!"

"I really don't understand how people like him can collude with other women, and that woman who is a waste. Finally, because she died, you said, if that waste comes back one day, what will happen after knowing this! Ha ha! "

"That still use to say, you don't forget, waste is a nerve, really want to see ye Zixuan and neuro sulo confrontation appearance, ha ha!"

These sounds, like a sharp arrow, pierce my heart, a wave of unprecedented anger swept over, originally, all people are still so indifferent, ruthless, like to see others lively. Always a face of hanging up with nothing to do with yourself. It's disgusting to look at it.

At this moment, I clenched my fist, strode forward, and walked straight towards Bai Qiuyan. At the same time, my anger has reached the extreme, yelling at all the people present: "come on, I tell you why!"

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