My roar broke the noise around me in an instant. The discussion of the crowd stopped suddenly. All the people's eyes turned to me at the same time. Although the curtain of the war was over. But the introduction of this war, that is, the emotional entanglement between Ye Zixuan, Bai Qiuyan and Luo Ziyi, is the gossip that everyone pays close attention to. As a result, the relationship between the three of us has become the most interesting topic for all of us, but what makes them more curious is why I, the new boss, has a relationship with Fang Qing.

Up to now, people who don't have a school at all have not linked Ye Zixuan with Suluo. Even if some people know that Fang Qing died because of protecting me, they are just curious about why she did this, instead of associating me and Suluo as the same person. They may say to them that I and Suluo are not close to each other at all. They are a favored son of heaven and a psychopath, so, They didn't think about it at all. Ye Zixuan was su Luo.

I stride the vigorous step, straight came to Bai Qiuyan's body, at this time, the crowd of onlookers were agitated, all the people present were staring at me, waiting for my answer.

My eyes look directly at Bai Qiuyan. Originally, I respect him as a man. I feel a little sad to see him leave like this. But in the end, I found that he was just like other people. They still looked down on Suluo in their hearts. They still regarded Suluo as a joke, even had no sympathy. All the words revealed Out of ruthlessness and ridicule.

Sure enough, it is still so ridiculous, the school people are still so hateful, in this moment, the past bit by bit all appear in my mind, feeling like it happened again in me, the original inferiority complex, the original despair, when the beginning of weakness, is still carved in everyone's mind, after two years, unchanged Is still the heart.

Unknowingly, my eyes have been red, throat gathered a lot of words to say, in the moment I was about to speak, Luo Ziyi on one side seemed to see something wrong with me. She hurriedly came over and called out: "Zixuan, calm down!"

Luo Ziyi seems to have known what I want to say next. She wants to stop me. But at this moment, I have made up my mind. Even if the sky falls, I can't stop me. I directly waved my hand and motioned Luo Ziyi not to speak. Then, I tightly stare at Bai Qiuyan in front of me, gnashing teeth and saying: "then I'll tell you now, what's the relationship between me and Fang Qing!"

When I said this, my voice trembled. There were so many words in my heart that I wanted to express my feelings. These old memories really oppressed me and made me feel uncomfortable. Bai Qiuyan looked at me like this, and her eyebrows were not help wrinkling, but he did not make a sound, just quietly waiting for my next words to say.

Around the eating melon crowd, also erect ears, waiting for my answer. In the crowd, there are too many familiar faces. In addition to being reasonable and my trusted brother, Chen Haoran and his subordinates, even some old classmates, mingled in the crowd. Even, I saw Shen Muchen and crab who had left.

in the attention of all the staff, I clenched my fist and tried to control my emotions "First of all, I'll tell you why I came to this school, because it's very chaotic and I like to live in such an environment.

Bai Qiuyan, don't you always say that I want to dominate the school? Yes, I had this plan from the beginning, but I want to be the boss, not to show off in the public, but because you are such a failure! But I have to say, you are really awe inspiring, but do you know that the people in this school always bully the weak, is this the same as you expected?

Some weak people, no background, no backing, can not stand in this school, do you know, under your leadership, how many people are forced to quit school, how many people are forced to commit suicide, those who bully the evil and promote the good have no conscience, forcing people to the dead end again and again.

Everyone should be respected. No one can be bullied at will. Everyone should be equal. Everyone should be dignified. Therefore, I want to be the leader of the school. I want to make the school orderly and make everyone equal. I want the school to have a new look under my leadership. I don't want others to mention our school. I just want to be a gangster Words, do you know? "

With these inexplicable words, Bai Qiuyan was directly confused. His eyes at me were full of surprise, and even the crowd was confused. They increasingly thought that I was a freak. You know, it's a glorious thing to be the boss of this school, and I was still a freshman, and I became the boss of the school. With this strength alone, I have broken the historical record of the school.

Therefore, I have become the object of admiration of countless people. At this moment, I should be happy and feel proud. But at this time, my performance, my state, my words, let everyone be surprised. However, my words are also reasonable. When it comes to the heart of many people, many people can't help but lower their heads. Even if there is something they don't like to accept, they dare not refute my words, because I am the God of this school.

At this moment, the whole scene was silent. After listening to my words, Luo Ziyi was touched and her eyes were red. And Bai Qiuyan, holding back for a long time, said: "what is the relationship between you and Fang Qing?"I stare at Bai Qiuyan with red eyes, and reply in a hoarse voice: "who of you has really understood Fang Qing, what is the relationship between me and her? Is it necessary to report to you? But I hope you can take back what you just said. Since Fang Qing is no longer here, I hope everything will be terminated and let the dead rest in peace."

Bai Qiuyan seems to be like a tendon, chasing after this question, continue to ask: "I ask you words!"

I was also heartbroken to see that he refused to let me go. Not only did Luo Ziyi want to know about this question, but also all the students in the school were waiting for my answer. If I chose to ask but not answer, then in the following days, I would not be an easy boss, otherwise it would be difficult to convince the public.

Then, I slowly opened my mouth and said, "she is my former lover. I know you will feel incredible after hearing this, but this is a fact. Since you want to listen, I will tell you.

Once upon a time, I thought I would live a lonely life, but when I met Fang Qing, I found my own happiness, and her little bit by bit, let me not forget for a long time, in the days together experienced ups and downs, I thought I would stay with her for life, but only to the arrival of that day.

The sudden appearance of her mother broke my happy days and robbed her from my side. From that day on, my world changed dramatically. I was insulted, beaten, forced, suffering one after another in my body, killing me so much.

For the sake of safety, I chose to leave, but in the time when I disappeared in school, Fang Qing returned to school and waited for my return in silence every day. But when I really had the chance to come back again, I found that all the people and things had changed. Fang Qing made me feel that she was not the original Fang Qing.

At that time, I mistakenly thought that Fang Qing was with me, just to pity me, to repay my hero for saving the beauty of her, I also wanted to forget her, but when that day came, when she blocked the fatal knife for me, I found that she still loved me, all of which was my own fault. "

The more I said, the more my heart trembled. The past events, like the tide, washed my heart, and tears wet my eyes. Bai Qiuyan listened to my words, and she was directly dumbfounded. The crowd around me became dull after listening to my words.

In people's shock, I slowly turned around and looked at this group of indifferent students. Among these people, there were my brothers, my classmates, and even some teachers who listened to the news. Looking at these familiar and strange people, my heart was so sad that I couldn't describe it in terms of need. I choked and yelled at them: "now you know Fang Qing and I What's the matter? "

At this moment, all my emotions were revealed, and my inner melancholy was not so tangled. For a moment, I felt relaxed a lot. All the people on the scene were silent at this moment. Outside the school gate, only the breath of people could be heard. Everyone's eyes showed a look of questioning, but more people had something in their hearts Still surprised, puzzled.

In this silent moment, a voice from the crowd broke through the sky and broke the noise on the field, saying, "don't you know that Fang Qing's favorite person has always been Suluo. What do you mean by that?"

This seems to have asked everyone's voice. No one can understand why Ye Zixuan, the new generation leader of this school, has been associated with the women of Suluo. I have to say that I have impressed them too much. So far, no one has associated me with Suluo as a person.

Almost at the same time, they focused their eyes on me again. Their puzzled eyes made me unable to open my eyes. Sad tears kept falling from my face. I raised my hand and gently wiped away the tears on my face. Then, I yelled at all the people present: "because Laozi TMD is Suluo!"

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