At the moment when the name was called out among thousands of people, I seemed to take off all the disguises, my voice echoed in the sky for a long time, and my heart seemed to have unloaded the heavy burden, because from this moment on, my identity was exposed, and I could finally be myself again. I was once the one who had slaughtered Suluo.

but this time, I did not I will be as oppressed and bent as before. I have absolute strength, and I belong to my own force. Therefore, now Suluo is an invincible existence in the school. No one will take the initiative to beat me, abuse me and bully me.

How many days and nights, I am looking forward to thinking, in front of the whole school teachers and students, speak out loud, I Ye Zixuan is that year's su Luo. Today, at this moment, my wish finally came true, and I finally called out in front of everyone. My body and mind suddenly had unprecedented pleasure.

Two years ago, I was standing here. My name was Suluo. I was ridiculed by the whole school. I was the most humble and helpless solo. Today, two years later, I am standing here, called Ye Zixuan. I am Ye Zixuan, who broke any record of the University. Ye Zixuan, who has attracted the attention of the whole school, is the new generation of overlord of the whole university.

Now, I'm telling all the people here in a loud voice that ye Zixuan today is Su Luo who was slaughtered at the beginning. I want to give the reality of red fruits a loud slap in the face. When my voice just fell that moment, the whole audience was dumbfounded. Everyone on the scene looked at me in a daze, full of amazement.

What an incredible thing it was for them. They couldn't believe the fact, what I said personally, and their ears, as if it were a joke, an illusion.

After a short silence, the crowd suddenly surged, exclamations, comments, feelings, one after another, a continuous stream: "no, how can brother Xuan be the original waste, deceptive, absolutely deceptive!"

"Yes, yes, it's impossible. It's ridiculous. Everyone can see what kind of person Suluo is. He can't be compared with Ye Zixuan."

"It's just ridiculous. How can brother Xuan be Suluo? His temperament, skill and action are incomparable to Suluo."

"However, when I heard that Fang Qing was blocked by Ye Zixuan, I doubted it. But later, Fang Qing was just a follower of brother Xuan, so I gave up the idea."

"Well, I can only say that I went to school late and didn't see Suluo's demeanor. Is he really legendary, so unbearable?"

"Of course, solo is the most miserable person since the establishment of the school."

"Brother Xuan is 100% joking with us!"

"Oh, I suddenly feel this joke is really cold!"

"Deceiving, how can ye Zixuan be Suluo? Even if he has cosmetic surgery, it's impossible. Su Luo is so poor. I really don't believe that he is an invisible rich man!"

"Yes, I agree with you. Ye Zixuan thinks it is not Suluo!"


The voices of discussion came and went, one after another, and they pricked my eardrum. I thought that persuading them with reason, moving them with sincerity, and attacking them with facts would awaken them, make them understand the hardships of Suluo, understand the bitterness of the weak, and make them understand that anyone can change.

But I didn't expect that these people are still such a reality. Their conscience seems to be eaten by dogs. Even gods, in their eyes, only the high-ranking characters will never lower their heads to feel the sorrow of the weak. They will never understand a person with their heart. Even if I admit my identity, they will not believe it or even listen, Because in their eyes, ye Zixuan is definitely not the original Suluo.

No one can understand that a person at the bottom of the school, disgusted by them, is now standing on top of them and overlooking them. Therefore, they can't believe or are unwilling to believe, because they can't accept the reality of slapping in the face.

I stare at this group of real human beings. When they release their opinions, I clench my fist and yell at them: "shut up

This is the first time that I said this sentence in the tone of command. This command really has an infinite deterrent power. After a moment, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down. All of them closed their mouths and looked at me silently. I raised my legs and walked towards the crowd under the public's attention, and got close to those who were familiar with them Deep voice said: "Laozi is Suluo, who was bullied and abused by you!"

Maybe my aura is too strong, scared these people back unconsciously, the eyes showed incredible panic. I glanced over them, went to the old classmates who had bullied me again, and said to them in a sharp voice: "I am Suluo, the one who is beaten by you every day!"

These so-called old students, also all pale, silently bowed his head, then, I came to my class before the counselor, gnashing teeth said: "Laozi is Suluo, you have been wronged by you, you look down on the Su Luo!"The just counselor in my class blinked, speechless. I moved again and came to a group of dignified school leaders: "Laozi's name is Suluo, that you pitifully miss Suluo."

Even leading such big people, in the face of my domineering momentum, do not dare to refute. In the crowd around a circle, I returned to the front of the crowd, standing in front of the crowd, trying to shout: "listen to me, I'm solo, that person in the population of waste solo, that forced to jump out of the building to commit suicide, that was led as a dog walking Suluo, that forced to get out of school

I said this in a single breath, I almost roared out, the voice shook the people's hearts, the shock of those people in the field, all look dignified, speechless.

I looked at them with sharp eyes. Suddenly, I looked up and cried out to the vast sky: "Laozi Suluo, TMD is back again!"

At this moment, the whole sky outside the school gate was haunted and reverberated by my loud voice. At this moment, all the ferocious gas on me was spurted out. At this moment, I was like the reincarnation of the God, shining in the sunlight.

Standing at the gate of the school, all the people were shocked by my momentum and infected by my words. Now, no one dares to doubt my identity. Almost everyone understands it in an instant, solo. He is really back.

This indisputable fact deeply stimulates everyone's nerves and invades everyone's soul. Even if they don't want to believe it, now they have to believe that I am solo, a man who has become the overlord of campus in a flash.

However, for this fact, many people dare not speak up. Although I am now the leader of the campus, after all, I haven't sat in the hot seat, and my status and authority have not been consolidated. Therefore, when I know my real identity, there are still people who don't accept me. One of them suddenly says, "do we really want to recognize this Are you the boss of the trash? "

His voice was not too loud, but in the silence of the whole scene, it was particularly loud and clear, and spread into the eardrums of all people. Almost at the same time, all the people looked at him.

I know that his ideas represent a large part of his ideas. In people's minds, Suluo is always the most humble existence, and no one will obey me. This is the real reason why I dare not reveal my identity before the war. I understand that it is useless to reason with these stubborn thorns. To deal with such people, only by suppressing violence with violence can we be shocked full-court.

So, only in this moment, my long-standing anger broke out. When everyone didn't respond, I quickly rushed into the crowd and rushed to the bayonet who started shouting. I grabbed his collar, pulled him out of the crowd and threw him in front of the crowd. After that, I made no effort to directly face the crowd under the witness of the crowd He severely kicked a foot, in an instant, the person who didn't accept me was kicked to fly out and fell to the ground.

Look at his appearance, also want to get up from the ground, I do not give him a little chance, quickly came to his side, a foot on his face, pain his face twisted, can not move.

I looked down at him and said in a sharp voice, "although I am weak, I also have dignity. Why do you despise Suluo? What qualifications do you have to look down on the weak? Even if it is salted fish, there will be a day to turn over. Have you ever thought about it? I will step on you one day. I just want to ask, what's wrong with me when I'm the boss

Speaking these words, I just want to let these people who don't know the height of heaven and earth know that even the most weak and incompetent people can ride on their heads and look up to them one day. However, even if the result is so realistic, even if I prove myself with words and actions, there are still many people who refuse to obey me, especially some of my camp's franchisees One of them, a bald man with a big waist, said to me: "since you say you are solo, you are not worthy to be our boss!"

His appearance successfully ignited my anger again. I immediately let go of the weak chicken under my feet, raised my head, and looked at the rampant giant. At the moment, my eyes were shining fiercely, and my step, step by step, was walking towards him. As I walked, I said, "since I can stand at the highest point of the school, it shows that I have this ability, Every step is made by myself. Why can't I be the boss? When does this school stipulate that Suluo can't be the boss! "

Originally, a lot of people gathered around the big bald man, but I was afraid of my dignity. As I approached slowly, those people unconsciously retreated, leaving only the bald man standing in the same place. Some of his eyes were afraid and timid, and more still refused to accept. When I hit a fist like thunder, the bald man caught my fist by chance 。

Seeing this state, in a flash, I directly grasped his arm and fell over his shoulder. Immediately, the bald man was thrown to the ground by me and could not get up again.

I killed two people one after another, more powerful, but even so, there are still many diehards who refuse to accept me. With the mentality that those who follow me will prosper and those who disobey me will die. I will take those who do not obey me one by one, and I will kill them one by one. All those who disobey me can hardly bear my attack.After a series of attacks, I killed ten people who didn't accept me. Until then, the restless people and the chaotic scene gradually recovered to calm. Many people looked at me with a look of fear in their eyes. By beating these people who didn't accept me, I finally felt a sense of shame in my heart. At the moment, my heart has endless emotions and endless energy to release.

At this time, I, as if the fate of Impermanence in general, cold face swept around all the people, roared to them and said: "still TM who does not accept Laozi?"

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