In a short sentence, I showed my arrogance and my ambition. My provocation and tyranny shocked the whole audience. No one dared to respond to me again. The crowd was very quiet at the moment. And I, standing in the crowd, an invisible light shrouded in my body, let me more arrogant.

All the people on the scene still focused on me. However, their manners are very complicated. However, some girls were deeply convinced by my courage, and their eyes showed some obsession.

Those who do not accept me, most of them are boys, especially those who once looked down on me and bullied me. Although they dare not say anything more. But there may be estrangement in my heart. Most of these ordinary people can't accept my change.

The atmosphere of the scene was so embarrassed. There was a strange smell in the air. It seemed that everyone was trying to associate solo and me as one person. They tried to think about the truth in my words and themselves. They were the weak person in my mouth or the bully who was afraid of being hard.

Time seemed to have settled down at this moment. Suddenly, there was a person moving in the quiet crowd. It was Bai Qiuyan. He quietly walked up to me, extended his hand to me in a friendly way, and said with admiration: "I take it. No matter you are Suluo or Ye Zixuan, you are the school's deserved boss. This is what you deserve!"

Suddenly, my heart couldn't help shaking. I didn't expect that the first one to stand up for me and the first person moved by my words was the former boss, Bai Qiuyan. He was the one who looked down on me most. Before I made public his identity, he said that he would never submit to me in his life. He even looked down on sulo's incompetence. Now, he is the first to stand up for me.

In my dismay, not far away Luo Ziyi also quietly came to me, see her, I suddenly wake up, perhaps, I and Bai Qiuyan's resentment began with her, and finally she. Bai Qiuyan hated me because I forcibly robbed Luo Ziyi from her side. Now, I have solved the reason, told me all kinds of experiences, and also said the ideal school under my rule.

All this may make Bai Qiuyan understand my difficulty, or Luo Ziyi just told him what happened between me and her, and made it clear that I was not the kind of person he imagined, which made Bai Qiuyan feel relieved for me.

Generally speaking, no matter because of Luo Ziyi's persuasion or my speech, Bai Qiuyan stood up at the right time and extended a hand of friendship to me. I looked at him gratefully, then held out my hand and held it with him heavily.

All the people present were shocked to see me shaking hands with Bai Qiuyan. After all, most of the people who didn't agree with me were Bai Qiuyan's party. Their support for Bai Qiuyan was deeply rooted. As everyone knows, Bai Qiuyan left school because of me, so those talents didn't accept me. But at the moment, Bai Qiuyan's attitude makes these people have to be at a loss.

Xue Jinwei may have felt the doubts of the people around him. He slowly took back his hand, turned around, looked at those stubborn students, and announced loudly: "everyone listen to me, no matter who should be respected, and ye Zixuan's strength is obvious to all of us. He sets an example with his own experience, and tells us all with his own changes Don't look down on anyone, because everyone has a change and a chance to turn over.

Ye Zixuan, standing in front of you, is an excellent example. You should keep up with him. He is definitely qualified to be your boss. I also believe that under the leadership of Ye Zixuan, you will become more powerful. In the group war at noon, I lost to him, so I admit that he is the overlord of our school, which is irreplaceable

Bai Qiuyan's speech was majestic, which impacted my heart. Other people listened to Bai Qiuyan's words, but they were also consciously silent. The meaning of his words is also the purpose that I will implement. I just hope that the weak in the school can be treated equally, can have confidence to go forward bravely and become confident.

At the same time, it also warns those who bully the weak, so that they can't bully people too much. Otherwise, one day, you will be trampled on by the person you once despised. I hope that under my leadership, this school will have a new look and that everyone will be treated equally.

What I did, in the end, shocked people in the field because I changed so much that people couldn't accept it for a while. But now, Bai Qiuyan stood up and showed his attitude, so that those who didn't accept me tried to accept me in their hearts. So, at this moment, the whole scene was silent, and the next second, someone suddenly broke the silence on the field. It was a group of people who first rushed out of the crowd and stood behind me with many brothers.

Thin and short reasoning, with all his strength, he called out to the audience: "which great man is not from the bottom, so I support Xuan Ge unconditionally!"

His words even more in the hearts of countless people, also caused a scene of uproar, and then, Chen Haoran led his men, also showed their support for me. Slowly, a wave after wave of people, began to support me, support me this new boss, even once I beat Jiang Wuji, all came to support me.In an instant, everyone looked at me in line with me, and everyone followed me. This feeling was really indescribable. This time, I finally made a real self. This time, I finally got everyone's approval. This time, I finally succeeded in making people understand that no matter how weak people are, they will have a day to turn over.

I know, my long-standing wish, at this moment, I finally achieved, I finally abandoned all the disguise, as Suluo's identity, I finally recovered my lost dignity. At this time, the crowd is still surging, the environment is still full of noise, but the theme has changed from giving Bai Qiuyan a farewell to a new generation of school overlord.

Su Luo, the story of Ye Zixuan, constantly spread from people's mouth, everyone is talking about the past and legend of my boss, talking about my change. Many weak people are reborn because of my deeds, because they also want to have a day of regaining dignity. I am a living example. My story tells everyone that nothing is impossible as long as they are willing to work hard.

Because my light is so hot that Bai Qiuyan, once a legend, has been ignored. Although Bai Qiuyan has just played a leading role in leading everyone to support me, his heart is inevitably lost and heavy. Of course, his most important concern is not to leave school, but to disappear in Luo Ziyi's side.

Therefore, before leaving, he kept telling me, warning said: "whether you really put down Fang Qing now, but please cherish Ziyi well in the future, please don't do anything to hurt Ziyi. But after I leave, you must be careful of Sun Tao. I beg you, please

When he talked to me, his eyes were red. Bai Qiuyan's love for Luo Ziyi deeply touched me. No matter how much he looked down on me, at least now, I respect him, so I solemnly and seriously agreed to his request.

No matter how the light of Bai Qiuyan fades away, when he really drags the suitcase toward the black car, the audience suddenly becomes silent. Jiangshandai recognizes that a new generation changes the old one. Since the old people are going to leave, there are still many people who are sad. Many boys' eyes are red, and girls' eyes are a little hazy, even Luo Ziyi's eyes Also have tears, and I am also full of sadness, watching Bai Qiuyan leave.

When Bai Qiuyan got on the bus, the students still didn't leave. Until his car completely disappeared in everyone's sight, we really accepted the fact that Bai Qiuyan left. From now on, the whole university has become Ye Zixuan, oh, no, it's the world of Suluo!

Until then, the crowd began to gradually disperse, everyone with a different mind, back to their own place to go. Before leaving, Shen Muchen said a word of congratulations to me, then told me that he had time to reminisce about the past together in the evening, and then left.

After Bai Qiuyan left, Luo Ziyi just looked at me with a very bitter smile and then said, "Zixuan, I still have a class. Let's go first!"

After that, he walked into the school alone.

Her back looks extremely lonely, in fact, today's most sad person is Luo Ziyi. Originally, she was caught between me and Bai Qiuyan, in a dilemma. No matter who wins or loses, she is the most guilty one. What's more, she has always kept a low profile, but today she has been pushed to the forefront of the storm, and all of a sudden, it has become a topic of discussion, and I am in everyone In front of me and Fang Qing's story, did not take into account Luo Ziyi's feelings.

I can imagine how desolate her heart was when I said those words, but she was still strong, still adjusting the contradiction between me and Bai Qiuyan at the critical moment, so that Bai Qiuyan could take the initiative to support me.

After Bai Qiuyan left, she also left dejectedly, and I said very little, but I understand that the people who have been guarding her have left, which makes her more or less unable to accept. Seeing her like this, my heart also sank. Today's events happened too suddenly, some things came too fast, some things happened too suddenly. But in the end, my dream came true.

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