My grand blueprint of dominating the school was completed in a few months. Once upon a time, I planned to spend a few years, but the plan has not changed quickly. My return makes the balance of fate always lean on my side. No matter what I do, I have never lost.

But in Fang Qing's case, there is still a scar in my heart, which is also the biggest failure in my life. Although I won the world, I lost the woman I love. The appearance of koroziyi just smoothed the scar in my heart. She is not a substitute for Fang Qing, but a woman I really love.

Luo Ziyi's sadness, I understand that Bai Qiuyan, who has been guarding her for three years, has left because of me. However, I am also very glad that Bai Qiuyan has chosen me between me and Bai Qiuyan. In the end, I got both the beauty and the land. Although the process was a little rough, I was quite satisfied with the final result.

Thinking of this, I can't help but take a deep breath and try to adjust my mood. Then, I put my focus on my brothers. After the crowd dissipated, I invited my brothers and held a celebration banquet to celebrate the victory of the war. It was also to celebrate my ascendance to the top of the throne, and to consolidate my position in the hearts of brothers.

Fortunately, most of my brothers have no opinions about my identity as Suluo, and they have accepted it completely. They not only do not look down on me, but also take me as an example to strengthen their confidence, and they are bound to make a breakthrough. But these are far from enough. My purpose is to cultivate some brothers who can go through life and death with me, just like the relationship between Shen Muchen and me. No matter when, they will stand up for your brother, and then they can be regarded as real brothers.

Although the students in the school will come forward to help me in such a small fight, it is also because they know that even if they lose the group war, it doesn't matter to them. Moreover, in this kind of prestige playing time, there are many young girls watching. Even if they win, they also have the capital to brag, but this does not mean that they will follow you up the mountain of swords Hai, just like Ma Qiang at the beginning, will come forward to help me at the critical moment. However, once his life and safety are threatened, he will eventually shrink back. This kind of person can make friends, but can't make deep friendship.

If I want to mix up, I have to cultivate my own power. I have to hand over some brothers of life and death, like Chen Haoran. I am very confused in the future. I really don't know what I should do in the future. My original dream has completely dissipated. What should I do in the future?

Unconsciously, a meal for a long time, I have been a bit drunk, this day, is my most tired day, a day, experienced too many things, things also from big to big, midway Shen Muchen called me, asked me to find him after dinner. It was very late until we finished our meal and said goodbye to the brothers. I went to Shen Muchen for an appointment.

For Shen Muchen, this sincere brother, I am extremely grateful and extremely sorry. I have too many words to say to him. For so many years, only from his body can I feel the true brotherhood, and I can tell him any distress and confusion I have. Thinking of these past events, the more I want to see Shen Muchen.

Can be in the middle of my walk, my mobile phone ring suddenly rings, in the silent night show particularly loud and clear, let my heart are not from a tremor, but, drink some drunk me, only when Shen Muchen called to urge me, so, I did not see the number, directly picked up the phone, said: "wait for me, I'm almost there!"

But to my surprise, the voice from the other end of the phone was not Shen Muchen's voice, but a very heavy man's voice, saying: "I'm Bai Qiuyan"

his tone brought more emotions than ever. On hearing this, I felt that he was in a particularly bad mood. His appearance seemed to have something wrong. I almost subconsciously stopped and solemnly replied: "What do you want from me?"

Bai Qiuyan's anxious voice came again: "Ye Zixuan, please try it quickly and see if you can contact Ziyi now. Hurry up!"

After hearing this, my hand shook unconsciously. I had no time to think about it. I asked anxiously, "what's wrong with Ziyi? What's wrong with her?"

Bai Qiuyan's breathing seemed to be aggravated, and said urgently: "Ye Zixuan, don't ask so much. Go to contact Ziyi quickly. If you find or don't find it, you should call me!"

With that, he hung up without waiting for me to reply.

I held my cell phone tightly, and my head suddenly hummed. I felt that there was an inexplicable fear in my heart. From Bai Qiuyan's words, I could tell that something must have happened to Ziyi. In the afternoon, after Bai Qiuyan left, I was really busy and forgetting. I neglected Luo Ziyi, my boyfriend was also dereliction of duty 。

Thinking of this, I immediately dialed Luo Ziyi's phone number, and her phone was turned off. In an instant, my heart began to restless, there is a bad premonition strong in the heart germinated, at the moment I, already drunk has completely dissipated, immediately, I immediately ran, rushed back to the school, straight to the girls' dormitory.

I took out the 100 meter sprint speed, all the way running, until this moment, I know, my life really can not lose Luo Ziyi, with her, my life will be very happy, I did not think about her safety, because in my subconscious, always feel, no one will be willing to hurt her such a simple girl.But tonight, Bai Qiuyan suddenly found me. His tone and attitude made me feel bad. I didn't know until I called Luo Ziyi. She might have something wrong. I can't let her have something to do. I can't let the girl who gave me a second love. She has any danger. Thinking of this, my pace is faster and faster, almost a breath. I am very worried From outside the school directly to the girls' dormitory.

Run to her bedroom Oh downstairs, I don't care too much, rushed up the building quickly, also do not know whether the bedroom mother saw me, I just want to run into the bedroom.

It is hot summer days, girls are wearing cooler, all kinds of fragrant scenes are displayed in front of me, but I have no time to appreciate it, because I am in my heart now only Luo Ziyi, but these girls see a boy rushed in, are scared. Fortunately, I am a famous student in school. Most girls know me. They don't drive me away as a wolf.

Knowing that I was looking for luoziyi, a warm-hearted girl told me the specific room number of luoziyi's bedroom. I said thank you and rushed to that room. When she came to her bedroom, she just saw one of her roommates wearing a underwear and underwear. When I came in, she screamed and hurriedly hid in the quilt.

Now I have Luo Ziyi in my head. I have no idea of his abrupt behavior. But I am disappointed that I swept it for a while. I still haven't seen Luo Ziyi. So I asked the girl who hid directly: "do you know where luoziyi went?"

It seems that this girl also knows me. She looks at me a few times first, and she may not come out of fear. She still has a little trembling voice when she talks: "I, I don't know. Ziyi received a phone call in the evening, and then went out, and hasn't come back yet!"

Hearing her, my heart was more flustered, and asked again, "do you know who called her?"

She replied, "I don't know!" she replied, thinking nothing

Hearing this, I can almost be sure that Luo Ziyi really happened. My legs were a little soft in a moment. I was out of the dormitory. The wind was very cold at night. As soon as I got out of the dormitory building, I was blown a spirit. The whole person suddenly returned to his mind. I took out my mobile phone in a hurry and was about to call Bai Qiuyan. I had a lot of questions about him. I want to ask him the specific situation now.

But I haven't dialed out yet, Bai Qiuyan's phone calls come in advance. I answered it quickly. Immediately, Bai Qiuyan's nervous voice came: "Zixuan, find Ziyi?"

I replied nervously, "I, no, I asked her roommate that she went out after receiving a phone call in the evening, and hasn't come back yet!"

Bai Qiuyan suddenly did not speak, half a day did not respond, for a while, he said: "you should be able to find Ziyi's home, right?"

Asked by Bai Qiuyan, I realized that Luo Ziyi might have something to go home. Maybe it was Mom Luo. I called temporarily to let her go back. I thought so in my heart. So I replied quickly, "well, I know where her family is!"

Bai Qiuyan's nervous voice quickly came, saying, "well, you are coming to the front door of the school now. Where I am in two minutes or so, you wait for me, we will go to Ziyi's house together!"

After that, he hung up again.

I didn't hesitate to close my cell phone and ran directly to the front door of the school. As soon as I got out of the school door, I saw a red Ferrari coming from the distance. I guess it was the car of Bai Qiuyan. I secretly sighed that Bai Qiuyan was so rich that he had so much money. Only one afternoon, I changed another car.

After the car stopped in front of me, I opened the door, and then I got on the car by LISO. After getting on, I directly gave Bai Qiuyan the address of luoziyi family. Bai Qiuyan heard it, and started the car. Immediately, the red Ferrari went straight away.

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