Just left for an afternoon, at this time, Bai Qiuyan seemed to be a changed person. His brows were very tight and his eyes were full of worries. Seeing his worried appearance, I unconsciously said to him, "Qiuyan, I'm sorry!"

This sentence is from my heart. I feel that Luo Ziyi's accident this time is all my fault. Let's not say Bai Qiuyan asked me before he left. Even if he didn't, I should do my best to love Luo Ziyi. The more important problem is that Bai Qiuyan, the loyal guardian of luoziyi, left because of me, and now, he just has just left Leave, Luo Ziyi on the accident, in the feeling in reason I should bear the responsibility.

However, Bai Qiuyan's appearance didn't seem to blame me. She even apologized to me: "this matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to blame yourself!"

His brow is very tight, that kind of tension is not a little bit, and he does not blame me completely. After hearing this, I feel that this matter is not only so simple, I suddenly think that since Bai Qiuyan has left school, how can he find Luo Ziyi without any reason?

Thinking of this, I quickly asked Bai Qiuyan the reason for the matter, why to find Luo Ziyi, and how do you know what happened to Luo Ziyi? Maybe it was too nervous. I asked a lot at one go.

Hearing what I said, Bai Qiuyan's face became more and more dignified. This is the expression he never had. Even because Shen Muchen was on the verge of rebellion, he didn't show such an expression until he lost. After I asked this question, Bai Qiuyan tangled for a long time, and then told me slowly. He said that he was not sure whether Luo Ziyi was really in trouble. He just Want to make sure, because not long ago, he suddenly received a strange text message.

With that, he also took out his mobile phone and showed me the text message. The content of the message said: "Bai Qiuyan, I didn't expect that you were so persistent in the love you couldn't get. Now you have left, I see who else can protect Luo Ziyi, ha ha!"

The number of words is not very many, but it is full of the smell of threatening me. The overbearing man was angry when he saw it. Bai Qiuyan also told me that as soon as the mobile phone number finished sending messages, he wanted to contact him, the phone had been turned off. Although Bai Qiuyan knows that Luo Ziyi has my boyfriend around him, his love for Luo Ziyi has never changed. Therefore, Bai Qiuyan is in a hurry to find Luo Ziyi. Because Luo Ziyi's safety is more important to him, he absolutely does not allow Luo Ziyi to have any accidents.

But when I saw this message, I finally understood why Bai Qiuyan didn't blame me for the accident of Luo Ziyi. Originally, what this person wanted to find was him. Obviously, it was his enemy who wanted to use Luo Ziyi to cure Bai Qiuyan. However, the specific situation was not clear. No one could be sure whether it was a prank or a nihilistic threat.

After watching, I tried to suppress my nervousness and prayed that Luo Ziyi would be OK. On the way to Luo Ziyi's home, Bai Qiuyan and I didn't say a word. We just called Shen Muchen on the way to tell him that something urgent had happened to me. After that, Shen Muchen understood me and didn't say anything more. He told me to be careful.

Hang up the phone, I began to close my eyes, but my heart is restless. About half an hour later, the car finally drove into the slum. After seeing Luo Ziyi living in such a place, Bai Qiuyan's anxious look was touched, and a little heartache appeared in her eyes.

When the car drove to the downstairs of luoziyi's old residential building, Bai Qiuyan asked me to go up alone, so that he would surprise luoziyi's mother. I made up my mind and calmed my mood. I got out of the car and quickly climbed up the stairs. I knocked on the door of Luo Ziyi's house.

No accident, the person who opened the door was the kind mother Luo. Every time I saw her, my heart couldn't help shaking. She was really like my mother who had been missing for many years. Every time I saw her, I felt the feeling of maternal love. When she saw me, she always showed a beautiful and loving smile. She couldn't help saying that mother Luo directly took my hand and dragged me into the room. She also asked me how I came here alone. Ziyi?

Mother Luo's words broke the only hope in my heart. Before I knocked on the door, I expected Luo Ziyi to be at home. The person who wanted to open the door for me was her. But in the end, my hope failed. She wasn't at home. After a while, my heart was like a broken one. A deep sense of fear swept through my body. I can't imagine Ziyi It's an accident. If Bai Qiuyan's enemies do something about it, how serious will the consequences be. Once a girl of self-respect like her is insulted, she will never live. What should I do then and what should mother Luo do?

I really don't dare to think about it. But the mother Luo in front of me is so kind and caring for me. Looking at her half knitted sweater and this small but warm home, my eyes are dim, but I know deeply that, even if my heart is sad again, I can't let mother Luo see my abnormality, and I can't let my health be bad Mother Luo is worried and scared. I must as soon as possible Luo Ziyi to safe rescue, must not let Luo mother sad.

So, I tried to control my emotions and told a white lie with Luo's mother, saying that Ziyi was still in school. I was out on business and happened to pass by here, so I came to see her. For my words, mother Luo didn't doubt it, but laughed happily. She always took my hand to ask about this concern, and kept asking for help. I was embarrassed to interrupt her, so I could only accompany mother Luo anxiously. After more than ten minutes, I couldn't wait any longer, so I found a poor reason to say that I had an urgent matter and wanted to leave.Looking at the way mom Luo is reluctant to me, my heart is more painful, but I still bear, control, not let myself show a little bit of difference, smile and farewell to mom Luo. When I just went downstairs, I met the white autumn Yan waiting for anxiously. He saw me come out and asked anxiously, "what is it? Is Ziyi at home? "

When I came in and found Ziyi was not at home, my heart had already confirmed that Ziyi was sure that she had something wrong, and was really tired of Bai Qiuyan. So, as soon as I saw Bai Qiuyan, the anger was out of control. In the moment he came to me, I waved to him and scolded: "Ziyi is not in front of me Home, she must have something wrong. Bai Qiuyan, what the hell is going on with you? Luo Ziyi has nothing to do with you. Why do your enemies look for her? You say it! "

When I said this, my eyes were red and my anger was completely out of control. I was so worried about Luo Ziyi. I really didn't want her to be like Fang Qing. I really couldn't lose her. She was imprisoned in my mind YY, I really dare not think about it, I am afraid, I am really afraid, such things, I really do not want to happen the second time,

after a fight, I also want to continue to fight, but Bai Qiuyan seems to be angry, he grabbed my hand and shouted: "now is not the time to fight, hurry to find out Ziyi is the most important, as long as Ziyi is OK, I will follow you how to play! "

Bai Qiuyan's appearance is enough to prove that, in his heart, Luo Ziyi will always be the first person, and I also wake up to know that it is not the time to ask for guilt, but to find Luo Ziyi quickly is the key. But for a while, my mind has no clue, because I don't know how to save. I took a deep breath, and then I took out a cigarette and started to smoke.

Bai Qiuyan also took me up. We both sat down on the floor of luoziyi's house in this way, discussing luoziyi. I first thought of the police. But Luo Ziyi disappeared for less than 24 hours, and couldn't file a case. More importantly, the source of this family was Bai Qiuyan. Therefore, the alarm must not be used, and Luo Ziyi would also be allowed to let Luo Ziyi go to the ground More dangerous.

So, we can only think about the person who caught Ziyi. According to the principle, if the guy wants to make Bai Qiuyan, he should say a place to come out. Even if it is a sea of knives and mountains, Bai Qiuyan will definitely go to break through. But the problem is, the person who grabs luoziyi knows that it is useless to deal with Bai Qiuyan, so he directly controls his scale, Luo Ziyi.

This indirect torture of him, will let Bai Qiuyan most painful, he would rather rush to him, rather than see Luo Ziyi hurt. Because what he didn't want to see was that Lucie was injured.

But the guy took control of the life of Bai Qiuyan and grabbed Luo Ziyi, an innocent girl. And no clue. We talked and we suddenly got a little bit of a clue, because it happened so strange, because the disappearance of lozie was not an accident, but she didn't see it until she received a call.

The person who can let Luo Ziyi willingly go out to see is certainly acquaintances. Moreover, Luo Ziyi just disappeared on the day Bai Qiuyan left school. Everyone knows that Bai Qiuyan is luoziyi's flower protector, so that she can do everything. And Bai Qiuyan in school, excellent relationship, no enemies.

Thinking about it, I and Bai Qiuyan agree that this person may be the person in my school, and also the person who knows Bai Qiuyan. When I ask Bai Qiuyan what enemies she has in school. After a moment of silence, Bai Qiuyan suddenly said two words: "Sun Tao!"

And just as Bai Qiuyan said the name, his cell phone rang suddenly.

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