Bai Qiuyan's bell, in this dark and silent night, appears particularly clear. Bai Qiuyan immediately took out his mobile phone. Open a look, found that the caller ID is that threatening SMS strange number, and Bai Qiuyan did not hesitate to pick up the phone, directly opened a hands-free. Li already, there was a joking voice on the phone: "Bai Qiuyan, you really let me down. It's been so long, but you haven't found me yet!"

The voice on the other end of the phone is very shady. It sounds very disgusting and feels like a pervert. But I can still hear it. It's Sun Tao's voice. I don't know whether it's because Sun Tao feels disgusted or because he pursued Luo Ziyi. Anyway, I don't like him from the bottom of my heart. If I didn't really need his help, I would not Will make friends with him, now this time, hear his voice, I immediately feel extremely disgusting.

Of course, Bai Qiuyan immediately recognized that this was Bai Qiuyan's voice. He immediately bit his teeth and yelled at the other end of the phone: "suntao, it's really you!"

With that, Bai Qiuyan stood up and squatted beside him. At this moment, I could clearly feel Bai Qiuyan's anger. If Sun Tao was by his side now, it would be a corpse.

However, Sun Tao was obviously not afraid of Bai Qiuyan. Instead, he laughed wildly, and then slowly said, "ha ha ha, good. It seems that you have guessed my head, or I will waste my time waiting for you. I just want to tell you that if you haven't found me before dawn, Luo Ziyi is not only virtuous, but also her body No more! "

With that, he hung up the phone directly and didn't give Bai Qiuyan a chance to speak.

Then, Bai Qiuyan immediately dials back, but the other party's phone is turned off again. Under this situation, Bai Qiuyan's anger has reached the extreme. It can be imagined that Sun Tao is playing Bai Qiuyan completely. If he wants to deal with Bai Qiuyan directly, he can set a trap for him to jump. But he doesn't. now, he is playing a game, one in his heart Torture Bai Qiuyan's game.

However, I am ten thousand times more angry than Bai Qiuyan in my heart. Sun Taoming knows that Luo Ziyi and I are in love now, but he still ignores me and makes a direct appointment with Bai Qiuyan. Obviously, this Sun Tao doesn't pay attention to me, the new campus overlord. What does he think of me? And he doesn't even notice my real boyfriend. How can I do that It's not hard!

I suddenly feel that Sun Tao is a terrible person, really terrible. He is too elusive, I really don't know what he will do to Luo Ziyi, and I don't know what kind of grudges he has with Bai Qiuyan to make such a abnormal thing. Why not catch early and not catch late, but use Luo Ziyi to threaten Bai Qiuyan today?

But what surprised me even more was that Bai Qiuyan didn't know what hatred she had with Sun Tao. He didn't understand Sun Tao at all. He only knew that he was a freak. It turned out that Sun Tao came to the school as if he was just for the sake of mixing with me, and his purpose was similar to mine, that is, to be the leader of the school. But in the end, he did not succeed because his power had no spare power to compete with Bai Qiuyan.

However, in the second year after he came to school, Sun Tao pursued Luo Ziyi. Bai Qiuyan secretly learned that Sun Tao didn't seem to like Luo Ziyi. Obviously, he just wanted to play with Luo Ziyi, but in the end, he didn't catch up with Luo Ziyi. Instead, Bai Qiuyan was very serious because of this Warning, said that he was thinking about Luo Ziyi, let him pay a heavy price.

In fact, Bai Qiuyan is not a bully, but he does not like Sun Tao's practice. He thinks that there is something wrong with him. His revenge is too strong. He always thinks that he is strange. More importantly, Bai Qiuyan thinks that in many aspects, Sun Tao targets him everywhere. No matter intentionally or unintentionally, Sun Tao just wants to make him. Therefore, Bai Qiuyan would attack him at that time Give a warning.

At that time, Sun Tao's strength was far from Bai Qiuyan's, so after listening to Bai Qiuyan's warning, he immediately kept a low profile and began to read carefully. It is also because Sun Tao went to study at ease, Bai Qiuyan relaxed his vigilance and felt that he should have no problem.

But on the eve of the decisive battle with me, Bai Qiuyan knew that Sun Tao had come out of the mountain to help me, which made Bai Qiuyan immediately understand that Sun Tao must have held a grudge for the original thing. I just understood why Bai Qiuyan reminded me to pay attention to Sun Tao when he left school. He was a little afraid that this person with a problem in his heart would really make something wrong. However, he didn't expect that things would happen so quickly. After he left school, the situation came.

Bai Qiuyan couldn't believe it. He didn't even want to understand what kind of grudges Sun Tao had with him. If he had guessed before, then this time, from Sun Tao's phone call, Bai Qiuyan was almost sure that Sun Tao really had a lot of hatred with him, but now, Bai Qiuyan still didn't understand, and they were finally tied up What kind of hatred.

After listening to Bai Qiuyan's story, I became more and more afraid of Sun Tao. I finally understood why Bai Qiuyan said this afternoon that even if Luo Ziyi didn't go to Sun Tao, Sun Tao would come to help me. Originally, he and Sun Tao had a long history of entanglement, and I knew why Sun Tao would come out of the mountain for two years He didn't sell Luo Ziyi's face at all. He was just retaliating for Bai Qiuyan. He must have wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to drive Bai Qiuyan out of school with the help of my hand.But in the end, Bai Qiuyan has left the school. Why should he arrest Luo Ziyi, an innocent girl, and threaten Bai Qiuyan with her? What is he thinking in his mind and what is he going to do?

Think of these, my head seems to explode like, especially think of, Luo Ziyi or for me to find Bai Qiuyan. And Luo Ziyi is too simple. Because Sun Tao helped her, she was easily asked out by Sun Tao. Otherwise, it's easy to catch sun Yatao.

Thinking about it, I can't get rid of this matter. I also have a responsibility. It is I who let Sun Tao seize the opportunity to drive Bai Qiuyan away, so that Sun Tao has a chance to capture Luo Ziyi. The more I think about it, the more guilty I feel about Luo Ziyi, the more uncomfortable I feel. Bai Qiuyan is also similar to me at the moment. We two are running around like headless flies, but we can't find one A clue.

However, for the sake of Luo Ziyi, we will not give up. Even if Bai Qiuyan doesn't provide us with anything, we should try to rescue Luo Ziyi. From Sun Tao's words, we can see that he is waiting for Bai Qiuyan to find him. He is not afraid of Bai Qiuyan at all. His purpose is to play with Bai Qiuyan. Therefore, he must be hiding in a place we can find.

Thinking of this, we immediately drove back to the school. In the school and near the school, we searched for any place Bai Qiuyan wanted. We also mobilized our brothers to ask a lot of people about Luo Ziyi or Sun Tao's whereabouts. But in the end, we still got nothing.

Time goes on endlessly, and our hearts are more and more anxious. Bai Qiuyan also uses her own relationship to look for it, but there is no news. It seems that Sun Tao has been plotting this plan for a long time. All the plans are seamless. We can't find any clues, but we still haven't given up. It's already in the middle of the night, We are still looking for, but still can not find, I and Bai Qiuyan are about to collapse.

However, we knew in our hearts that it was useless to be anxious, and we had to calm down. Therefore, I suppressed my anxiety and tried to analyze Sun Tao. He said that he wanted to insult Luo Ziyi. If he really wanted to do such an animal thing, he could not be aboveboard.

For a while, I suddenly thought of going to hotels and other places, but on second thought, it should not be, who dares to do such things in hotels. Moreover, there are so many hotels in this city that it is impossible to find them one by one.

At this moment, my brain suddenly flashed. Yes, if it was their gratitude and resentment, the only place Bai Qiuyan could find was Sun Tao's home. This is very possible. I quickly told Bai Qiuyan about this idea. Bai Qiuyan said that he had already been inquired about. Sun Tao's information at school was basically fake, and nothing could be found. And Bai Qiuyan doesn't think Sun Tao will bring Luo Ziyi to his home, which is just the rhythm of brain damage.

But I insist on my own idea. I think the possibility of being in his family is the greatest. A strange guy like Sun Tao can do anything that has no conscience. What else would he not do! What's more, he now dare to openly challenge Bai Qiuyan. Obviously, he is not afraid of death. Maybe he has made a good plan to die. What's more, only in Sun Tao's home is where we can find it, and if it's any other place, it's absolutely impossible for us to find it.

However, the strange guy didn't know what kind of relationship he used, and even his home address was hidden. We lost the direction to look for again.

Fortunately, the mysterious identity of Bai Qiuyan did not know what relationship to use, sent a lot of people to look for large-scale, to investigate. Finally, Huang Tian pays off his heart. Bai Qiuyan's people finally find Sun Tao's home address, which is also in this city, but in the suburbs.

After we got the news, Bai Qiuyan and I immediately drove in and set out to the goal in our hearts with full expectation

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