After listening to my opinion, the two of us did not hesitate to drive to Sun Tao's hometown. This time, in addition to Bai Qiuyan and I went, we also took a van behind us. All the people in the car were the people Bai Qiuyan had found. It looked like they were black. With them, we had enough confidence, but my heart was still not solid. I always feel like something bad is going to happen.

Time passed unconsciously. It's already three o'clock in the morning. What I worry about is that even if I find Sun Tao and finally rescue Luo Ziyi, I'm afraid she will lose her virginity. A strange man like Sun Tao can do anything. He doesn't seem to be joking at all.

When I think of Luo Ziyi's innocence may be gone, my heart is even more miserable, she grew up like a lotus flower, out of the mud but not dyed, such a simple and kind girl, why do people always want to harm her. Bai Qiuyan, who takes care of her, has just left today. She is also very uncomfortable. Sun Tao also sees her performance. Why does Sun Tao hurt Luo Ziyi!

Time goes by slowly, the car is speeding, but my heart is beating wildly. My eyes are already red. I swear that if Sun Tao moves Luo Ziyi's hair, I will kill him myself. After half an hour of crazy driving, the car finally stopped.

We came to an old city in the suburbs. This place is a desolate area. The new project is only half built. Some old houses have not been demolished. They are all left here. The whole city is very messy. There are all kinds of bricks and stones, rubbles and garbage. The car can't get into it, We had to walk inside on foot to find the home of the eccentric Sun Tao.

The wind in the early morning was cool and cool. It kept blowing on us. Even if it was like this, it could not quench the anger in our hearts. After a long time of bending left and right, we finally found Sun Tao's home.

His house is like a courtyard, very old, as if built in the last century. What makes my heart tremble suddenly is that it is already 3:30 in the morning. There is still a room in his house with a light on, and the light is flickering. Seeing such a scene, it ignites the hope in our hearts. It seems that we have found Luo Ziyi, and then there is a bad idea. My heart suddenly becomes nervous and scared, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what's going on inside. I'm afraid to see the unbearable scene.

Fear blocked in my chest made my breath not smooth, but Bai Qiuyan and I were different. He couldn't take care of so much at the moment. Now, he has been confused by anger. No matter whether Sun Tao is really hiding at home, he directly carries the guy and the people and rushes into the courtyard of Sun Tao's hometown, kicking open the door of his house with all his might.

At the moment when I followed Bai Qiuyan into the courtyard of Sun Tao's house, all of a sudden, the lights were on in the flickering room. At the same time, a person came out of the room with dazzling lights. This person is the person we have been looking for, Sun Tao, for a long time.

Seeing Sun Tao, Bai Qiuyan and I were stunned. Now, I can't even believe my eyes. But the fact is that Sun Tao's clothes are not neat. On his face, there are many marks of nail scratch. Moreover, there is a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the way to here, all the emotions in my body have been pressing in my heart. I have been holding on and praying for Luo Ziyi to be safe and sound, because in my heart, there is always a little hope. I hope Sun Tao doesn't go crazy and do something irreparable to Luo Ziyi.

But at the moment, I saw Sun Tao come out of the room Dishevelled. My head is extremely fierce pain, I try my best to face Sun Tao not far away in front of me and roar: "I'm going to kill you!"

Said, my body rushed to Sun Tao, almost at the same time, Bai Qiuyan also red eyes, and I made the same action, we two people's bodies are burning a raging fire, want to pick Sun Tao's skin, draw his tendons.

However, for the two of us angry, Sun Tao in front of us did not care at all. The corners of his mouth were still bent. And evil said: "you dare to move me, I promise Luo Ziyi will die very ugly!"

In an instant, Bai Qiuyan and I stopped our steps and stopped halfway. The anger in our hearts was completely suppressed. Because Sun Tao, such a person, can do anything. Once we really kill him, Luo Ziyi may encounter an accident. We must not let Luo Ziyi's life be threatened. No matter what, we must bear with it As long as Luo Ziyi doesn't go wrong, there is still room for maneuver.

But we can't deceive ourselves. Even though we know that Luo Ziyi is still alive, her innocence is probably gone. This is more painful for her than death. At this time, Bai Qiuyan, a fearless man, also hides his anger. He clenches his teeth and tries his best not to let his anger explode.

And I, the anger in my heart ran in every place of my body, but I didn't burst out after all. I just tried my best to bear it, bit my steel teeth, clenched my fist, and yelled at Sun Tao: "suntao, why do you want to attack an innocent girl? Are you TM or not an individual?"When I said this, my teeth were going to be broken, and my eyes were red with anger. But Sun Tao, seeing that we were more and more angry and bent, became more excited. He grinned and showed his smoked black teeth. Then, he took out a cigarette and smoked it in front of us.

The smoke lingered over the courtyard, making the atmosphere of the whole space seem particularly strange. In such an environment, I felt that the whole person was about to suffocate. The anger in my heart pressed me was really too hard, too hard, but I did not dare to break out. I was worried about the safety of Luo Ziyi. I was afraid that my impulse would cause irreparable damage to Luo Ziyi. Sun Tao dared to be bright Zhengda is waiting for us at home, which shows that he must have made full preparations. He will not be stupid enough to seek his own death. Therefore, even if we are thinking about something, we can't act rashly, we can only stare at Sun Tao.

After Sun Tao slowly smoked a few cigarettes, he suddenly turned his eyes on me and said leisurely, "do you know? Ye Zixuan, before me, I really dare not do such things as kidnapping, because I have no courage, I am also a person, I am also afraid of death! But, your afternoon words, really inspired me, let me know, men absolutely can not be cowardly, even you can turn over, can a snow before shame, why should I shrink? The big deal is death, but you can't let yourself live. You taught me all these things, so you can't blame me, you can only blame yourself

For a while, my body was frozen, and my face was incredible. What does Sun Tao mean by this? I taught him? Did he not pay Bai Qiuyan before because he didn't have the courage? But he chose to do such a thing today because of my infection. Can we say that the culprit of all this is me, and I indirectly hurt Luo Ziyi?

In order to encourage all the bullies, it is impossible for them to encourage them to be bullied.

Thinking of this, my whole person suddenly trembled, and my eyes showed the color of panic. I calmed down my anxious mood and said to Sun Tao in a deep voice: "even if you take revenge, you should not attack innocent people. You can go directly to Bai Qiuyan!"

My words didn't make Sun Tao moved at all. He was still smoking arrogantly. When he finished the last puff, he suddenly threw away the cigarette end in his hand, and then touched the blood mark on his face with his hand, and then put it on his tongue and gently licked it. His action was very abnormal. He said: "innocent, you actually told me that you were innocent My father and mother are innocent, but why are they still killed? I really can't control other things now, because I know that I can't live like this again. I want to revenge, revenge Bai Qiuyan, this beast! "

His voice is full of despair, desperation, and a little desolate. It can be said that he has completely lost his rationality and has become a devil completely. Therefore, it is useless to reason with him now.

But what he said changed Bai Qiuyan's face. He suppressed his anger and said to Sun Tao in a sharp voice: "Laozi TM has always been open and aboveboard, and has not done anything harmful to nature. When did I offend you and your parents?"

Bai Qiuyan's voice is full of perplexity and anger, but his emotions are still trying to restrain, otherwise, he may have broken Sun Tao in the past, and Sun Tao after listening to Bai Qiuyan's words, his expression has changed, his face has become more bitter and ferocious, he stretched out his tongue, gently licked the dry lips, and then slowly opened his mouth :

"hahaha, you are not wrong, because these are all in your father's body. Don't you know that it is because of your father that my family was ruined and lacked the care of parents since childhood. I know that I can't revenge your father, I can revenge you!"

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