As soon as I think of Luo Ziyi leaving me, my heart is really messy. Such a blow to me is like a bolt from the blue. I'm afraid. I'm really scared. A good girl left me in an afternoon. My mind is full of pictures with Luo Ziyi.

The first time, I met her at the stairway. The first time she held her hand, she did not blame me, but understood me and was willing to talk with me. When she was in the hospital, she took good care of her mother and appreciated my help, but she was not good at using words. She just remembered and appreciated in her heart.

Luo Ziyi and I also went through a lot of hardships to get together, but the good times were not long. In a few days, such a thing happened to her again. Why, why did God do this to her? Why do you treat such a kind but innocent girl?

Think of here, my heart is fried, tears flow more and more turbulent, full of my whole face, my mind, can not help but also appeared mother Luo that kind and familiar face, I dare not think, if Luo Ziyi is really dead, what should mother Luo do? Will she live on her own? In this world, Luo Ziyi is her only sustenance and her only pillar. Can she really lose Luo Ziyi?

The more I think about it, the more painful my heart is, but the picture is still more than that. In the picture, Bai Qiuyan's tall image gradually becomes clear. He is a good God who is about to graduate, a shining figure, a low-key but affectionate man. For Luo Ziyi, he does not hesitate to bless us. For luoziyi, he is willing to leave school. Now he kills for luoziyi When he finally left, he thought of Luo Ziyi, his love, he Qiwei, how could I compare.

At this moment, my mood can't help but collapse. I suddenly raised my face, covered my face with both hands, and howled. The howl rang through the whole sky. The sky finally broke.

At daybreak, the courtyard of Bai Qiuyan's family changed from quiet to lively. At his request, Bai Qiuyan's people searched the place like a carpet, and the police were entrusted by Bai Qiuyan to look for Luo Ziyi's whereabouts. Perhaps due to the influence of the Bai family, the police launched a large-scale search.

After stabilizing my mood, I made a record with the police, and I also searched for Luo Ziyi. Although the hope in my heart was dim, I still tried my best to find Luo Ziyi with this hope.

Finally, God opened his eyes. In the smell of the police dog, the police suddenly found something unusual. According to the situation of the police dog, the police found a cellar under a big pot in suntao's kitchen. It was the same as the hiding place in guerrilla warfare. It was very secret, and ordinary people could not find it.

At this moment, the tiny hope in my heart instantly lit up, and I felt it. Luo Ziyi must have been hidden in this cellar. So, when a policeman was ready to go down to explore the truth, I stopped him in a hurry and said in a righteous way: "police comrade, please let me go down!"

My eyes were firm, but I also had a deep prayer, because I was afraid that Luo Ziyi looked terrible in the cellar. According to Sun Tao's previous performance, he must have done something to Luo Ziyi. If Luo Ziyi was raped and killed as he said, then Luo Ziyi's situation below would be very disgraceful, She was very sad when she was alive. I can't let her die. She can't be seen in her unbearable side.

The police didn't agree to my request. After all, this kind of thing is what they should do. Moreover, they are worried that there is danger below. If I go down alone, they will still be responsible for any problems. But I had to insist, and solemnly assured them that s Sun Tao had absolutely no accomplices. I also told them about the relationship between the girl below and me, that she might have been tarnished, let them see the bad, and said a lot of praying words. Finally, the police allowed me to go down.

As soon as I got permission, I immediately took a strong flashlight, with excited and uneasy mood, and slowly climbed down. At the moment when I went down to the cellar, a strong smell of damp and mildew came to my nose. My nose was sour and my tears almost flowed out, and my heart had already been mentioned to my throat.

Nervous, especially nervous, I am so afraid of Luo Ziyi. But also so expect that she can live, safe and sound alive, a contradictory mood in the heart, entangled in the heart, let me gasp. I hold my breath and concentrate. Step by step, I walk down slowly.

The farther I went, the darker it was, the more rotten the smell was. Even if I wanted to breathe, I couldn't escape the pungent smell, which was damp, dark and hard to breathe. Even if stay for a quarter of an hour is suffering, I can't imagine, if Luo Ziyi is really here, can she still be ok?

Thinking of this, my heart ached again. My eyes are hazy, and my walking steps are trembling, but I still support myself and walk cautiously. I hold the flashlight tightly and illuminate everywhere. Finally, in the deepest part of the cellar, the light of the flashlight reaches a person.

After a while, my hands trembled. I saw vaguely that Luo Ziyi was lying on the mud in front of her, motionless. Her image was extremely embarrassed, her hair was messy, her clothes were not neat, and her face was stained with some black soil.At this moment, my tears couldn't stop flowing down. My throat seemed to be stuck by something. I wanted to vomit, but I couldn't spit it out. I knew that I couldn't imagine what I didn't want to accept. After all, it happened. Unexpectedly, the reality is still such forbearance,

I tried my best to move my stiff legs and move them To Luo Ziyi's side, only a moment, my knee, heavily hit the ground, kneeling in front of Luo Ziyi.

I shook my hands and grasped Luo Ziyi's body, shaking and shouting her name wildly. Tears fell on Luo Ziyi's face drop by drop, but no matter how I called or shook, Luo Ziyi did not respond.

A kind of unprecedented sadness and fear severely eroded my heart. With the last vague hope, I slowly put my hand under Mu Shihan's nose. Suddenly, my hand suddenly shook again. Suddenly, a strong light came out of my eyes, and my hope was rekindled again, because Luo Ziyi still has breath, but the breath is very weak.

So, my whole person all of a sudden spirit up, a hold of Luo Ziyi, stagger to the cellar mouth run, while running I yell: "I found, found, quickly call an ambulance!"

Two hours later, the city's first hospital.

Luo Ziyi is lying on the hospital bed with a hanging bottle. The storm has finally passed and ushered in the tranquility at the moment. It turns out that Luo Ziyi is not traumatized. She is only mentally stimulated and has been in a bad environment for too long, which leads to her coma. The doctor gives her emergency assistance, saying that it is OK and will soon wake up.

After the doctor left, I quietly stood by Luo Ziyi's bedside, never leaving. I didn't dare to tell Luo's mother that I didn't want her to get angry. All the things should wait for Luo Ziyi to wake up.

Even though she was worried about her innocence, she would not be so worried about her life, even if she didn't want to be so innocent, she would still be worried. Moreover, Bai Qiuyan killed people because of him. I don't know how to tell her about these things.

At the moment, it seems that only my heavy breathing sound is still in the ward. I keep a straight face and stare at Luo Ziyi. My heart is extremely troubled. I stay so quietly for about half an hour. Finally, Luo Ziyi wakes up, and she opens her eyes to see me. But for a moment, she is not excited. Instead, she is a little emotional.

I called the doctor in a hurry. The doctor gave Luo Ziyi a simple examination, and tried to communicate with Luo Ziyi to enlighten her. Gradually, Luo Ziyi's mood became a little calmer, but her face was still very bad, her eyes were empty, and she felt very exciting.

However, at this time, the police seemed to come to join in the fun, and insisted on recording Luo Ziyi. At first, Luo Ziyi cooperated very well. But when the police asked if Sun Tao had violated her, she said no. obviously, the police didn't believe her answer.

It can also be said that Luo Ziyi felt that other people didn't believe her, which made her suddenly collapse. She explained flustered, saying that Sun Tao really did not do anything to her, and kept explaining. I saw that she was more and more excited. I was afraid that if she asked this question again, her spirit would really collapse. Therefore, I immediately asked the police to go out first and wait for her mood to be completely stable To investigate.

After listening to me, the police also understood the situation of roziyi, and soon left. After the police left, there were only two people in the ward, I and Luo Ziyi. They were quiet and silent. But Luo Ziyi's tears kept flowing, which made people feel unbearable.

Luo Ziyi has always been a strong girl, but at this moment, she can not be strong. In the final analysis, she is a girl, a girl living in the bottom society. This blow is too big for her, she can no longer pretend to be strong.

The more she was like this, the more my heart hurt. I stretched out my hand to wipe her tears and said comfortingly, "OK, Ziyi, be obedient. Don't cry. It's OK. Everything is over. Be happy!"

But what I didn't expect was that Luo Ziyi listened to my words and cried more fiercely. She looked at me in disbelief and sobbed: "Zixuan, don't you believe me?"

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