Hearing Luo Ziyi's words, I quickly replied, "Ziyi, I believe, I believe you!"

Say a word from my heart, now I don't know whether to believe or not, just know that my heart is really painful, very uncomfortable.

Luo Ziyi saw me like this, she was more and more sad, she vigorously shook off my hand, excitedly said: "you certainly do not believe that I am innocent, but Sun Tao really did not defile me, I told the truth!"

When she said this, Luo Ziyi's eyes were very clear. There was no impurity in her. I stared at her for a long time. After a long time, my whole person seemed to be connected. A kind of unspeakable joy rushed into my heart, and I believed her. I also know her heart, I know, Luo Ziyi most afraid is that others do not believe her, she so care about her innocence.

But the fact is, she was tied up by an irrational pervert for a night, and Sun Tao has scratches on her face, and Luo Ziyi's appearance in the cellar is also so unbearable, which makes people feel that she has been defiled. Therefore, the police naturally think that Luo Ziyi has been violated and her eyes are different.

And I, before that, had always felt that Luo Ziyi's innocence was no longer there, so my heart would be so painful, but at this moment, I suddenly understood that I should believe her, because I understood Luo Ziyi's character. If she was really sullied, she could not have been arguing about this all the time. She would have gone to seek suicide in silence.

Now let her feel the pain, is afraid of her innocence disappeared, but in other people's eyes, she may not be innocent. What she cares about most is her innocence. The reason why she is famous in school is that she has the purity which is not stained by mud. If this matter is really spread out, she can really jump into the Yellow River and can't be washed. Therefore, the more she cares, the more excited she is.

I understood her idea, and I didn't want to tangle with those unimportant things in my heart. I took Luo Ziyi's hand with joy and solemnly said, "Ziyi, because I love you, so I believe you!"

Seeing the firmness in my eyes and hearing the seriousness in my words, Luo Ziyi finally calmed down. Maybe for her, my trust is the most important thing. She wiped away her tears and told me in detail about what happened last night.

It turned out that Luo Ziyi was really cheated out by Sun Tao. In Luo Ziyi's heart, Sun Tao was actually a good person and helped me, so she didn't have any wariness about this person. But Luo Ziyi didn't expect that Sun Tao took the opportunity to kidnap her. After Sun Tao caught her at home, he also made an exception. He wanted Luo Ziyi. Hurt the heart, so he thought of defiling the goddess of Bai Qiuyan.

Luo Ziyi of course does not allow her innocence to be destroyed by this animal. Therefore, she fought desperately, leaving a lot of scratches on Sun Tao's face. At first, Sun Tao didn't care about crying and struggling. The more she resisted, the more excited he was.

But in the end, Luo Ziyi killed himself by biting his tongue, and Sun Tao finally eased down. He didn't care about Luo Ziyi's life and death. Instead, he was afraid that Luo Ziyi would really die. There would be no hostages in his hand. At that time, he could not threaten Xue Jinwei, so he calmed down a little. Luo Ziyi told Sun Tao that after she died, she asked Sun Tao to tell me to help take care of her mother. Her mother was not in good health, and she would not live alone.

Hearing this, Sun Tao still has some human nature, which completely gave up his idea of animals, and then locked Luo Ziyi in the cellar. Mu Shihan was already in a state of panic and despair. In addition, the environment in the cellar was too bad. After staying in the cellar for a long time, she fainted and woke up in the hospital.

Until now, Luo Ziyi doesn't know how Sun Tao suddenly became like that, why kidnap her, invade her, and trap her.

And I, after listening to Luo Ziyi's narration, my body and mind relaxed at once. How lucky it was for Luo Ziyi. Really, it was just a little bit short. Luo Ziyi's life was about to be destroyed. But after all, Sun Tao was still human. Not only did he not invade her, but also did not threaten Bai Qiuyan with her.

Perhaps, in his heart, there is a little conscience, and he has also experienced the feeling of losing relatives. Therefore, when Luo Ziyi talks about her mother, Sun Tao will be touched and let go of Luo Ziyi. He may have figured it out. He can't implicate innocent people. He only aims at Bai Qiuyan. Therefore, he doesn't use luoziyi as a hostage, and has his own heart The opportunity to threaten Bai Qiuyan.

Indeed, until the end of the day, even if Sun Tao was abnormal again, the only person he dealt with was Bai Qiuyan. In addition to letting Bai Qiuyan injure himself, he did not intend to hurt others. He had no way to retreat. He could only put on a posture of fearing death to threaten us. Perhaps, he was ready to die. Therefore, he deliberately provoked Bai Qiuyan in order to let Bai Qiuyan marry Hand killed him, so, he also calculated his wish, can let the honest and frank Bai Qiuyan, carry a murder charge all his life.

Thinking of this, my heart can not stop sad, in this political whirlpool, the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation, but let the next generation to come to a complete end, from the death of Sun Tao, draw a full stop. Bai Qiuyan was arrested, and Luo Ziyi escaped from the grotto, but her spirit was bound to collapse. Most importantly, her reputation would be affected.I was so holding Luo Ziyi, after a lot, she couldn't help asking about Sun Tao and why he treated her so much. I also did not hide, will Sun Tao and Bai Qiuyan between all the gratitude and resentment are told out, carefully about Bai Qiuyan killed Sun Tao, he went to surrender.

Hearing this, Luo Ziyi's face is not very good-looking, tears in the corner of her eyes keep flowing, for this kind girl, this ending is obviously too cruel for her, even if Sun Tao is bad, but after all, it is a life, and Bai Qiuyan killed people for him, Luo Ziyi is inevitably a little sad.

But let her more sad is Bai Qiuyan, although the white family and the sun family's grudges have nothing to do with her, but Bai Qiuyan still killed people for her, how can her heart bear it. She felt that she was ashamed of Bai Qiuyan. The most sorry person in her life was Bai Qiuyan. She failed to live up to his feelings and implicated him in his whole life, making his originally good future a dark one. She has been crying, has been crying, until crying to sleep, tears are still silent flow, and I, is silent in her side, a day and a night, eyes have not blinked.

The next day, Mu Shihan's physical condition basically recovered well. In addition to her poor spirit, she was not seriously affected. I planned to let her rest in the hospital for more days. She said that she had nothing to do and urged me to take her away. However, I couldn't resist her, so I went through the discharge procedures for her.

After leaving the hospital, we went to the police station together and made a record. Luo Ziyi told the police all the details, word for word, and emphatically explained all the things Sun Tao did after kidnapping him. She didn't know what she could do for Bai Qiuyan. She could only tell the whole thing in favor of Bai Qiuyan, hoping that he could be lenient by the police.

After recording, Luo Ziyi and I wanted to see Bai Qiuyan who was detained, but the result was that Bai Qiuyan had been taken away. Before leaving, we told the police that if we came to visit him, we should say that he didn't want to see us, and don't tell us where he went. Maybe in his heart, there was more guilt, and guilt implicated Luo Zi Therefore, even if he knew that Luo Ziyi was still alive, he would not have the face to see him again. Or, he didn't want to let Luo Ziyi see his bad side. His mood and his thoughts were beyond our comprehension.

I also know that the reason why Bai Qiuyan is not here is that he was taken away by his family. Maybe he has already returned to the capital. Maybe, we can come back to him again soon.

Out of the police station, I will take Luo Ziyi back home. At the moment, Luo Ziyi's face is very pale, her eyes are a little red and swollen, her eyes are still very dark, she looked at me, powerless said: "Zixuan, I've finished my graduation thesis, and now there's nothing to do in school. After that, I'll stay at home, don't go to school, if you look for me, you can come home directly! ”

hearing this, my heart suddenly thumped, and I couldn't help but feel a pain. In fact, yesterday saw Luo Ziyi tears, I know, for Luo Ziyi, some pain, once experienced, can not wipe out, her sad, her sad, let me heartache, but I don't know how to comfort her, can only quietly accompany her.

Until today, I see that she can speak well, walk well, and eat something. I thought she opened her eyes and put down a lot of things. But when she said this, I immediately understood that she had been supporting herself to make herself strong, but in fact, her heart had already collapsed. All her confidence had been destroyed. Now, she even went to school I dare not go. This is also a kind of transformation.

School gossip to her, is a kind of invisible devastation, pure she also fell down, strong can not, now she just like me, began to escape, chose to escape, locked himself in a room, with only their own small world. Luo Ziyi's self indulgence thought, because I have experienced, so I know how painful this feeling is.

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