I couldn't bear to see her so self indulgent. I looked at her deeply and said softly, "Ziyi, the matter has passed. Let it pass. You can't stay at home. It will suffocate you, or go to school!"

Did not expect, Luo Ziyi listened to my words, look more and more sad, her red eyes are hazy, eyes are full of grievances, she hoarse voice, difficult mouth said: "Zixuan, you tell me honestly, after this experience, you will love me as before?"

Her voice, full of despair, despair to my heart are broken, the original, this matter, to Luo Ziyi shadow is not a little bit, but all of her ah. From childhood to adulthood, her life has been difficult, but she has retained her own dignity and integrity. No matter how many people chase her and how to chase her, she will not accept it as long as she is not moved. She has always kept her own integrity. She has always been doing her best. Even though she has experienced many times, her heart has always been her own self-confidence.

Now, she was kidnapped by Sun Tao, and Bai Qiuyan also killed for her. This happened, and it has been irretrievable for a long time. So, she has retained her purity for so many years, and will be affected in any case. Even if others believe that she is not defiled, there will always be a knot in her heart. She will feel that the present luoziyi is different from the original luoziyi, and this kind of shadow is different from the original luoziyi It's worse than killing her!

She did not dare to go to school to face other people's different eyes, but compared with those, she cared more, still was my view, whether I like her or not, can't change the fact that she likes me, because she likes me, so she cares about her image in my heart, even if she knows that my love for her in my heart can't be changed, she also hopes that it will always be one in my heart The dust does not dye that person, but now, because of this matter, she has become no confidence, even if I say that I believe her many times, it is just to believe that she is not defiled, but in my heart, she is still the former Luo Ziyi who is not stained with mud?

Her question, for me, is also very tangled, I don't know how to answer, believe it or not, it's just my choice, others can't hinder, although I believe her, I believe her without reservation, she also feels that I am perfunctory, so I really have no answer for a time, I only know that I love her, I really love her, I can't bear to see her So sad, can't bear to see her despair from now on, she hide at home, will only let themselves more sad, I have promised Bai Qiuyan, to take good care of her, I can not watch her depression.

Even if I put aside Bai Qiuyan who has left, I want to love her and take care of her from the bottom of my heart. After all, she is my girlfriend. I want her to recover as before and see her confident smile again. So, I firmly look at Luo Ziyi, hold her hand, and solemnly say: "Ziyi, don't think too much, believe me, no one will doubt you At least, my love for you has never changed. Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, I believe you unconditionally. In my heart, you will always be the pure and innocent Luo Ziyi I met for the first time

I thought that my words can make Luo Ziyi completely at ease, but the fact is, after listening to my words, her face became more and more dignified, tears whirled in her eyes, but insisted on not falling down. She squeezed out a far fetched smile and said to me in a soft voice: "Zixuan, I know, thank you, I'm leaving first!"

With that, she immediately turned and walked towards her old residential building. Her back, so lonely, so desolate, so desperate, in this moment, I suddenly felt that she did not believe my words, she heard my words perfunctory. But even if I now said more, to the present she thinks, is a perfunctory.

The so-called truth and lies, from the moment I say it, she seems to have completely lost everything, the man who loves her, the man she loves, she has kept so many years of purity, her self-confidence, instantly disappeared, she with endless desolation, want to hide from the reality of the world, hide in that belongs to their own small room, silent sadness In silence.

At this moment, I suddenly understood that I believe her from the bottom of my heart, I believe her sincerely, and I believe her without reservation. I want to take care of the injured girl in front of me. I want to heal her hurt heart so much. I want to love her, give her confidence and give her happiness. This kind of love is true and real. My body seems to be uncontrollable Like, guided by love, the steps move.

I took her hand and turned her body. Then I reached her back and held her neck. I lowered my head like her lips. My actions were all in one breath. Luo Ziyi didn't respond at all. What's the matter with my lips? I just kiss her lips Her red lips.

This sudden kiss, however, is completely drawn by the most real emotion in my heart. I want to vent this violent burst of love. I want to use this kiss to fill the shadow in Luo Ziyi's heart. I know that no matter how I say it or how I explain it, Luo Ziyi feels that her pure image in my mind no longer exists. Since language can't show my sincerity, I can only use this affectionate kiss to express what I want to say and express my purest love.But Luo Ziyi's body was still a little stiff, but when her dry lips suddenly touched my lips, she immediately bought her whole body. She didn't struggle at all. Of course, she didn't take the initiative. She just couldn't help closing her eyes and enjoying the sudden kiss.

I can clearly feel that her breathing becomes fast, her heart is speeding up, and I myself, like electric shock, at the moment of kissing Luo Zi, I can't help but be deeply intoxicated. Her lips are very sweet, her breath is very mellow, which makes me fascinated. I am immersed in this kiss and can't extricate myself.

We forget all, deep kissing, time seems to be still at this moment, but our heart, is quietly changing, perhaps, this kiss happened, it represents the emotion between me and Luo Ziyi, breaking through all the barriers, and completely integrated together.

After a long time, until we were all a little breathless, we could not be considered as separated. By my kiss, Luo Ziyi's whole person was changed. Her lips were moist and shiny, her pale cheeks were ruddy. Even her eyes glowed with brilliance, just like a withering flower. Because of the moisture of rain, luoziyi suddenly bloomed, which was very fresh Gorgeous, beautiful and moving.

Seeing Luo Ziyi like this, I am more firm in my heart. I believe that she, now Luo Ziyi, really needs the care and care of a man. She has lost everything. Only with love can I revive her life and regain her self-confidence.

After a kiss, I couldn't help but say to Luo Ziyi: "Ziyi, you must believe me. I didn't cheat you. I really believe you. In my eyes, you are always the first Luo Ziyi. I love you more than anyone else!"

This is the most direct expression in my heart, my thousands of words, brewed for a long time, eventually gathered into this sentence, the content is short, but it is my most sincere expression, hear my confession, her eyes blurred, tears in the eyes are spinning, she is strong control of herself, did not let tears flow out, she couldn't believe looking at me, soft voice He said, "Zixuan, are you true? Do you still love me as you did? "

Meiluo couldn't believe her voice for the first time since she woke up.

I looked at her, the eyes changed extremely firm, solemnly said: "really!"

Just two words, I said sonorous and powerful, representing my endless determination, my voice, clear into Luo Ziyi's ears, let Luo Ziyi's body can't help shaking, at the moment, her heart seems to be completely melted, the next second, Luo Ziyi put aside all the thoughts in her heart, she no longer held strong, suddenly rushed to me In his arms, he hugged me and began to cry. At this time, Luo Ziyi, like a little girl who has been wronged, finally found a warm embrace, and finally can vent her grievance and pain. Her cry is full of endless pain and grievance. She is the first time. She cried so wantonly and unreservedly. I didn't coax her. It's just like this. Let her cry freely in my arms, i understand.

I know that she has built the city wall of her heart for so many years. At this moment, it completely collapses. She is always a girl. She is not so hard, not so strong. She also needs to vent. She needs to be comforted, cared for and loved.

Now she and I can not be compared, at least, now her side, I can rely on such a person, I at that time, even a person to help me, fate is the same, see their favorite people hurt, I can't accompany cry, but I can make her laugh.

I understand her mood, and I don't need to say anything. I just keep patting her on the back, which is the biggest consolation for her. At this time, all I can do is stand up straight, give her a shoulder to rely on and become her most powerful pillar.

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