When Luo Ziyi cried enough and let out her vent, she got rid of my arms, dried her tears, and showed her strong side again. Then, she looked at me and said weakly, "sorry, I lost my temper. OK, I feel ok now!"

I replied softly: "nothing is good, nothing is good!"

After listening to my words, Luo Ziyi said again: "OK, Zixuan, I'm also a little tired, just like this, I won't leave you, go up first, you also go back!"

Finish saying, she then turn to continue to walk toward the corridor, this moment, her voice, soft, her face, ruddy, her back, also magnanimous. I know, her heart knot, is really untied, she really understand me, also enjoy my love.

But when she was going to leave, I suddenly didn't want her to leave me. I really didn't want to. So I called directly at her back: "Ziyi, your clothes are so dirty and your eyes are crying red. You can't be surprised if you go back. Let's go out and buy clothes by the way, so as not to let mother Luo see something unusual!"

In fact, I was looking for an excuse to get along with Luo Ziyi for a while, and it was also a perfect excuse. She also took this opportunity to let Luo Ziyi go out to relax and forget her worries. After listening to me, Luo Ziyi was stunned. She turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes flashed with tenderness. After a long pause, she slowly began to say, "that's OK."

She said far fetched, but I feel that she is not willing to leave me, also want to stay with me for a while, so we went out of the community, took a taxi, and went directly to the city. When I came to the biggest shopping mall in the city, I helped Luo Ziyi pick out a dress. This suit of clothes was very in line with Mu Shihan's temperament. Coupled with her angel's appearance, she was really called a role beauty. Even the waiters were surprised and praised her beauty.

When I saw her like this, I was stunned, so I asked her not to take off. Then she threw away her old clothes and asked her to go shopping with me in new clothes. After a while, Luo Ziyi wanted to go home, but I always said that her eyes were still a little red and swollen, so I would go back after walking more.

In fact, I lied to her, Luo Ziyi should also know, she just smile, did not refute me, we continue together, pressure on the road, walking in the crowd, from time to time someone cast envious eyes, make my heart happy, can not help, I put out my hand, holding Luo Ziyi's hand.

Luo Ziyi's body seemed to be electrocuted, and her body trembled. However, she didn't break away from me. She just gave me an embarrassed look. I could feel that Luo Zi was very nervous. After all, she was holding hands with me in public, but she also enjoyed the leisure time with me.

After shopping for an afternoon and having dinner, I sent Luo Ziyi back home. Before leaving, she was still reluctant to part with her. Because of the time, I did not go up again. Before leaving, she asked me to come to see her when she had time. Of course, I accepted Ziyi's request unconditionally. Even if she didn't say so, I would do the same.

In fact, how can I be confused by sun Bai's family who has been kidnapped in Zibai's home?

What's more, Sun Tao is unreasonable. He has no reason to kidnap Luo Ziyi. But why should he do so? Even if he knows that offending Bai Qiuyan is a dead end, it's good to be a romantic ghost. At least, if you don't get Luo Ziyi's heart, you can enjoy her body. But he doesn't do it. He's a person who loses his reason I can't be moved by words.

Walking in the street, a red beetle suddenly stopped in front of me. At first I thought I wanted to ask for directions, but at this time, the driver of the car got up and down a woman in a red dress. Through the dim light, I vaguely saw this person's appearance, enchanting figure, a standard melon seed face, and a pair of standard beauties. However, it gave me the feeling that the incoming person was not good. It must not have asked the way. I have no impression of the woman in front of me, but I am very confused. I don't know what she wants to do with me.

She came to me and said, "Ye Zixuan, isn't it? It's very handsome. I like it!"

Very strange, really strange, a strange woman, get out of the car said a lot of strange words, I do not know her, do not know what she wants to do with me, in the face of such people, it is inevitable to be on guard.

So I said in a questioning tone, "come on, how do you know my name? Who are you? What do you want to do with me? And what is your purpose? "

Looking at the mysterious woman in front of me, I asked three questions in one breath. In fact, when Luo Ziyi and I set out to go downtown, I saw the car, but I didn't pay much attention at that time. When I sent Luo Ziyi back, I still saw the shadow of the car behind us. Otherwise, I would not send Luo Ziyi home in a hurry I went upstairs to say hello.

The mysterious woman in front of her was a little shy and said, "Oh, don't be so serious. What can I do for you? Of course, it's to see you are handsome. I want to be a friend with you. Sister, I'm very powerfulIn the face of the red fruit's teasing, I would naturally go up and make fun of it. But at this time, I was not in the mood to pay attention to it. I not only followed me, but also knew my name and said that I was handsome. Of course, I can understand. After all, is this a fact? But the more such a woman, the more can not offend.

I said seriously again: "if there is anything to say, don't waste my time."

Said, I then take care of left, since I do not know her, also do not know what she will do to me, big soldiers will block, water and earth cover, see I want to go, at this time, the mysterious woman again teased said: "you can't and Luo Ziyi together!"

Hearing the name of Luo Ziyi, my steps stopped in an instant. What other people can do to me, but I can't hurt Luo Ziyi any more. I can't let her suffer from extraordinary torture any more. I immediately turned around and said to some woman indignantly, "what do you say, why can't I be with her? I'm with Luo Ziyi, what's the matter with you Is it a little wide? "

The mysterious woman said casually: "I just want to remind you, otherwise Luo Ziyi may encounter some unnecessary trouble!"

Threat, the most disgusting thing in my life, is that others threaten me with my weakness. When I heard her saying this, I was in a hurry. I ran to her and yelled, "what do you say? Tell me again. I warn you not to threaten me with Ziyi, or I will kill you!"

I thought that hearing my threatening words, the mysterious woman would leave, but my words were like a joke. The mysterious woman would laugh after that. Said: "kill me, ha ha, it depends on whether you have this strength!"

Provoking me, listening to me, I put out an action to fight. I am a man of principle, that is not to beat women, but the premise is that I will not let go of the woman I love, no matter who it is. Looking at me like this, the mysterious woman put aside the joke and immediately got serious and said: "Ye Zixuan, formerly known as Suluo, male, 20 years old, once went abroad two years ago Cosmetic surgery was a typical waste before. In two years, I changed from a waste to a character, and I made a lot of efforts... "

The mysterious woman told me my experience in the past few years. She said it in an orderly way, and I was stunned at the moment. I don't know why she knew me so well, and even knew me once. In short, her appearance was 100% with some purpose or threat.

After saying a lot about my past and present affairs, I was fascinated by what I heard. Then, the mysterious woman said again, "don't be nervous. I didn't come to you for a fight, but I was ordered to tell you not to go too close to Luo Ziyi and even all the women. Otherwise, they would not have a good end, just like Fang Qing That way

But when I heard the name of Fang Qing, my head exploded. Fang Qing's death was planned by them to make me suffer and live in inferiority complex. Can't I fall in love with any woman in my life? Am I going to die alone?

My anger exploded at once, and yelled at the woman in front of me: "Fang Qing's death has something to do with you. What do you want to do? I have no injustice or hatred with you. Why do you want to harm me?"

What woman shrugged, but said: "first, I'm just a messenger. Second, don't ask me for everything. Third, please remember what I said. For the sake of Luo Ziyi, stay away from her, or there will be no regret medicine in the world

My eyes filled with anger, ready to burst out at any time, I calmed down in an instant, from anger to prayer, I pleaded to the mysterious woman: "who in the end want to do this to me, what have I done wrong, I beg you, tell me, OK?"

For my prayer, the mysterious woman was obviously not moved. She looked at me with a trace of disdain in her eyes. Then, she said, "I'm just a messenger. Who is going to deal with you? I don't know. Now my task has been completed, and I should go."

Without waiting for me to reply, the mysterious woman went back to the car, started the engine, and opened the window before leaving. She did not forget to say to me: "I have said everything that should be said. Believe it or not, it's up to you. OK, goodbye!"

After that, the mysterious woman drove away at a high speed. Looking at the direction of the car leaving, I was deeply lost in thought. An inexplicable danger suddenly came quietly around me

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