I don't know what my heart is thinking. Anyway, my heart is very disorderly, and the mysterious woman's words are also true and false. I can't tell. Can I really obey her orders, away from luozii and all women? The answer is, no, I will not give up lozie, I will not compromise because of the threat of others. Although I don't know what will happen next, I know, what can't be avoided.

After the car disappeared completely in my sight, I was still struggling to calm myself, pretending to be as strong as the ordinary people. However, when I stood at the intersection of the road, a gust of wind came, and when I was in a hurry, my depressed mood broke out, and the anger in my heart burst out, tears of grievance, and I kept turning in my eyes.

Suddenly, I was like crazy, ran, I shouted loudly, roared out this infinite suffocation, roared out the egg pain reality, roared out this infinite anger.

If the mysterious woman said it was true, Fang Qing's death had something to do with the person who ordered her, then I would not stop this revenge. Although Chen Haoran accidentally killed Fang Qing that day, it might have accidentally entered the plan of that person, or, the trap that was laid down for me last time was planned by that person, good trouble and tangled The more I think about my head, the more painful it is, it's like a blow up!

I don't understand. I really don't understand. Why does God like to torture me so much and why give me such an end is not what I want at all. I just want to protect the people I should protect, the people I should care for, but at the end, the people who hurt them have become me.

The faster I run, the more fierce my mood is, the more fierce my brain suddenly thinks it out. I know, I understand that not God is tormenting me, but the person behind the scenes who just left is tormenting me, or I will not know so. When I think of this, there is an invisible fear in my heart.

The secret woman behind the scenes, know all my things and secrets. Did he make all the difficulties, twists and turns and insults I encountered from the time of freshman? But if that is the case, what would it do to him? Money, reputation? But these are not related to a weak and nameless little person like me. Although it is a bit illogical to say so, her appearance makes me have to think so. Now I, I am sorry for Fangqing, Luo Ziyi and all the good people to me.

Running, I have sweat, roar enough, run tired, vent all the vent, I finally slowly slow down the speed, walk up, calm the heart of the mood, to face the future possible things.

Walking on the dark street, my head is in chaos, but the only thing I can be sure is that what I am going to face is this mysterious woman. I know that all the people or things that hinder me must be eliminated. Only in this way can I have the qualification to have love, to make myself happy, and to keep the woman who loves me from being protected from it Hurt, think of this, I suddenly took a deep breath, firm in the heart of faith, and at this time, my mobile phone ringing suddenly rang.

Take out the mobile phone and look, and find it was Shen Muchen. So I immediately adjusted my mood, and then connected the phone. On the phone, Shen Muchen told me that today is his birthday. I asked if this busy man was free to get together with him. I suddenly remembered that I had been a busy man. I put the pigeon of Shen Muchen into play. I haven't followed him until now The old friend told the old. Today, he was on his birthday. I didn't think about it. I agreed to him immediately. After hanging up, I sorted out my mood and left all the troubles behind me. Then I stopped a taxi by the roadside and drove me to my address according to Shen Muchen.

the place agreed was a relatively large high-level dining hall near the school. When I came to the box on the second floor, I saw that there were many people sitting in it, and most of them were sitting in it I know the iron brothers who used to follow shenmuchen. I probably know them. However, there are also some girls sitting around. They are all strangers. I haven't seen them before. At this moment, shenmuchen, the birthday star, is like the emperor. They hold them in their left and right. Those beautiful women enjoy the love of Shen Muchen, the big master.

Looking at Shen Muchen, the big master of flower heart, has shown the capital of the rich generation vividly. I can't help but feel sad. Shen Muchen can love as he likes, but I am sad enough to leave because of the two women.

However, today is a happy day. The atmosphere of the box is very good. I am not good because I sweep everyone's happiness. So, I pretend that nothing has happened. I let go of myself and accompany Shen Muchen to have a good talk and laugh. During the period, the girls on the table kept flirting with me, blaming Shen Muchen, saying that he had such a small and fresh brother, how to introduce their sisters to recognize them early I know, let them start early, but when Shen Muchen says my name, those beautiful women are shocked after hearing it, and they dare not flirt with me. They look at me differently. They are a little bit of fanciful in awe.

I care about their eyes, but from the heart bless Shen Muchen, with a laugh with him. This meal is very lively, especially for several crab people, especially the people who can infect the atmosphere and make the atmosphere extremely active. However, the more lively they are, the more sad I am, although the face is strong and cheerful, they still can not keep the sadness in my heart.Shen Muchen is a smart person. He can't help but say that he immediately put down the beauty in his arms and pulled me out of the box and took me to the bathroom. He chatted with me quietly. When I got to the bathroom, I took the lead to say, "I'm sorry!"

Shen Muchen's manner is somewhat numb, say: "why apologize?"

I gave a bitter smile and said with shame: "because I have concealed my identity since I came back to this city. I have not taken the initiative to find you, nor have I contacted you. Moreover, because you asked me last time, I have! I broke the appointment, because today is your birthday, I broke the atmosphere

Shen Muchen originally had a smile on his face. When he heard my words, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant. He stiffened his face and punched me in the chest. He said in a positive manner: "if you still treat me as a brother, you can't say such words in the future."

Seeing Shen Muchen like this, I suddenly got some gratification in my heart. I felt that he did not change at all. Shen Muchen was still my best brother, but I changed too much. I looked at him and said with a bitter smile: "Hmm!"

Then, Shen Muchen drew out a cigarette and said to me leisurely. He understood what I had done and concealed my identity. Shen Muchen did not blame me at all, because he knew my identity early on. It was Uncle Yang who told him that the purpose was to ask him to take care of me. In case there was something I couldn't handle, Shen Muchen could help me in time. Usually, I didn't want to reveal my identity, so I didn't need any help to avoid my identity being suspected.

Shen Muchen is too clear why I want to hide identity, so he has not been looking for me, only in the most critical moment to help me. But oneself is in these two years time, develops own influence silently, lest does some help to my return.!

Shen Muchen said these words, seemingly understatement, but I am very moved. I know that Shen Muchen is delicate in mind and bright in mind. He will not disturb my rhythm until the right time. But at the most important moment, he is careful for me and helps me thoroughly. For me, he will do his best and pay a lot.

Fortunately, I didn't disappoint Shen Muchen in the end. In the same place, I found what I had lost, and finally found everything that belonged to me. It restored my dignity that I was crushed by countless people, and completely exposed my identity. Let everyone know that Suluo has become stronger and stronger completely. This is the most gratifying thing for Shen Muchen.

Of course, Shen Muchen has heard about Luo Ziyi's kidnapping, Sun Tao's killing and Bai Qiuyan's arrest. Therefore, he asked me out today. On the one hand, he asked me to spend his birthday with him. On the other hand, he wanted to enlighten me and let me relax the snacks a little, because he knew that no matter how this happened, it also had an impact on my life.

But after all, he just knew something about the relationship between me and Luo Ziyi, but he didn't know what happened. In his opinion, it was a very normal thing. He even admired me. He could let people who could not catch up with Bai Qiuyan fall in love with me. Shen Muchen's banter made my heart more bitter. He didn't know the details, didn't know the worries of my feelings, and Thought I was only upset about Luo Ziyi's being tied up.

However, after I talked about everything in detail, especially about the mysterious woman's appearance, Shen Muchen immediately became serious. His expression showed unprecedented seriousness, and his eyes were filled with injustice and anger. He doesn't care who the mysterious woman is. He only knows that there is a woman who hinders his brother's love. He must help me get justice.

In fact, Shen Muchen is not an impulsive and impetuous person. His mind is extremely delicate, and he has an ambition to win a thousand miles under the surface. Even if he wants to help me to get justice, he can't go aimlessly to work blindly. He will definitely think long-term, wait until the next mysterious woman appears, and then he will find out who is behind the scenes.

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