From the moment of preparing for the action, I was thinking about how to let Xie Yu tell the truth after I caught her, and let her recruit her truthfully without threatening and intimidating her. For a woman, I really can't bear to start. Therefore, this problem has puzzled me for a long time, but I still can't think of a reasonable way. But if it really drives me to rush, it can't blame me.

After thinking for a long time, I still didn't think of a way to let her reveal her true image. If she really didn't say it, we could only make the worst plan and kill her. If she was important to that person, then only Xie Yu's death could force out the backstage gangster, but this is the last thing I want to do.

In a flash, Xie Yu seems to have become a turtle in my urn. My eyes can't help but shine. The feeling of catching prey is very happy. Especially when she admitted that I had all the ups and downs, she did, my anger quickly rose, I looked at Xie Yu, cold voice said: "let's talk about it!"

My tone is full of threat. My expression is also very fierce. Under the illumination of street lamp, it is more terrifying. But what surprised me was that Xie Yu didn't fear me at all. She was shocked at the moment when I suddenly appeared. Now, she saw my face clearly, but showed a relaxed attitude. She looked at me with disdain and said in a frivolous tone: "Ye Zixuan, I haven't seen you for a few days. I've got a good ability. I can't believe that there's a face in front of me!"

She said this with dignity, as if I had done something sorry for her. In an instant, I was angry and yelled at her: "why can't I look for you? I'm not even afraid to kill you. I'm afraid you can't do it! "

With that, the fierce light in my eyes was even worse. The whole person had been confused by the anger. Seeing me like this, Xie Yu still remained unchanged and said to me with a straight face: "Ye Zixuan, do you still don't understand my words? Sister, I've always been for you. I've never hurt you! "

I really don't know how she thought about saying this, harming me again and again. She even said that she never hurt me, but also said it was for my good. She said this, even the crabs on the side were angry after hearing this, and he couldn't help crying out: "what do you say to this bitch. Just tie her up

With that, the crab went to the girl in red, but at this time, Xie Yu suddenly approached me and looked straight at me. She said faintly, "Suluo, I advise you to do it yourself. If you don't think about the consequences, you will not only hurt yourself, but also your brother. You should not want your affairs to involve others, right? Besides, do you really think you can get me around my house? I just want to shout, I believe you can't take me away! "

When she said this, she was extremely domineering. Although she did not threaten me, she held me down. In fact, I did not know that Xie Yu was a difficult role to be provoked. As a young lady like her, she must know a lot of people, and there are people who support her behind her. She will do what she wants. I can't help her at all.

What's more, if I want to arrest her, I just want to pry the backstage from her mouth. If she doesn't tell me, I still can't do anything about her, because I dare not really kill her, or what to do with her. I know that as long as Xie Yu has an accident, then the people in the bath center must know that I did it. When the time comes, I will suffer. It is my own fault. I am afraid that my brothers, especially Shen Muchen and crab, have been dying for me.

When the crab was about to make a move, I stopped him in time. Then, I turned my head and stared at Xie Yu. I said in a sharp voice, "I'm looking for you. I just want to know who ordered you to harm me?"

My voice was full of resentment, but Xie Yu didn't think of it, and said with scorn: "you don't have the right to know now, but what I want to tell you is that you have a problem. Of course, it's your own reason. Don't buckle the shit pot on my mother's head!"

After saying this, Xie Yu's expression suddenly became extremely serious. She glared at me, then drew out a cigarette from her bag and smoked it by herself. While smoking, she went to the bench on the side of the road and sat down. My steps could not help but follow the past.

As soon as Xie Yu sat down, he looked up at me and continued to say, "Su Luo, you and Luo Ziyi are separated. It is really my intention to destroy it. But I also want you to see yourself clearly. Do you feel that you have come back from cosmetic surgery and feel that you have arrogant capital. You abandon Fang Qing, collude with school flowers, and kill Fang Qing for you. It wasn't long before you were with rozie again.

You say that you love Fang Qing and I'm sorry for Fang Qing. But how long did she die, you succeeded in getting in touch with Luo Ziyi. Do you think it's Fair for the other party to do so? Do you have a clear conscience. I stopped you just because I didn't want you to go on like this and hurt more innocent girls

Xie Yu's long speech, I said directly muddled, head buzzing straight ring, is it, all the love out of me, all this is my own problem? Is it all my fault? The more I think about it, the more confused my head is.

At the time of my confusion, Xie Yu's voice penetrated into my ears: "Ye Zixuan, you have time to come to me for trouble. It's better to calm down and reflect on yourself and see what kind of person you are. In my opinion, you just have no ability. Whoever you meet will have bad luck. To someone like you, you can't have true love and disaster star in this lifeAfter that, she threw away the cigarette butt, stood up and was about to leave. The crab immediately came to stop her. But Xie Yu was not alarmed at the moment. She suddenly pinched her lips with her hand and whistled loudly. For a moment, the lights in many apartments around her were turned on. At the same time, Xie Yu's cold voice resounded through the silent night sky“ Don't use violence with me, or the consequences will be serious! "

Said, she then calmly toward the apartment inside, as if at this moment, Xie Yu is the main character of this storm, and we are just foil, her enchanting body, like the queen in the night sky, so domineering and powerful.

And I, my heart has stirred up a storm, Xie Yu said to me that words, word by word stimulate my heart, her words are merciless, but it is because it is too reasonable, let me feel embarrassed, and her strength, is indeed I can not compare now, she is willing to guard against me, so a whistle can blow out a helper, but, crab this spleen Qi, but no matter how much, he did not say a word, he ran after Xie Yu.

I quickly stepped forward to stop the crab's action, and the crab looked at me puzzled and said, "we have been squatting for so long, we can't get cheap. Ah, even if she ambushes people here, we can take her out of malice!"

I don't want to make a big fuss, and I don't want to implicate Shen Muchen and crab, the two brothers of life and death. But I said, "forget it!"

At the moment, I have no previous heart of revenge, Xie Yu's words still linger in my ears, which makes me extremely painful. Maybe Xie Yu said right, all the people or things have not changed, but my heart has changed. Shen Muchen, who has not spoken for a long time, saw my tangle. He came to me and patted me heavily on the shoulder. I looked at Shen Muchen blankly "And said," don't you think she makes a lot of sense? "

Shen Muchen after listening to, embarrassed smile, did not speak, and crab is? Not happy, he yelled: "there is a fart reason ah, what do you want to do, shut up that whore bird matter, she is not free to manage also too wide!"

After listening to the crab's words, I gently pursed my mouth, did not open my mouth, only looked up at the stars all over the sky, lost in thought.

I've experienced a change of face. I've changed a lot physically and mentally, but I never think I've changed. I've been doing what I think is right. Everything is going on in an orderly way, but I don't think it's wrong. Maybe, everything is just because I didn't take a good look at myself, so I didn't know what I was doing, right or wrong.

In retrospect, Xie Yu's words really make sense. I don't know love at all, so I don't deserve to have love. Xie Yu's understanding of me must be related to her behind the scenes. Maybe when I offended her behind the scenes, I don't know.

If say, in love, I really am not a qualified man, I really do not understand love? The answer is no, it's just my own idea. Can't I really have a lover? I am not reconciled, I am really not reconciled, looking back on the past, the first half of my life, is because these women changed, so that now this appearance.

The first woman to make my heart ripple is Lin Shihan. She is good in all aspects and looks beautiful, which makes me pay attention to her. In middle school for several years, I have formed a habit of hiding in the dark to pay close attention to her silently. It is also from her that my college life began to change, which offended Ma Qiang and Han Boyang.

The second woman I miss is Miaomiao. And her memories are too much, but the most profound is that she ran away from home because of me. For her, I don't know whether I feel guilty or like it. Anyway, her figure will always appear in my heart.

The third woman, also the woman who impressed me deeply, is Fang Qing. She is my first girlfriend. She and I have experienced too many things. We gave each other the first time, and she occupied all my heart. After leaving school for a long time, I was full of her. I never thought of a second woman. It's a pity that we are doomed to be together.

The fourth girl, and the last one, is Luo Ziyi. She has filled everything I have. Her personality and life experience complement each other. The time with her is always warm and happy. Because of Luo's mother's matchmaking, Luo Ziyi and I have more opportunities to be together, and also let us have feelings for each other. But if Fang Qing didn't leave, we would not have come together. Therefore, now I can't really lose Luo Ziyi in my life.

But is this flower heart? Or do I not understand love, or that I love too easily?

I can't think of it. The more I think about it, the more confused my head is, the more painful my heart is. I feel that I have become strange. Originally, for the failure of love, I can put all the responsibility on Xie Yu, so my heart will feel better. But in the end, I found that Xie Yu's destruction is only the superficial reason, and the fundamental reason is still myself, which is my own fault Take it yourself.

So, I was confused, my heart also fell into the abyss, I seem to walk into a dead end, how can not turn out, perhaps, as Xie Yu said, I am not a good man, do not deserve to have love, or perhaps, I do not understand love, so can not get the mercy of God.In a word, from this night on, my view of love is completely disordered. My pondering on love, my understanding of love, my feeling of the woman I like, my reflection on myself, and everything else have made me confused. I am completely in disorder.

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